Friday, December 2, 2011

Cheat Smurs & co

The Smurfs & Co is a Facebook game wherein you'll play as a Smurf town builder, clearing weeds, shrubs and thorns to build a town that would ultimately be populated by other Smurfs giving you special ingredients along the way to make the villainous Gargamel forget.

While building your Smurfs town, you can invite your friends over to help you secure more energy, in-game aesthetics, and power-ups. You can also send gifts to your friends that will help them complete their Smurf quest easier.

And now that you're here, check out the listed Smurfs & Co Facebook cheats and hacks for coins, berries, and unlimited energy below.

The Smurfs & Co Facebook Cheats, Hacks, Coins and Berries

Smurfs Coins and Smurfs Berries Facebook Cheat

Charles 3.51
The Smurfs & Co Facebook account
Tutorial video download link:

1. Log in your Smurfs & Co Facebook account;
2. Open Charles 3.51;
3. Locate this address at Charles;
4. Go back to your Smurfs & Co account, play the game and complete a quest;
5. After completing a quest go back to Charles and do a "repeat advance the last 2 request" namely this: [gateway.php (5) and gateway.php ( uest)];
6. At the repeat advance window put these iterations: 600-1000 and Concurrency: 4;
7. Wait for the Charles process to finish. After that, close the session and refresh page;
8. Now you have Smurfs coins and berries.

The Smurfs & Co Unlimited Energy Cheat

Cheat Engine 6.1
The Smurfs & Co Facebook account

Video Instruction:

The Smurfs & Co Free Feather Kit

Enter the following code to claim your free feather kit at The Smurfs & Co Facebook game: 8STY-27ES-D32Q-QKR0

Credits to blackpoi for The Smurfs & Co Facebook Smurf coins and berries cheats and hacks. I'm going to follow up on this once more The Smurfs & Co Facebook cheats come out.

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