Complete FoMT Harvest Moon Recipe Book by Freyashawk
Containing both the Basic and the Best Recipe for each Dish and all Special
Recipes given by Townspeople
email: castleenchanted · aol
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the game or my
guide. I try to answer all serious requests for help but I will not open any
email with an attachment. AOL sometimes considers a 'signature' or a simple
icon as an attachment. Please send your emails as plain text or I shall not
be able to respond. Thank you.
Created on 4 August 2005 to replace older versions of my FAQS on IGN
This file combines my two old Recipe FAQS files for FoMT, published by IGN.
It therefore contains the complete Cookbook that you can create by cooking in
your kitchen, and shows you the 'best' as well as 'basic' versions of each
recipe. The last section of the file gives all the 'Special Recipes' given by
the Townspeople, as well as transcripts of all Anna's cooking classes and
the 'Dueling Chefs' programme on the television. I have added to this a brief
explanation of the differences between FoMT and MFoMT where cooking is
Some of the regular recipes are to be found in the Town Library, in the
Cooking Shelf, which offers information on Kitchens in your first year, Recipe
Book I at the start of your second year, and Recipe Book II at the start of
the third year.
There is a Cooking Show on the television on Tuesdays called 'Dueling Chefs'
that offers recipes as well. Although some of them may appear rather silly,
the show usually is trying to make a point about something.
I have copied the transcripts of a couple of these episodes in the Special
Recipes section at the end.
When you have completed your Kitchen with all possible accessories that can be
purchased from the Shopping Network, you will be able to experience a scene at
Basil and Anna's house on Saturday morning. This scene will introduce Anna's
Cooking Class, which you then will be able to attend every Saturday morning
(when the weather is fine) until she has given you the recipes for every
sweet. The classes then will end.
Although there are 14 pages of ordinary recipes to be found in Mineral Town,
the recipes that are given by town residents tend to be superior to the
ordinary ones in terms not only of taste, but in the degree to which fatigue
and stamina are affected. Originally, I thought that a resident often would
give you a recipe the first time you give him/her a gift that he/she truly
loves or on the occasion of his/her birthday. Now I think that the recipe is
given after you have given the individual a certain number of gifts. I
believe that the number could be as low as two, actually! I have provided
the 'Special Recipes' given by the townspeople in conversation precisely as
they were given to me, including all spelling errors in the Special Recipes
section at the end of this file. It consists of the recipes that are given by
the townspeople as well as those that Anna gives in her Dessert Cooking Class
and an example of a recipe given on the Cooking Programme on the television.
All recipes have been tested and proven good. A recipe is considered 'best'
when FR and/or SR improves with the addition of certain ingredients.
The 'Best' Vegetable Latte, therefore, should give you more energy and stamina
than the 'Basic' Vegetable Latte. What follows is the Complete list of
recipes that a resident of Mineral Town can make in the Kitchen. I have
included a Special Recipes section at the end for recipes that are given by
the townspeople as well as those that Anna gives in her Dessert Cooking Class
and an example of a recipe given on the Cooking Programme on the television.
The 'best' recipe for each dish that is found below, however, will incorporate
the extra ingredients given in any Special Recipe. The Special Recipes
section, therefore, is provided more for your enjoyment than to give any
additional information, apart from the fact that Karen loves alcohol but does
not care for sweets, that Jeff loves chocolate and that May loves ice cream.
One note with respect to 'Basic' and 'Best' recipes: If you save the 'Best'
recipe in your Cookbook, you can make the same dish again using only
the 'Basic' ingredients and have it accepted as the 'Best' recipe, if you
choose the 'Improvise' option in cooking and then, when the recipe book tells
you that the dish you have made is inferior, choose the 'Keep the original
recipe' option. That way, you never have to make the 'Best' recipe again, but
every dish you make will give you the same Stamina recovery and Fatigue
resistance as the 'Best' recipe. In other words, you can trick the game into
thinking that the dish you have made is the 'Best' recipe if you keep
the 'Best' recipe in your Cookbook. This is most important when you want to
make one of the 'Best' lattes to take to the Mines or when you submit a dish
at the Cooking Contest. As a matter of fact, once you have made the dish once
using all the best ingredients, you no longer will have to keep any of the
optional ingredients in your refrigerator. Ingredients such as Pineapples and
Cabbage are very expensive. Use them once to make the original 'Best' recipe
and then ship them, never using them in cooking again.
Example of how to trick the game into thinking you have made the Best Recipe:
After you have made the 'Best' recipe for a dish once and have saved it in
your Cookbook:
When you go into the Kitchen, first choose the option:
'View recipes'
Then, finding the recipe you want, click on it.
There will be three options:
Follow the recipe.
Improvise recipe.
Make another recipe.
Choose the option:
Improvise recipe.
In the Ingredients window, you will see all the ingredients used to make
the 'Best' version of the recipe. Remove all the option ingredients, keeping
only the bare minimum needed to make the 'Basic' version of the recipe.
Now, after approving the Utensils and the Ingredients, choose the option:
Use these Ingredients.
After it fades to black and you hear the chopping sound, it will announce:
The Vegetable Latte is done!
It then will tell you that:
Compared with what you've made before...
SR: Greatly down
FR: Also greatly down.
You then will have three choices:
Make this the recipe.
Leave recipe as is.
View current recipe.
By choosing the second option, you will save the 'Best' recipe again rather
than the inferior one.
So choose:
Leave recipe as is.
The game will then accept the inferior dish that you cooked as the superior
Differences between FoMT and MFoMT:
The recipes in FoMT and MFoMT are identical actually, but there is one
fundamental difference between the two games where cooking is concerned.
There is a Point System in MFoMT that rewards you with 5 Cooking Points for
every Recipe that you add to your Cookbook. Moreover, every time an
individual gives you a special recipe in a conversation with you, you are
rewarded with 10 Cooking Points.
There is another small difference between the two games. In FoMT, once you
have made the four 'Suns', you cannot do anything further with them. Although
they are described as 'unused' items for cooking, they cannot be combined or
used in any recipe. They either sit uselessly gathering dust in your Shelf
or, if you attempt to use them in cooking, will be thrown out as rubbish. You
cannot even throw them out, by the way, unless you have 'cooked' them and
transformed them thus into rubbish.
Cooking has another effect in MFoMT: special recipes or 'best' recipes will
help you win the heart of the Gourmet Judge! 'Basic' recipes will not
guarantee that you win the Cooking Festival, but the 'Best' recipe will, by
the way.
By making all the 'Best' recipes below, you not only will complete your
Cookbook but will have the best possible dish in terms of stamina recovery and
fatigue resistance.
Page 1:
Mayonnaise (S): Whisk, Vinegar ; Regular Egg, Oil
Mayonnaise (M): Whisk, Vinegar; Good Egg, Oil
Mayonnaise (L): Whisk, Vinegar; High Quality Egg, Oil
Mayonnaise (G): Whisk, Vinegar; Gold Egg, Oil
Mayonnaise (P): Whisk, Vinegar; P Egg, Oil
Mayonnaise (X): Whisk, Vinegar; X Egg, Oil
Mayonnaise (X) (alternative recipe): Mayonnaise (S), Mayonnaise (M),
Mayonnaise (L), Mayonnaise (G), Mayonnaise (P)
N.B. Mayonnaise (X) can be made in your Mayonnaise Maker using an Egg
Egg (X): Regular Egg, Good Egg, High Quality Egg, Gold Egg, P Egg
N.B. Egg (X) also may be laid by a Chicken who lays P Eggs (1 in 255
Milk (X): Milk (S), Milk (M), Milk (L), Milk (G), Milk (P)
N.B. Milk (X) also may be given by a Cow who gives P Milk (1 in 255
Page 2:
Cheese (X): Cheese (S), Cheese (M), Cheese (L), Cheese (G), Cheese (P)
N.B. Cheese (X) can be made in your Cheese Maker using Milk (X)
Wild Grape Juice: Pot; Wild Grape, Wine, Purple Grass
Pickles (Basic): Salt; Cucumber
Pickles (Best): Knife, Salt; Cucumber
Salad (Basic): Knife; one of the following: Cucumber, Carrot, Tomato, Cabbage
Salad (Best): Knife, Salt; Cucumber, Carrot, Tomato, Cabbage, Mushroom
Curry Rice (Basic): Pot; Curry Powder, Rice Ball
Curry Rice (Best) : Knife, Pot, Salt; Curry Powder, Rice Ball, Turnip, Bamboo
Shoot, Onion, Mushroom, Carrot, Green Pepper
Stew : Pot, Salt; Flour, Milk (S)
Miso Soup (Basic): Pot, Miso, Salt; only one of the following: any Vegetable
or Fish including small fish
Miso Soup (Best): Knife, Pot, Miso, Salt: only one of the following: any
Vegetable or Fish, including small fish
Stir Fry (Basic): Knife, Frying Pan, Soy Sauce; Cabbage, Oil
Stir Fry (Best): Knife, Frying Pan, Soy Sauce; Oil, Cabbage, Turnip, Bamboo
Shoot, Onion, Aubergine (Eggplant), Mushroom, Green Pepper
Page 3:
Fried Rice (Basic): Frying Pan; Regular Egg, Rice Ball, Oil
Fried Rice (Best) : Knife, Frying Pan, Salt, Soy Sauce; Regular Egg, Onion,
Rice Ball, Oil, Mushroom, Aubergine
(Eggplant), Bamboo Shoot, Medium Fish
Savoury Pancake (Basic): Knife, Frying Pan; Cabbage, Oil, Flour, Regular Egg
Savoury Pancake (Best): Knife, Frying Pan, Salt; Regular Egg, Flour, Oil,
Cabbage, Mushroom, Onion, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot
Sandwich (Basic): Knife; Bread, one of the following: Cucumber, Tomato, Hard-
Boiled Egg
Sandwich (Best): Knife, Salt; Butter, Mayonnaise (S), Hard-Boiled Egg, Cheese
(S), Bread, Tomato, Cucumber, Mushroom
Fruit Juice (Basic): Mixer; one of the following: Apple
Fruit Juice (Best): Mixer, Sugar, Salt; Honey, Apple, Strawberries,
Pineapple, Wild Grape
Fruit Latte (Basic): Mixer, Apple, Milk (S)
Fruit Latte (Best): Mixer, Sugar, Salt; Honey, Apple, Strawberries, Pineapple,
Wild Grape, Milk (S)
Vegetable Juice (Basic): Mixer; one of the following: Cucumber, Cabbage
Vegetable Juice (Best): Mixer, Salt; Carrot, Cucumber, Spinach, Cabbage, Tomato
Vegetable Latte (Basic): Mixer; Milk (S), one of the following: Cucumber,
Vegetable Latte (Best): Mixer, Salt; Carrot, Cucumber, Spinach, Cabbage, Tomato
Mixed Juice (Basic): Mixer; one of the following: Cucumber, Carrot, Cabbage;
one of the following: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grape
Mixed Juice (Best): Knife, Mixer, Salt, Sugar; Carrot, Cabbage, Cucumber,
Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grape, Honey
Page 4:
Mixed Latte (Basic): Mixer, Basic Mixed Juice, Milk (S)
Mixed Latte (Best): , Mixer, Salt, Sugar; Best Mixed Juice, Milk (S), Honey
Pickled Turnip (Basic): Knife, Vinegar; Turnip
Pickled Turnip (Best): Knife; Salt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce; Turnip
French Fries (Basic): Knife, Frying Pan, Potato, Oil
French Fries (Best): Knife, Frying Pan; Salt; Potato, Oil
Strawberry Jam (Basic): Pot, Sugar; Strawberry
Strawberry Jam (Best): Knife, Pot; Sugar, Salt; Strawberry, Wine, Honey
Strawberry Milk (Basic): Mixer, Strawberry, Milk (S)
Strawberry Milk (Best): Mixer, Sugar; Strawberry, Milk (S), Honey
Tomato Juice: Mixer, Salt; Tomato
Ketchup: Mixer, Sugar, Salt, Vinegar; Onion, Tomato
Popcorn (Basic): Frying Pan, Corn
Popcorn (Best): Frying Pan, Salt; Corn, Butter
Page 5:
Corn Flakes (Basic): Rolling Pin, Oven; Corn or
Rolling Pin, Frying Pan; Corn
Corn Flakes (Best): Knife, Rolling Pin, Oven; Corn
Baked Corn (Basic): Oven, Corn
Baked Corn (Best): Oven, Salt; Corn, Butter
Pineapple Juice (Basic): Mixer; Pineapple
Pineapple Juice (Best): Knife, Mixer, Salt, Sugar; Pineapple, Honey
Pumpkin Pudding (Basic): Pot, Oven; Sugar; Egg (S), Milk (S), Pumpkin
Pumpkin Pudding (Best): Knife, Pot, Oven; Sugar; Egg (S), Milk (S), Pumpkin,
Pumpkin Stew (Basic): Pot, Sugar, Soy Sauce; Pumpkin
Pumpkin Stew (Best): Knife, Pot; Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce; Pumpkin, Honey
Happy Eggplant (Basic): Frying Pan; Sugar, Soy Sauce, Miso; Eggplant
Happy Eggplant (Best): Knife, Frying Pan; Sugar, Soy Sauce, Miso; Eggplant
Sweet Potatoes: Pot, Oven; Sugar; Butter, Egg (S), Sweet Potato
Baked Sweet Potatoes (Basic): Oven, Sweet Potato
Baked Sweet Potatoes (Best): Oven, Sugar, Salt; Butter, Sweet Potato; Stone
Page 6:
Greens (Basic): Pot, Soy Sauce; Spinach
Greens (Best): Knife, Pot; Soy Sauce; Spinach
Scrambled Eggs (Basic): Frying Pan; Egg (S), Oil
Scrambled Eggs (Best): Frying Pan, Whisk, Salt; Egg (S), Oil, Butter,
Mayonnaise (S)
Omelet (Basic): Frying Pan, Egg (S), Oil, Milk (S)
Omelet (Best): Frying Pan, Whisk, Salt; Egg (S), Milk (S), Oil
Omelet Rice (Basic): Frying Pan; Egg (S), Milk (S), Oil, Rice Balls
Omelet Rice (Best): Knife, Frying Pan, Salt; Egg (S), Milk (S), Oil, Rice
Ball, Cabbage, Onion, Mushroom, Green Pepper
Boiled Egg (Basic): Pot; Egg (S)
Boiled Egg (Best): Pot, Salt; Egg (S)
Pudding (Basic): Pot, Oven, Sugar; Egg (S), Milk (S)
Pudding (Best): Knife, Pot, Oven, Sugar; Egg (S), Milk (S), Honey, Apple,
Pineapple, Wild Grape, Strawberries, Cornflakes
Hot Milk; Pot, Sugar; Milk (S)
Butter (Basic): Mixer; Milk (S)
Butter (Best): Mixer, Salt; Milk (S)
Page 7:
Cheese Cake (Basic): Whisk, Pot, Oven, Sugar: Cheese (S), Egg (S), Milk (S)
Cheese Cake (Best): Whisk, Pot, Oven, Sugar; Cheese (S), Egg (S), Milk (S),
Cheese Fondue (Basic): Pot; Cheese (S), Bread
Cheese Fondue (Best): Knife, Pot, Salt; Cheese (S), Bread, Wine
Apple Pie (Basic): Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin, Oven, Sugar; Apple, Egg (S),
Butter, Flour
Apple Pie (Best): Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin, Oven, Sugar; Apple, Egg (S),
Butter, Flour, Honey
Apple Jam (Basic): Pot, Sugar; Apple
Apple Jam (Best): Knife, Pot; Sugar, Salt; Apple, Wine, Honey
Apple Souffle (Basic): Frying Pan, Apple (any kind, including SUGDW, HMSGB or
Apple Souffle (Best): Frying Pan, Sugar, Salt; Apple
Bamboo Rice (Basic): Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Bamboo Rice (Best): Knife, Salt; Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Grape Jam (Basic): Pot, Sugar; Wild Grape
Grape Jam (Best): Pot, Sugar, Salt; Wild Grape, Wine, Honey
Grape Juice (Basic): Mixer; Wild Grape, Honey
Grape Juice (Best): Mixer, Sugar, Salt; Wild Grape, Honey
Page 8:
Mushroom Rice (Basic): Mushroom, Rice Ball
Mushroom Rice (Best): Knife, Salt, Soy Sauce; Mushroom, Rice Ball
Truffle Rice (Basic): Truffle, Rice Ball
Truffle Rice (Best): Knife, Salt, Soy Sauce; Truffle, Rice Ball
Sushi: Vinegar; Sashimi, Rice Ball
Jam Bun (Basic): Bread, Jam (Apple, Grape or Strawberry)
Jam Bun (Best): Bread, Jam (Apple, Grape or Strawberry), Honey
Dinner Role (Roll) (Basic): Bread, Butter
Dinner Roll (Best): Bread, Butter, Honey
Raisin Bread (Basic) : Bread, Wild Grapes
Raisin Bread (Best): Bread, Wild Grapes, Honey
Curry Bread (Basic): Frying Pan; Bread, Curry Powder, Oil
Curry Bread (Best): Knife, Frying Pan, Salt; Bread, Curry Powder, Oil
Toast: Oven; Bread
Page 9:
French Toast (Basic): Frying Pan, Sugar; Bread, Egg (S), Oil
French Toast (Best) : Frying Pan, Sugar; Bread, Egg (S), Oil, Butter
Sashimi (Basic): Knife, Fish (M or L)
Sashimi (Best): Knife, Soy Sauce; Fish (M or L)
Grilled Fish: Frying Pan, Salt, Soy Sauce; Fish (M), Oil
Chirashi Sushi: Knife, Vinegar; Scrambled Eggs, Sashimi, Rice Ball
Pizza (Basic): Rolling Pin, Oven; Cheese (S), Flour, Ketchup
Pizza (Best): Knife, Rolling Pin, Oven, Salt; Flour, Cheese (S), Mushroom,
Onion, Green Pepper, Pineapple, Tomato, Ketchup
Pizza (Best): Knife, Rolling Pin, Oven, Salt; Flour, Cheese (S), Mushroom,
Onion, Green Pepper, Fish, Tomato, Ketchup
Noodles (Basic): Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin; Flour
Noodles (Best): Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin, Salt; Flour
Curry Noodles (Basic): Pot; Noodles, Curry Powder
Curry Noodles (Best): Pot, Salt; Noodles, Curry Powder, Onion, Aubergine
(Eggplant), Mushroom, Bamboo Shoot, Fish (M), Green Pepper (or Cabbage)
Tempura Noodles (Basic): Pot; Noodles, Tempura
Tempura Noodles (Best): Pot, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce; Noodles, Tempura
Page 10:
Fried Noodles (Basic): Frying Pan; Noodles, Egg (S), Oil
Fried Noodles (Best): Frying Pan, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce; Noodles, Egg (S),
Oil, Aubergine, Mushroom, Turnip, Onion, Fish (M)
Buckwheat Noodles (Basic): Knife, Rolling Pin, Pot; Buckwheat Flour, Egg (S)
Buckwheat Noodles (Best): Knife, Rolling Pin, Pot; Salt; Buckwheat Flour, Egg
Noodles with Tempura: Pot; Tempura, Buckwheat Noodles
Fried (Buckwheat) Noodles (Basic): Frying Pan; Salt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce;
Buckwheat Noodles, Egg (S), Oil
Fried (Buckwheat) Noodles (Best): Frying Pan; Salt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce;
Buckwheat Noodles, Egg (S), Oil, Bamboo Shoots, Onion, Mushroom, Green Pepper,
Fish (M)
Fried (Buckwheat) Noodles (Good): Frying Pan; Salt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce;
Buckwheat Noodles, Egg (S), Oil, Bamboo Shoots, Onion, Mushroom, Green Pepper
and one of the following: Cabbage, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Aubergine
(Eggplant) or Turnip
N.B. with Cabbage, Sweet Potato or Carrot instead of Fish, SR:
Somewhat down, but FR: Slightly up; with Aubergine, SR: Somewhat down, FR: no
change; with Turnip: SR: Fairly down, FR: no change
Buckwheat Chips: Pot, Rolling Pin; Buckwheat Flour
Tempura (Basic): Frying Pan; Flour, Egg (S), Oil; one of the following:
Carrot, Potato, Aubergine (Eggplant), Green Pepper, Sweet Potato
Tempura (Best): Frying Pan; Salt; Flour, Egg (S), Oil, Carrot, Potato,
Aubergine (Eggplant), Green Pepper, Sweet Potato
Mountain Stew: Knife, Pot; Sugar, Soy Sauce; Carrot, Mushroom, Bamboo Shoots
Moon Dumpling: Sugar; Dumpling Powder
Page 11:
Roasted Rice Cake (Basic): Oven, Soy Sauce; Rice Cake
Roasted Rice Cake (Best): Oven, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce; Rice Cake
Toasted Rice Ball (Basic): Oven, Soy Sauce; Rice Ball
Toasted Rice Ball (Best): Oven, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce; Rice Ball
Rice Gruel: Pot; Salt; Rice Ball
Tempura Rice (Basic): Salt; Rice Ball, Tempura
Tempura Rice (Best): Salt, Sugar, Soy Sauce; Rice Ball, Tempura
Egg Over Rice (Basic): Pot, Salt, Soy Sauce; Egg (S), Rice Ball
Egg Over Rice (Best): Pot, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce; Egg (S), Rice Ball
Candied Potato: Pot, Sugar; Sweet Potato, Honey
Potato Pancakes: Knife, Frying Pan, Salt; Potato, Onion, Egg (S), Oil, Flour
Fish Sticks: Mixer, Salt; Fish (M)
Page 12:
Cookies (Basic): Oven, Rolling Pin, Sugar; Flour, Egg (S), Butter
Cookies (Best): Oven, Rolling Pin, Sugar; Flour, Egg (S), Butter, Honey
Chocolate Cookies (Basic): Oven, Rolling Pin, Sugar; Flour, Egg (S), Butter,
Chocolate Cookies (Best): Oven, Rolling Pin, Sugar; Flour, Egg (S), Butter,
Chocolate, Honey
Ice Cream (Basic): Pot, Whisk, Sugar; Milk (S), Egg (S)
Ice Cream (Best): Knife, Pot, Whisk, Sugar; Egg (S), Milk (S), Honey,
Pineapple, Wild Grape, Apple, Strawberries
Cake (Basic): Whisk, Oven, Sugar; Butter, Flour, Egg (S)
Cake (Best): Knife, Whisk, Oven, Sugar; Butter, Flour, Egg (S), Honey,
Pineapple, Wild Grape, Apple, Strawberries
Chocolate Cake (Best): Knife, Whisk, Oven, Sugar; Butter, Flour, Egg (S),
Honey, Pineapple, Wild Grape, Apple, Strawberries, Chocolate
Pancakes: Whisk, Frying Pan; Sugar; Flour, Oil, Egg (S), Milk (S), Honey,
Relaxation Tea (Basic): Pot, Relaxation Tea Leaves
Relaxation Tea (Best): Pot, Sugar; Relaxation Tea Leaves, Honey
SUGDW Apple: Apple, HMSGB Apple, AEPFE Apple
HMSGB Apple: Apple, SUGDW Apple, AEPFE Apple
AEPFE Apple: Apple, HMSGB Apple, SUGDW Apple
Bodigizer: Pot; Honey, Orange Grass, Black Grass, Red Magic Grass
Bodigizer XL: Mixer, Bodigizer, Blue Grass
Turbojolt: Pot; Honey, Orange Grass, White Grass; Red Magic Flower
Turbojolt XL: Mixer, Green Grass, Turbojolt
Relaxation Tea Leaves = Knife, Frying Pan; Red Grass, Orange Grass, Yellow
Grass, Green Grass, Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Indigo Grass, Weed
Elli Leaves: Knife, Frying Pan, Pot, Oven, Sugar, Salt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce,
6 Different Kinds of Burnt Food made as follows:
Burnt Juice: Mixer, Weed
Burnt Appetisers: Knife and/or Whisk, Weed
Burnt Casserole: Rolling Pin, Whisk, Oven, Weed
Burnt Soup: Knife, Pot, Weed
Burnt Loaf: Knife, Frying Pan, Weed
Burnt Bits on a Plate: Knife, Oven, Weed
Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL
Page 14:
The Spring Sun: Blue Magic Grass, Red Magic Grass, Moon Drop Grass, Toy
Flower, Pink Cat Grass
The Summer Sun: Fish (S), Fish (M), Fish (L), Fossil of Fish, Pirate's Treasure
The Autumn Sun: Milk (X), Cheese (X), Egg (X), Mayonnaise (X), Wool (X), Yarn
N.B. Milk (X), Cheese (X), Egg (X) and Mayonnaise (X) may be made in your
Kitchen, recipes to be found on Pages 1 and 2 of this book; it is more
expensive to make them than to find them naturally, however. Your Cow, if she
has won the Festival and gives P Milk has a 1 in 255 chance of giving X Milk;
Your Chicken, if she has won the Festival and lays P Eggs has a 1 in 255
chance of laying an X Egg; if you make or find the X Milk and Egg, you can use
the Cheese Maker and Mayonnaise Maker to make the X Mayonnaise and X Cheese
(more cost effective, again, than making it in the Kitchen. The ONLY way to
obtain X Wool is if your Sheep has won the Festival and gives P Wool. There
is a 1 in 255 chance that she will give X Wool in a particular week. You must
use the Yarn Maker then to make the X Yarn. (Probabilities given courtesy of
Cherubae at
If you do not want to wait for the X item to appear, simply reload your game
at the point of milking/shearing the animal until you obtain it.
The Winter Sun: Alexandrite, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Emerald, Moonstone, Mythic
Stone, Sand Rose
The following are the recipes given to you by the townspeople in conversation,
as well as the transcripts of Anna's Dessert Classes and transcripts of the
Dueling Chefs programme on television.
Originally, I thought that a resident often would give you a recipe the first
time you give him/her a gift that he/she truly loves or on the occasion of
his/her birthday. Now I think that the recipe is given after you have given
the individual a certain number of gifts. I believe that the number could be
as low as two, actually!
Everything in this section has been taken from my character Aloysius' journal,
which is published on IGN as a FAQS file.
Sandwiches (from Ellen)
'What was it? Oh yeah, here goes. First, spread Butter on some Bread, then
put on some cucumbers and tomatoes. Hard boiled egg is good, too. Elli tries
out losts of new dishes on Stu, you know.
Strawberry Milk (from Carter)
'We have been blessed with a beautiful day. Then, 'Let me tell you the recipe
of something I often make for the kids. It's easy, so you should be able to
remember it. All you need to do is put Strawberries and Milk in a Mixer.
It's delicious. Sometimes I also put in Honey, Sugar and Salt.
Sweet Potatoes (from Chef)
'I'll tell you how to make some delicious Sweet Potatos. Not even Doug at the
Inn can make these, bubum! They're our favourite dish at our Tea Parties,
too. The ingredients are: Sweet Potatos, Eggs, Butter, and Sugar, bubum.
(New name, I guess!) Mix these all in a Pot and then bake in an Oven. That's
all there is too it, bubum! It really doesn't need anything else, either.
Try it when you get home. I think you'll like it, bubum!' (What's with the
N.B. from Aloysius' journal: Chef never called me 'bubum' again...
always 'budum'. Nor have I been served the famous Sweet Potatoes at any of
the tea parties, only relaxation tea.
Sandwich (from Ellen)
'Do you want a great recipe for sandwiches? What was it...? Oh yeah, here
goes. First spread Butter on some Bread, then put on some Cucumbers and
Tomatoes. Hard Boiled egg is good, too. Elli tries out lots of new dishes on
Stu, you know.'
Savoury Pancakes (from Gotz)
'Do you like Savoury Pancakes? All you do is add the ingredients together and
fry it up! All you need is... what was that again? Oh yeah, Flour and Eggs
and ... Cabbage! That's it! Mix all that up real well, then put it in a
Frying Pan with Oil. 'Course, you gotta cut the Cabbage up with a Knife
first.' You can put lots of other stuff in too!'
Pickled Turnip (from Saibara)
'Thanks very much. You're a generous man. You should eat simple foods, you
know. You'll live longer, like me. If you agree, I'll tell you a great recipe
for Pickled Turnip. It's delicious. All you need is Turnip, Vinegar, and a
Knife. A youngin' like you might want to flavour it with Sugar, Salt and Soy
Fruit Latte (from Basil)
'I've been meaning to tell you this recipe... it's for a delicious Fruit
Latte. Take fruit like Pineapple, Apple, Wild Grape, or other fruit and put
it in a Mixer with Milk. It also tastes excellent with Strawberry, Grape
Juice or Honey.'
Chocolate Cookies (from Sasha)
'Well, what a considerate gentleman you are! How did you learn my birthday?
You want to learn how to make some fabulous Chocolate Cookies? Jeff just
loves this recipe. The ingredients are Flour, Butter, Eggs and Chocolate.
You also need Sugar of course and Honey is optional. The only implements you
need are a Rolling Pin and Oven. You can also get by with just Chocolate and
Cookies, too.Karen likes liquor, but not sweets, you know.'
Mixed Fruit and Vegetable Juices (from Doctor)
'As thanks, I'll teach you a great recipe for mixed fruit and vegetable
juices. I don't have anything to write it down on, but just remember it, OK?
The ingredients you need are Strawberry, Pineapple, Grape, Carrot, Cucumber,
Cabbage and Apple. If you forget any of these, the recipe won't work. You
need a Mixer and a Knife if you have one. If you add sugar and salt, it'll
taste better, too. You can add any other Fruit or Vegetable you wish. I hope
you like it!'
Scrambled Eggs (from Lillia)
'Today is my birthday, you know. Thank you so much! How old do I look?...
While I'm thinking of it, let me tell you the recipe for Scrambled Eggs. It's
easy. All you do is put Oil in a Frying Pan, then put in the Eggs. That's
it! But it won't taste very good like that. Use a Whisk to fluff up the
Eggs, or add Butter and Mayonnaise. Kids love it that way. Some people say
you should only have one egg per day, but I say eat all you want! '
Fried Noodles (from Zack)
'I was going to tell you how to make some delicious fried noodles. All you do
is put oil in a frying pan and fry the noodles. That's it! You can even add
Eggs or Vegetables to make it taste even better.'
Ice Cream (from Barley)
'You don't have to curry favour with me, young man! Thanks, though. Want to
learn how to make ice cream? May makes me make it for her all the time.
All you need is Sugar, Milk, and Eggs, and of course a Whisk and a Pot. May
loves it when I slice up Pineapple and Apple with my knife and add it in with
Honey. Myself, I like it with Wild Grapes. You should give it a try!'
Cheese Fondue (from Doug)
'As a thanks, I'll tell you the recipe to my famous Cheese Fondue. Have you
heard of it? Don't forget this now.
The only ingredient is Cheese. Use a knife to cut it into bite size bits.All
you need is a pot! If you want to make it even better, try adding Salt or
Wine. You'll love it!'
N.B. from Aloysius' journal: Very Important! Doug forgot to mention that you
need BREAD for this!!! The recipe is fabulous, if you add Bread to the
Ingredients as well. Without Bread, it simply DOES NOT WORK! Curious
omission on his part. Perhaps he really does not want any one else to be able
to make HIS Famous Cheese Fondue.
Boiled Spinach (from Manna)
Anyway, thanks very much. do you always give presents to the townspeople like
if you're going to give them to some, you have to give to everybody now. Not
just the pretty girls, you hear? ! Ha ha! Anyway, thanks again!
Do you cook? I'll tell you a great recipe for Boiled Spinach? Don't forget,
now. All you have to do is boil Spinich in a pot and then put some Soy Sauce
on top. It's that simple. Are you sure you don't need to write it down?
Well, if you say so!
Fried Rice (from Harris)
'I bet you're like I am: too busy to spend lots of time cooking. Well, here's
a really convenient recipe for Fried Rice. First, put some oil in a Frying
Pan, then add Egg and Rice Ball. You can add other ingredients to taste, but
be sure to dice them with your Knife first. Seasoning with Sugar, Salt, and
Soy Sauce makes it tast even better!
Popcorn (from Kai)
'Gee... Thanks! You're the only guy who's ever nice to me you know. You want
to learn how to make popcorn?
If you want, I'll tell you.
Don't forget, now!
All you need is corn and a Frying Pan, although it tastes better with Salt or
Butter on top.'
Between 10.40 and 12.40 on Saturday afternoons, if it is not raining, Sasha
holds a Baking Class in her house. You must have a fully equipped kitchen
before the Dessert Class will be offered.
Here are her recipes for desserts:
Anna's Lesson on Baking a Cake
Manna: ...and then what do you put in?
Anna: You put in... ... then you use the ...
Manna: I never would have thought of that!...
Anna: Hi, Aloysius. Come on in.
Manna: Hi there, Aloysius.
Manna: What were we doing? Anna was just teaching me how to make desserts.
She's famous for her desserts, you know.
Anna: Oh, stop flattering me, Manna!...
Manna: It's true! You cook too, don't you, Aloysius?
In that case, you should learn from Anna, too!
Sorry, I'm too busy.
Learn, of course.
Anna: Really? I'd be glad to teach you!
In that case, both of you listen to this simple and easy Cake recipe.
Ingredients are Eggs, Flour, and Butter.
Seasoning is Sugar, of course.
First, mix the Egg and Butter with a Whisk, then add Flour and put it all in
the Oven.
Not too hard, is it?
You can also add all kinds of fruit to make it even better. Or, you can add
Chocolate to make it a Chocolate Cake!
Manna: Can you teach me anything else?
Anna: How about this... Come back again at this same time and I'll teach you
a new dish. It'll be a miniature cooking school!
Manna: Really? That sounds great!
Anna: Sure! I'd love to!
Manna: You'll come too, won't you, Aloysius?
Anna's Lesson on Baking Cookies
Anna: Hi, Aloysius. Come on in.
Manna: Hello, Aloysius.
Anna: Are we ready to begin the class?
Manna: Yes, Teacher. Please begin!
Anna: Listen up, now...
Today's class will be on Cookies. All of you who like sweets will love this.
The ingredients are Egg, Flour, Butter, and Sugar. You also need a Rolling
Pin and an Oven. It will also taste better if you add Honey. Also, if you
add Chocolate, you can make Chocolate Cookies that are perfect for the Spring
Thanksgiving Festival.
Manna: Thank you, Teacher!
Anna: Don't mention it. Until next time.
Anna's Lesson on making Puddings
'Hi, Aloysius. Come on in,' said Anna, at 11.30.
Manna: Hello, Aloysius.
Anna: Are we ready to begin the class?
Manna: Yes, Teacher. Please begin!
Anna: Listen up, now...
I think Pudding is a good subject for today's class.
All you need is Egg, Mik, Sugar, and an Oven to cook it all in. They taste
even better with Fruit or Corn Flakes. Try it out!
Manna: Thank you, Teacher!
Anna: Don't mention it. Until next time.
N.B. She forgot to mention a POT. It will NOT work without a POT!!!
Anna's Lesson on Making Cheese Cake
Anna: Hi, Aloysius. Come on in.
Manna: Hello, Aloysius.
Anna: Are we ready to begin the class?
Manna: Yes, Teacher. Please begin!
Anna: Listen up, now...
Today's lesson will be on Cheese Cake. Quite a sophisticated dessert, don't
you think?
It's made with Cheese, Eggs, and Milk, along with Sugar to sweeten it. You'll
need a Pot, a Whisk, and an Oven.
You can also add Honey on special occasions.
Manna: Thank you, Teacher!
Anna: Don't mention it. Until next time.
Anna's Lesson on Making Apple Pie
Anna: Hi, Aloysius. Come on in.
Manna: Hello, Aloysius.
Anna: Are we ready to begin the class?
Manna: Yes, Teacher. Please begin!
Anna: Listen up, now...
Today's lesson will be on Apple Pie.
I know that Ellen likes this recipe very well.
She'll love it if you bring her some.
Ingredients are Egg, Flour, and Butter. You'll need a Knife, a Pot, a Rolling
Pin, and an Oven. It's not easy, but it's very delicious.
Manna: Thank you, Teacher!
Anna: I'm afraid next time will be our final lesson.
Manna: Really? Why?
Anna: Yes, Basil is starting another book, so I don't want to disturb him.
Manna: That's too bad...
Anna: Sorry, Aloysius, but that's all I can teach you.
N.B. She forgot to mention Apple as an ingredient, and I think that Sugar
definitely would improve it!
Anna's Lesson on Making Ice Cream: her last Dessert Classroom
Anna: Hi, Aloysius. Come on in.
Manna: Hello, Aloysius.
Anna: Are we ready to begin the class?
Manna: Yes, Teacher. Please begin!
Anna: Listen up, now...
Our final lesson will be on Ice Cream. Every body loves Ice Cream. You'll
need Milk, Egg, and of course Sugar. You'll also need a Pot and a Whisk. All
children love this! That's it for my Dessert Classroom.
Manna: Thank you, Teacher!
Anna: Don't mention it. I'm glad to be able to share these recipes.
Recipes from Television's Dueling Chef's Programme
This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday. I'm your host, Alyson, in
this weekly culinary battle of the giants!
This week's challenge is Grape Juice!
Here we go...!
Chef A's recipe is...
Ingredients: Wild Grapes
Utensil: Mixer
Chef B's recipe is...
Ingredients: Wild Grapes
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Sugar
Let's now have a taste test to determine the winner.
First Chef A's creation...
Munch, munch...
Its unusual for Chef A to break away from tradition and add Honey.
Next, Chef B's creation...
Munch, munch...
Hmm... The extra seasonings undeniably add something to it.
And the winner is... a Tie!
Chef's A will recuperate Fatigue more but Chef B's recipe will recover Stamina
That's it for this week.
Tune in next week.
Note from Aloysius' Journal:
Why did I find this interesting? Well, it appears to me that the difference
between the two recipes is Honey in one and Sugar and Salt in the other. As
the recipe with the honey recuperates Fatigue and the recipe with the Sugar
and the Salt recovers Stamina, that means that Honey=FR and Sugar, Salt= SR
So I went to my kitchen and created my own recipe, after a bit of
experimentation which is:
Ingredients: Wild Grape
Utensil: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt, Sugar
This gives improved Fatigue Recuperation and Stamina Recovery and is better
than both Chef A's and Chef B's recipes.
I should imagine then that the addition of Honey to any recipe, if it works,
adds Fatigue recuperation and the addition of Salt and/or Sugar to any recipe,
if it works, will add Stamina Recovery.
Dueling Chefs
This is Dueling Chefs, broadcast every Tuesday.
I'm your host, Alyson, in this weekly culinary battle of the giants.
This week's challenge is... Stew!
Here we go...!
Chef A's recipe is...
Milk (S)
Chef B's recipe:
Milk (S)
Fish (S)
Fish (M)
Fish (L)
Let's now have a taste test to determine the winner!
First Chef A's creation.
Munch, munch...
This is a very traditional, basic stew.
Next, Chef B's creation.
Munch, munch...
Very interesting, with lots of different flavours.
And the winner is...
Chef B's Stew tastes better, with all its different ingredients. It might be
difficult to gather all these Ingredients, though, so Chef A's recipe is also
good to know.
That's it for this week. Tune in next week!
Error in Published Recipe: Aloysius found a recipe for 'Buckwheat Ships' that
did not work. He created the following recipe for 'Buckwheat Chips' that DOES
Buckwheat Chips: Rolling Pin, Pot, Buckwheat Flour
Aloysius' Special Recipes
Remember: Sometimes it is a matter of 'simple addition': adding Salt or Honey
to a recipe, as long as it 'works', can improve the (health) value of the dish
Pickle: Knife, Salt, Cucumber (SR better)
Scrambled Eggs: Whisk, Frying Pan, Salt, Egg, Oil, Butter, Mayonnaise (SR
and FR better)
Salad: Knife, Salt, Cucumber, Cabbage, Tomato, Mushroom, Carrot
Savoury Pancakes: Knife, Frying Pan, Salt, Egg, Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Mushroom
Relaxation Tea: Pot, Sugar, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Honey
Apple Pie: Pot, Rolling Pin, Knife, Oven, Sugar, Egg, Flour, Apple, Honey,
Ice Cream: Knife, Pot, Whisk, Sugar, Egg, Milk, Honey, Pineapple, WIld Grape,
Apple, Strawberries
Pudding: Knife, Pot, Oven, Sugar, Egg, Milk, Honey, Apple, Pineapple,
Strawberries, Wild Grape, Corn Flakes
Strawberry Jam: Knife, Pot, Salt, Sugar, Strawberries, Honey, Wine