Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Bahasa Terlangka
Bahasa memainkan peran besar dalam kehidupan setiap orang, meskipun
kadang kita tidak terlalu memikirkan hal tersebut. Bahasa adalah alat
berkomunikasi yang nyata dibutuhkan. Bayangkan jika di dunia tidak ada
bahasa, atau anda tidak menguasai sebuah bahasapun, atau semua orang
disekitarmu berbahasa asing semua — hanya anda yang mengerti bahasa anda
sendiri di dunia ini!.
PBB menyatakan bahwa rata-rata, sebuah bahasa lenyap setiap dua
minggu. Di seluruh dunia, hampir 6.000-an bahasa terancam kepunahan.
Bahasa ini dengan cepat menghilang karena alasan seperti mereka memakai
bahasa tersebut mati, kemudian juga telah terintegrasi dengan bahasa
lain. Faktanya bahwa ada bahasa-bahasa yang lebih menonjol daripada yang
lain, dan di dunia sekarang ini orang memandang penting untuk
mempelajari bahasa populer lainnya, sehingga melupakan bahasa aslinya.
Sangat ngeri membayangkan bahwa kematian sebuah bahasa berarti kematian
suatu budaya.
Dari 10 bahasa paling langka dan terancam punah dari seluruh dunia,
tahukah Abahwa bahasa yang hampir punah ini juga ada di Indonesia bukan
dari semua dunia saja cekidot :
1. Chamicuro (Chamekolo, Chamicolo, Chamicura)
Seluruh dunia hanya ada 8 orang yang berbicara Chamicuro, menurut
sebuah studi 2008. Bahasa ini umumnya digunakan di Peru dan saat ini
dianggap kritis, karena sebagian besar dari orang-orang yang berbicara
bahsa ini sudah tua-tua. Tidak ada lagi anak yang berbicara Chamicuro
karena daerah ini telah menggunakan bahasa Spanyol sebgai bahasa harian
mereka. Namun, mereka yang berbicara bahasa ini mampu mengembangkan
sebuah kamus istilah mereka. Jika Anda ingin tahu bagaimana mengatakan
beberapa hewan di Chamicuro, gunakan ini: kawali (kuda,) polyo (ayam,)
Pato (bebek,) katujkana (monyet,) ma’nali (anjing,) mishi (kucing,) waka
2. Dumi (Dumi Bo’o, Bro Dumi, Lsi Rai, Ro’do Bo ‘, Sotmali)
Dumi, biasanya digunakan di daerah dekat sungai Tekan dan Rava,
Nepal. Juga diucapkan di wilayah pegunungan Kabupaten Khotang yang
terletak di Nepal timur. Ini adalah bahasa Kiranti, bagian dari rumpun
bahasa Tibeto-Burman. Dengan hanya 8 orang berbicara itu di tahun 2007,
bahasa ini dianggap kritis dan terancam punah.
3. Ongota / Birale
Pada tahun 2008, bahasa Ongota hanya dipakai oleh 6 orang penutur
asli, semuanya sudah berusia lanjut. Hal ini membuat bahasa ini kritis
dan terancam punah. Namun, tidak seperti kebanyakan bahasa yang
menghilang, sebenarnya ada seorang profesor di Universitas Addis Ababa
di Ethiopia yang melakukan studi bahasa Ongota. Dia menyimpulkan bahwa
bahasa ini mengikuti struktur subyek, obyek, dan kata kerja. Ongota
adalah bahasa Afro-Asia yang diucapkan di Ethiopia di tepi barat Sungai
Weito di sebuah desa kecil.
4. Liki (Moar)
Liki adalah bahasa kritis yang diucapkan di luar kepulauan pantai
utara Sarmi, Kabupaten Jayapura, dan Kecamatan Sarmi (?) , yang semuanya
berada di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2007, studi menunjukkan bahwa hanya 5
orang berbicara bahasa tersebut. Di masa lalu, bahasa ini dituturkan
oleh para pejabat gereja lokal yang tinggal di wilayah tersebut. Bahasa
ini berasal dari gabungan bahasa Austronesia, Malayo-Polynesia, Timur
Tengah, Timur Malayo-Polynesia, Kelautan, Barat Kelautan, North New
Guinea, Sarmi-Jayapura Bay, dan Sarmi.
5. Tanema (Tanima, Tetawo)
Di Kepulauan Solomon, bahasa Tanema ini pernah digunakan di
tempat-tempat seperti Pulau Vanikolo, Temotu Propinsi dan di sebuah desa
Emua. Saat ini, bahasa ini hanya dituturkan oleh 4 orang saja menurut
penelitian pada tahun 2008. Tanema adalah bahasa campuran Austronesia
dan juga Melayu-Polinesia Tengah-Timur, dan Kelautan. Banyak dari mereka
yang pernah berbicara Tanema telah beralih ke bahasa Pijin atau Teanu,
keduanya merupakan bahasa yang sangat populer di kawasan ini. Ingin
belajar bahasa Tanema? Cobalah: wekini (untuk mengaktifkan), laro
(berenang), la vamora (untuk bekerja), dan la munana (untuk berbaring.)
6. Njerep
Njerep Bantoid adalah bahasa yang diucapkan di Nigeria. bahasa ini
pernah diucapkan di Kamerun tapi tidak lagi. Sekarang yang paling umum
digunakan di dekat Mambila. Saat ini, bahasa Njerep telah digantikan
oleh Mambila dengan dialek berbeda seperti Ba dan Mvop. Hanya ada 4
orang yang masih berbicara Njerep menurut sebuah studi yang dilakukan
pada tahun 2007. Mereka yang berbicara dengan bahasa ini sudah berusia
lanjut, sehingga dalam beberapa saat bahasa ini kemungkinan besar akan
7. Chemehuevi
Chemehuevi, bahasa ini digunakan oleh Ute, Colorado, Southern
Paiute, Utah, Arizona utara, bagian selatan Nevada, dan di Sungai
Colorado, California. Sedangkan suku Chemehuevi meskipun masih ada namun
jumlah orang yang fasih berbahasa ini sulit ditemukan. Sebuah studi
pada tahun 2007 menunjukkan bahwa hanya 3 orang sepenuhnya berbicara
bahasa ini dan semuanya orang dewasa. Jika Anda ingin membicarakan
hal-hal alam di Chemehuevi, coba kata-kata seperti kaiv (gunung), hucip
(laut), mahav (pohon), dan tittvip (tanah / tanah).
8. Lemerig (Pak, Bek, Sasar, Leon, Lem)
Bahasa yang digunakan di Vanuatu, sebuah pulau yang terletak di
bagian selatan Samudra Pasifik sekitar 1.000 kilometer sebelah timur
Australia bagian utara, Lemerig menduduki peringkat 3. Lebih khusus,
bahasa ini dituturkan di Pulau Lava Vanua. Bahasa yang hanya memiliki
dua orang yang bisa berbicara lancar, menurut penelitian tahun 2008.
Lemerig terdiri dari setidaknya empat dialek berbeda, yang semuanya
mungkin sudah punah.
9. Kaixana (Caixana)
Kaixana adalah salah satu bahasa yang terancam punah kritis banyak
yang ada saat ini. bahasa ini pernah digunakan di dekat tepi Sungai
Japura, yang terletak di Brasil. Seiring waktu, pemukim Portugis
mengambil alih wilayah itu. Pada satu ketika, hampir 200 orang berbicara
dalam bahasa tersebut. Tapi, sebuah studi tahun 2006 menunjukkan bahwa
hanya tinggal satu orang masih berbicara Kaixana, sehingga terancam
kritis dan ditakdirkan untuk menjadi punah.
10. Taushiro (Pinche / Pinchi)
Taushiro, bahasa asli Peru, diucapkan di kawasan Sungai Tigre,
Aucayacu Sungai, yang merupakan anak sungai Ahuaruna. Dikenal sebagai
bahasa isolat, yang berarti tidak memiliki hubungan nyata dengan bahasa
lain. Mereka yang berbicara bahasa ini biasanya hanya berhitung sampai
sepuluh, menggunakan jari mereka. Sebagai contoh, untuk mengatakan
“satu” di Taushiro, Anda akan berkata washikanto. Untuk mengatakan nomor
di atas 10, Anda akan berkata “ashintu” dan menunjuk ke jari kaki Anda.
Pada tahun 2008, sebuah studi yang dilakukan pada bahasa Taushiro
menyimpulkan bahwa hanya satu orang yang lancar berbahsa ini. Bahasa ini
telah terdaftar sebagai bahasa yang hampir punah.(sumber)
5 kupu-kupu
Di antara banyak hewan yang mungkin akan benar-benar hilang dari bumi
ada beberapa spesies yang dapat dikatakan sebagai “karya seni dari
alam”, itulah kupu-kupu yang berwarna dan bermotif indah yang jumlahnya
berkurang dari hari ke hari.
Berikut Ini Daftar 5 Kupu-Kupu Yang Paling Menakjubkan Di Dunia.
1. Purple Spotted Swallowtail
Kupu-kupu Purple Spotted Swallowtail adalah kupu-kupu yang tidak
diragukan lagi keindahannya, tapi habitatnya semakin terancam. Hanya
dapat ditemukan di dataran tinggi Papua Nugini, kupu-kupu indah ini
berasal dari keluarga Papilionidae, dan merupakan kupu-kupu yang sangat
2. Red Lacewing
Ada banyak jenis kupu-kupu indah yang mendiami daerah-daerah di
Filipina, di antaranya adalah jenis Red Lacewing. Kupu-kupu ini bukanlah
kupu-kupu yang termasuk dalam kategori terancam punah dan dapat dengan
mudah ditemui di India, Nepal, China dan Indonesia. Dengan warna yang
mencolok serta pola yang kompleks, kupu-kupu ini memang dapat dikatakan
sebuah karya seni.
3. Blue Morpho
Kupu-kupu jenis ini merupakan jenis kupu-kupu yang memiliki warna
biru metalik. Di seluruh dunia, rata-rata orang menyukai warna biru,
sehingga banyak yang menyukai jenis kupu-kupu ini. Warnanya mengkilap
irama sehingga membuatnya beda dalam penampilan. Kupu-Kupu Blue Morpho,
memiliki lebar sayap hingga 8 inchi, jenis ini ditemukan di daerah
Amerika Tengah dan Selatan serta di Meksiko.
4. Leopard Lacewing
Daerah Timur dunia adalah rumah bagi beberapa spesies kupu-kupu
yang menarik, tapi mungkin yang paling mencolok adalah Lacewing Leopard.
Berwarna cerah, dengan skema yang benar-benar unik dari pola di sayap.
Jenis ini dapat ditemukan di India, Cina, Malaysia dan Singapura.
5. Peacock Butterfly
Eropa memiliki banyak jumlah spesies kupu-kupu indah, meskipun
mungkin yang tercantik dan paling berwarna adalah Peacock Butterfly.
Merupakan jenis yang artistik dalam hal penampilan. Jenis kupu-kupu yang
menakjubkan ini dapat ditemukan di Eropa dan di daerah beriklim sedang
di Asia. Jenis ini bukanlah kupu-kupu besar, dasar warna pada sayap
adalah warna merah berkarat, dan ujung sayap masing-masing mempunyai
DMO (Digimon Masters Online) HATCH 4/5
DMO (Digimon Masters Online) HATCH 4/5
Ada beberapa trik yang mungkin bisa jadi referensi kalian semua, ini hanya referensi dan tidak 100% berhasil soalnya sudah ane coba tapi tetep aja bergantung pada hoki. maksudnya begini, ane dah nyoba trik-trik ini dan hasilnya kadang sukses kadang gagal. kurang lebih trik-trik tersebut seperti ini :
- Melihat cahaya pada incubator : ketika egg (telur) diinputkan ke incubator maka akan muncul cahaya pada incubator, jika diperhatikan secara seksama cahaya tersebut ada yang redup dan ada yang sangat terang benderang. selanjutnya perhatikan hitungan atau ketukan atau apalah namanya itu, yang jelas seperti ini. sebelum cahaya itu terang benderang ada sekitar 3 kali cahaya tersebut redup sebelum akhirnya terang, nah loh.....(binggung) kalo binggung berarti kalian hampir paham. selajutnya input datanya bertepatan dengan perpindahan dari cahaya redup ke cahaya terang benderang, ulangi cara tersebut sampai level yang kalian inginkan (3/5, 4/5, 5/5). g'k selalu sukses tapi ane sering make cara ini sampai level 3/5. selebihnya tergantung hoki kalian masing-masing, hehehe....
- Detak pada incubator : setelah egg diinputkan akan terdengar detak yang di keluarkan oleh incubator, dengarkan secara seksama pada detak tertentu inputkan datanya. kalo tidak salah urutan detaknya seperti ini detak ke 2,3,5,7,9, pada detak ke 2 inputkan datanya kemudian dengarkan kembali detaknya dan hitung lagi dari awal pada detak ke 3 inputkan lagi datanya dan seterusnya.
- Bergantung penuh pada hoki : cara ini sangat mudah, tetapi butuh modal egg dan data yang lebih. setelah data dan egg dirasa cukup, langsung aja ke incubator terdekat dan inputkan eggnya. data diinputkan secara tidak beraturan (sak karepmu) dan lihat hasilnya. jika hokimu lagi bagus cara ini bisa tembus sampai 5/5 loh....
Kira-kira seperti itulah cara hatch yang ane tau, perlu kalian ingat tips diatas tidak 100% berhasil. disini ane hanya sekedar menuangkan tulisan saja, tips ini bisa kalian jadikan pengetahuan. bagi ane bermain game adalah menikmati prosesnya bukan hasilnya.
bagi pemain DMO ayo SEMANGAT !!!!!
Digimonmaster hatching Trick
I want to share tips and trick when hatching digimon on digimon masters online.
This hatching trick is work on me and all of my guild member. So, i think it will also work on you.
This tips is share about how to hatch 4/5 and 5/5 egg.
First you must have and prepare 5-10 pcs Mersenary Digi Egg. Don't forget to prepare DATA Chip.
If you are want to hatch Beast type digimon, you must prepare more than other. Prepare 300-400 DATA Chip at least.
This trick is using time. And success on me.
If Egg and Chip is ready, then go to Oil Reffinery 2. You can see Incubator near portal between Oil Reffinery 1 and Oil Refinery 2. Why we must choose Oil Reffinery? Because rumor says that hatching on Oil have 60% success chance. Better than in Yokohama and DATS that only 50%. Incubator near Snow Village also has 60% chance success. You can choose between Oil or Snow.
- second input is 3~4 seconds
- third input is 4~5 seconds
- fourth input is 5~7 seconds
- fifth input is 5~35 seconds (unpredictable)
And some people says that more higher tamer level is better chance to hatch digimon. So don't forget to leveling up your tamer. Have a nice day.. High affinity poin is better when hacthing Mercenary DigiEgg. Another tips said that higher level starter digimon is increase your percentages.
If Egg and Chip is ready, then go to Oil Reffinery 2. You can see Incubator near portal between Oil Reffinery 1 and Oil Refinery 2. Why we must choose Oil Reffinery? Because rumor says that hatching on Oil have 60% success chance. Better than in Yokohama and DATS that only 50%. Incubator near Snow Village also has 60% chance success. You can choose between Oil or Snow.
Hatching Trick
- first input is random- second input is 3~4 seconds
- third input is 4~5 seconds
- fourth input is 5~7 seconds
- fifth input is 5~35 seconds (unpredictable)
And some people says that more higher tamer level is better chance to hatch digimon. So don't forget to leveling up your tamer. Have a nice day.. High affinity poin is better when hacthing Mercenary DigiEgg. Another tips said that higher level starter digimon is increase your percentages.
DMO : 46 75 Tamer
Digimon Masters Online Level 46 to 75 Guide
First off, there are a few things you need to know before you start whacking some digi senseless.
A. your digi’s abilities
B. your enemy’s abilities
C. how long will it take to kill one
D. the chances you’re gonna die by an aggro ambush.
so keep these in mind so that you can plan ahead
now, we all know the drill:
Metalgreys from 46-51,
Dark tower skulls/ skullmeras from 51-56 or 58,
Dark veemons from that level to 64 or 65,
then Gizmon till 75.
there are a handful of digis that can level at Gizmons at 46, but I’ll talk about that later.
what I’m gonna talk about here is what you should be doing when fighting these digis, what to bring, and what skills to level up and spam. you’re not required to have AT/DE plates, but they make the process easier.
I. Mgreys
they have pretty high hp and def, so if you have plates, better equip them now. Digis with AS below 2.000 are better off with 2 AT plates while those with an AS above 2.500 might want to equip 2 DE plates instead. those in the middle have the choice of either pure AT/DE or half AT/DE.
fortunately, DE does not reduce the damage from skills, only skill elements do (you know, the symbol on your skills and the thing under your enemy’s name and the third tab on your digi’s status).
so what you should be doing is to have a good grasp of what skill cancel is and who can do it.
I’m not gonna list all the digis that can and can’t do that, but feel free to post here to ask me.
against Mgreys, those that can skill cancel should stick with their low cooldown moves rather than spamming
their power moves while those that can’t should stick with power moves and their normal attacks.
what to bring: bread and ds drinks, duh. but not just any bread or drink. the ones I would recommend are the bread
that costs 30b and the drink that costs 48b. bring lots of it, maybe around 600-800 each. that should last you for
about 4-8 hours of non-stop hardcore grinding. so why did I recommend these? because they’re the most cost-effective
hp/ds items there are. you can use the money you save for buying stuff you want or buying more ds disks.
as for the hp/ds disks, I recommend you buy the D disk for HP and the C disk for ds. same reason as the food items
and you can spam your skills non-stop for 1-3 hours if you have around 100-300 C ds disks. now I’m not gonna recommend
how many you should buy, that’s up to you. if you want to get more bits, then dont buy ds disks and sitck with de-digivolving
to recover ds. if you don’t mind getting less money and want to help your party level faster,
then buy a lot of ds disks and spam skills.
length of battle: normally for a below 2.000 AS digi, an Mgrey should go down in 6-8 seconds if your
digi is properly equipped with AT plates. for a digi with an AS above 2.500, it should take around 5-9 seconds–it’s
much more varied because of how some of thse digis are built. I know its confusing, so feel free to ask me about this part.
chance of getting killed by an aggro: it depends on your current level, your digi’s type and its DE and HP stat. the closer
you are to lvl 51, the higher the chance you can run away or kill the aggro. if your digi’s an SA and has 2 DE plates equipped,
then you can tank it out and kill the aggro with the help of HP disks. if your digi’s HP is below 2000 and you were pretty much
beat up by the last Mgrey you fought, then you’re in trouble. everything else is pretty much common sense.
II&III.; Dark Towers
I’m not gonna focus that much on this part, because its not that hard to begin with. there are no aggros inside the tower, so
you’ll only die if you’re careless; enemies are weak and easy to kill (some types might have some difficulty though).
what to bring: same bread, drink and disks. if you equipped your digi with 2 AT plates, you’ll kill faster and probably won’t
need to use skills so you won’t use ds drinks. while if you have 2 DE plates, they’ll barely scratch you so you’ll probably use less
length of battle: 6-12 seconds. nuff said.
do note that going through the dark towers will net you some pretty big amounts of bits. you’ll barely spend on anything
yet you gain around 100M-200M per training session.
IV. Gizmons
now the problem here is that they’re lvl 72~75, while you’re probably just 64~65. so that means they’ll deal more damage
and crit a lot while you’ll miss and deal pathetic physical damage. obviously, you’re better off with DE than AT plates. they’re not
required, but this time, DE plates will help a lot in keeping you alive.
what to bring: the usual. but if you don’t mind spending some cash for training, you might want to buy the 330b ds drink and the 900 hp bread. my advice is to scan the white bordered eggs from Veemon and Gizmon because they’ll usually net food worth more than what it costs to scan them. it’ll cost you, but it can help make leveling faster and easier.
length of battle: 1-4 seconds. because almost everyone is aiming for a ohko or a quick kill. after all, you don’t want to mess with these guys at a low level.
chance of getting killed by an aggro: pretty high if you’re not careful. my advice is to stick with the wide open area and only go to the bridge if all of your partymates are there. if you can, memorize the Gizmon spawn points so that you’ll know where to and not to fight.
First off, there are a few things you need to know before you start whacking some digi senseless.
A. your digi’s abilities
B. your enemy’s abilities
C. how long will it take to kill one
D. the chances you’re gonna die by an aggro ambush.
so keep these in mind so that you can plan ahead
now, we all know the drill:
Metalgreys from 46-51,
Dark tower skulls/ skullmeras from 51-56 or 58,
Dark veemons from that level to 64 or 65,
then Gizmon till 75.
there are a handful of digis that can level at Gizmons at 46, but I’ll talk about that later.
what I’m gonna talk about here is what you should be doing when fighting these digis, what to bring, and what skills to level up and spam. you’re not required to have AT/DE plates, but they make the process easier.
I. Mgreys
they have pretty high hp and def, so if you have plates, better equip them now. Digis with AS below 2.000 are better off with 2 AT plates while those with an AS above 2.500 might want to equip 2 DE plates instead. those in the middle have the choice of either pure AT/DE or half AT/DE.
fortunately, DE does not reduce the damage from skills, only skill elements do (you know, the symbol on your skills and the thing under your enemy’s name and the third tab on your digi’s status).
so what you should be doing is to have a good grasp of what skill cancel is and who can do it.
I’m not gonna list all the digis that can and can’t do that, but feel free to post here to ask me.
against Mgreys, those that can skill cancel should stick with their low cooldown moves rather than spamming
their power moves while those that can’t should stick with power moves and their normal attacks.
what to bring: bread and ds drinks, duh. but not just any bread or drink. the ones I would recommend are the bread
that costs 30b and the drink that costs 48b. bring lots of it, maybe around 600-800 each. that should last you for
about 4-8 hours of non-stop hardcore grinding. so why did I recommend these? because they’re the most cost-effective
hp/ds items there are. you can use the money you save for buying stuff you want or buying more ds disks.
as for the hp/ds disks, I recommend you buy the D disk for HP and the C disk for ds. same reason as the food items
and you can spam your skills non-stop for 1-3 hours if you have around 100-300 C ds disks. now I’m not gonna recommend
how many you should buy, that’s up to you. if you want to get more bits, then dont buy ds disks and sitck with de-digivolving
to recover ds. if you don’t mind getting less money and want to help your party level faster,
then buy a lot of ds disks and spam skills.
length of battle: normally for a below 2.000 AS digi, an Mgrey should go down in 6-8 seconds if your
digi is properly equipped with AT plates. for a digi with an AS above 2.500, it should take around 5-9 seconds–it’s
much more varied because of how some of thse digis are built. I know its confusing, so feel free to ask me about this part.
chance of getting killed by an aggro: it depends on your current level, your digi’s type and its DE and HP stat. the closer
you are to lvl 51, the higher the chance you can run away or kill the aggro. if your digi’s an SA and has 2 DE plates equipped,
then you can tank it out and kill the aggro with the help of HP disks. if your digi’s HP is below 2000 and you were pretty much
beat up by the last Mgrey you fought, then you’re in trouble. everything else is pretty much common sense.
II&III.; Dark Towers
I’m not gonna focus that much on this part, because its not that hard to begin with. there are no aggros inside the tower, so
you’ll only die if you’re careless; enemies are weak and easy to kill (some types might have some difficulty though).
what to bring: same bread, drink and disks. if you equipped your digi with 2 AT plates, you’ll kill faster and probably won’t
need to use skills so you won’t use ds drinks. while if you have 2 DE plates, they’ll barely scratch you so you’ll probably use less
length of battle: 6-12 seconds. nuff said.
do note that going through the dark towers will net you some pretty big amounts of bits. you’ll barely spend on anything
yet you gain around 100M-200M per training session.
IV. Gizmons
now the problem here is that they’re lvl 72~75, while you’re probably just 64~65. so that means they’ll deal more damage
and crit a lot while you’ll miss and deal pathetic physical damage. obviously, you’re better off with DE than AT plates. they’re not
required, but this time, DE plates will help a lot in keeping you alive.
what to bring: the usual. but if you don’t mind spending some cash for training, you might want to buy the 330b ds drink and the 900 hp bread. my advice is to scan the white bordered eggs from Veemon and Gizmon because they’ll usually net food worth more than what it costs to scan them. it’ll cost you, but it can help make leveling faster and easier.
length of battle: 1-4 seconds. because almost everyone is aiming for a ohko or a quick kill. after all, you don’t want to mess with these guys at a low level.
chance of getting killed by an aggro: pretty high if you’re not careful. my advice is to stick with the wide open area and only go to the bridge if all of your partymates are there. if you can, memorize the Gizmon spawn points so that you’ll know where to and not to fight.
Digimon Masters Online Hatching Eggs Guide
Digimon Masters Online Hatching Eggs Guide
Greetings. This will be a comprehensive guide which would show you a step by step process of how to properly hatch an egg.
What you need:
In order to obtain a partner egg and data chips, you will have to battle the rookie, champion, ultimate or mega form of the available partner that you want and obtain their eggs. For example, if you want a Biyomon as your partner, you have to fight either
Rarely, those digimons will drop a Partner egg (with the blue aura). This egg is meant for hatching and not for conversion. To hatch the egg, head to either the Blonde-haired NPC or the Turtle NPC beside Samson.
When am I ready to hatch a partner egg?

Drag your Partner egg from your inventory towards the NPC pop-up screen and your egg should now be displayed onto the screen slot like the example below.

There are three clickable icons on that NPC screen. The top icon is to give your Data chips to your Partner egg needed to hatch it. The left bottom icon to collect your egg if you successfully hatched it. The last icon is to abort the process if you did not brind enough chips for hatching. When the last option is clicked, two other options will be presented to you. The left option is to choose to abort your egg forever and the right option is to choose to let the NPC keep hold of your egg, until you get more Data chips.
Assuming you have at least 6 Data chips, go ahead and press the first icon to start feeding your Data chips to your egg. Each click on the first icon will feed 2 Data Chips into your egg. 3 clicks are only needed to provide enough data to hatch your egg (hence a total of 6 Data chips needed). You can feed a maximum of 10 Data chips to your egg but it would not benefit any benefit, nor will you use your egg, just wasting away some Data chips.
Every 2 Data chips used will hence fill up 1/5 of your bar. 6 Data chips or 3/5 of the bar are the minimum requirements to hatch your egg.

Success: After feeding 6 Data chips, a yellow message should pop out (look above) and the left bottom icon will be lit up, meaning that you have managed to hatch your partner egg. This is where luck, the quality of your Partner egg and your Data egg comes into play.
Failure: Your partner egg will disappear from the NPC screen and a red message will be displayed to say that you were unsuccessful. Failure can happen while you are feeding your Partner egg with your Data chips, sometimes after pressing the first icon once, twice or thrice.
If successful, proceed to click on the left bottom icon and a new pop-up screen will appear. This will ask you to create a name for your new partner (the system does not accept spaces, hyphens or dashes). Upon creation, your new Digimon, its name and its height will be displayed in green for the whole community to view it (look below).

Congratulations. You have just been awarded with a new partner. To activate your partner as your main digimon, just left-click against your new partner in the smallest circle avatar and a small pop-up screen will appear. Drag your cursor downwards and click on the option which switches your digimon. If you want your starter to become your main digimon again, just repeat this process.

The screenshot above shows my newly created Biyomon, fresh from her egg. Hopefully, all of you can be successful in hatching your very own egg and become a mega one day, like the Pheonixmon behind me.
*Note: The screenshot showed that I only consumed 3 chips, but this egg I used was special as it was given by the G/M, so it only consumed 1 chip instead of 2 per use. Actual fact is that 2 chips will be consumed per click of the “Feeding Data” icon.*
Impmon – 10 Dark Chips
Agumon Version 1 – 5 Reptile Chips
Gotsumon – 2 Rock Chips
Biyomon – 5 Bird Chips
Elecmon – 5 Beast Chips
Kunemon – 1 Bug Chip
Demimeramon – 1 Fire Chip
Deputymon – 2 Rock Chips
Kiwimon – 2 Bird Chips
Palmon (Cherrymon) – 1 Plant Chip
Palmon (Lilymon) – 3 Plant Chips
Drimogemon – 1 Beast Chip
Dogmon – 2 Beast Chips
Dobermon – 2 Beast chips
Starmon – 2 Rock Chips
Gabumon – 5 Beast Chips
Guilmon – 10 Reptile Chips
Renamon – 10 Beast Chips
Veemon – 10 Reptile Chips
Tentomon – 5 Bug Chips
Gomamon – 5 Water Chips
Greetings. This will be a comprehensive guide which would show you a step by step process of how to properly hatch an egg.
What you need:
- Lots of patience with a tint of luck
- An Partner egg, with a glowing blue aura
- Data chips obtained from an specific egg
In order to obtain a partner egg and data chips, you will have to battle the rookie, champion, ultimate or mega form of the available partner that you want and obtain their eggs. For example, if you want a Biyomon as your partner, you have to fight either
- Biyomon
- Birdramon/Saberdramon
- Garudamon
- Pheonixmon
Rarely, those digimons will drop a Partner egg (with the blue aura). This egg is meant for hatching and not for conversion. To hatch the egg, head to either the Blonde-haired NPC or the Turtle NPC beside Samson.
When am I ready to hatch a partner egg?
- A Partner egg obtained from the wild digimon evolutions of the partner you want
- At least 6 Data chips obtained from the conversions of the Data egg from those same evolutions
- When you feel lucky (4-leaf clover and horseshoe not included)
Drag your Partner egg from your inventory towards the NPC pop-up screen and your egg should now be displayed onto the screen slot like the example below.
There are three clickable icons on that NPC screen. The top icon is to give your Data chips to your Partner egg needed to hatch it. The left bottom icon to collect your egg if you successfully hatched it. The last icon is to abort the process if you did not brind enough chips for hatching. When the last option is clicked, two other options will be presented to you. The left option is to choose to abort your egg forever and the right option is to choose to let the NPC keep hold of your egg, until you get more Data chips.
Assuming you have at least 6 Data chips, go ahead and press the first icon to start feeding your Data chips to your egg. Each click on the first icon will feed 2 Data Chips into your egg. 3 clicks are only needed to provide enough data to hatch your egg (hence a total of 6 Data chips needed). You can feed a maximum of 10 Data chips to your egg but it would not benefit any benefit, nor will you use your egg, just wasting away some Data chips.
Every 2 Data chips used will hence fill up 1/5 of your bar. 6 Data chips or 3/5 of the bar are the minimum requirements to hatch your egg.
Success: After feeding 6 Data chips, a yellow message should pop out (look above) and the left bottom icon will be lit up, meaning that you have managed to hatch your partner egg. This is where luck, the quality of your Partner egg and your Data egg comes into play.
Failure: Your partner egg will disappear from the NPC screen and a red message will be displayed to say that you were unsuccessful. Failure can happen while you are feeding your Partner egg with your Data chips, sometimes after pressing the first icon once, twice or thrice.
If successful, proceed to click on the left bottom icon and a new pop-up screen will appear. This will ask you to create a name for your new partner (the system does not accept spaces, hyphens or dashes). Upon creation, your new Digimon, its name and its height will be displayed in green for the whole community to view it (look below).
Congratulations. You have just been awarded with a new partner. To activate your partner as your main digimon, just left-click against your new partner in the smallest circle avatar and a small pop-up screen will appear. Drag your cursor downwards and click on the option which switches your digimon. If you want your starter to become your main digimon again, just repeat this process.
The screenshot above shows my newly created Biyomon, fresh from her egg. Hopefully, all of you can be successful in hatching your very own egg and become a mega one day, like the Pheonixmon behind me.
*Note: The screenshot showed that I only consumed 3 chips, but this egg I used was special as it was given by the G/M, so it only consumed 1 chip instead of 2 per use. Actual fact is that 2 chips will be consumed per click of the “Feeding Data” icon.*
Impmon – 10 Dark Chips
Agumon Version 1 – 5 Reptile Chips
Gotsumon – 2 Rock Chips
Biyomon – 5 Bird Chips
Elecmon – 5 Beast Chips
Kunemon – 1 Bug Chip
Demimeramon – 1 Fire Chip
Deputymon – 2 Rock Chips
Kiwimon – 2 Bird Chips
Palmon (Cherrymon) – 1 Plant Chip
Palmon (Lilymon) – 3 Plant Chips
Drimogemon – 1 Beast Chip
Dogmon – 2 Beast Chips
Dobermon – 2 Beast chips
Starmon – 2 Rock Chips
Gabumon – 5 Beast Chips
Guilmon – 10 Reptile Chips
Renamon – 10 Beast Chips
Veemon – 10 Reptile Chips
Tentomon – 5 Bug Chips
Gomamon – 5 Water Chips
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Tips Hatch Digimon 5/5
Hatch digimon master online part 2
Digimon master online hatching trick
Trick hatching digimon master online DMO
1. Do not be too terforsir hatch digimon. If this fails the 4 eggs, then go ahead tomorrow.
If tomorrow fails, try again the next day. And so on. Who knows with just one egg can succeed.
![]() |
Hacth Part2 |
2/5 wait 3 second ++
3/5 wait 3 second ++
4/5 wait 1 minute ++
5/5 wait 10 minute ++
2. Stay Enjoy. Sometimes we are fun - fun hatch digimon could own company.
3. Lag factor "FAST CONNECTION". Avoid hatch when we're lag connection / unstable.
4. Intimacy tamer hatch when high buddy. Most players use the DMO to hatch digimon Intimacy.
The higher the percentage the more tamer Intimacy hatch success.
But the trick is not effective overall.
5. Hockey factor.
6. Pray before input data.
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