Saturday, December 31, 2011
Paket Blackberry Unlimited Termurah
Bingung mencari-cari paket Blackberry Unlimited namun murah dan tidak terlalu menguras isi dompet? Saat ini operator di Indonesia memang berlomba-lomba menyajikan berbagai Paket Blackberry untuk menarik minat para pengguna Blackberry di Indonesia.
Salah Satu Paket Blackberry Unlimited Termurah adalah Paket BB Unlimited dari Tri. Yups dengan harga yang cuma 69 ribu per bulan, Anda sudah menikmati paket Blackberry Unlimited full service mulai dari Browsing, BBM, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, Email sampai Download sepuasnya. Untuk berlangganan Paket Blackberry Tri Anda bisa menekan *123# langsung dari Blackberry Anda.
Berikut ini adalah Pilihan Paket Blackberry 3 yang Anda pilih yang terdiri dari Paket Blackberry Unlimited, Paket Blackberry Gaul, sampai Paket Blackberry Mail.
Salah Satu Paket Blackberry Unlimited Termurah adalah Paket BB Unlimited dari Tri. Yups dengan harga yang cuma 69 ribu per bulan, Anda sudah menikmati paket Blackberry Unlimited full service mulai dari Browsing, BBM, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, Email sampai Download sepuasnya. Untuk berlangganan Paket Blackberry Tri Anda bisa menekan *123# langsung dari Blackberry Anda.
Berikut ini adalah Pilihan Paket Blackberry 3 yang Anda pilih yang terdiri dari Paket Blackberry Unlimited, Paket Blackberry Gaul, sampai Paket Blackberry Mail.
Apakah Anda berlangganan Paket Blackberry Unlimited Bulanan? Jika iya, maka jangan sia-siakan Paket Blackberry Full Service tersebut, kalau cuma untuk Twitteran, Facebookan, BBM-an atau sekedar cek email dan browsing biasa, rasanya kurang memuaskan. Kenapa tidak manfaatkan Blackberry Anda sebagai Download Manager alias gadget untuk mendownload apapun yang Anda inginkan mulai dari Movie HD atau High Definition, Program, Lagu, sampai game untuk Laptop atau Netbook Anda.
Anda bisa Download Berbagai Macam Game untuk Netbook dari Blackberry Anda, dengan ukuran berapapun baik itu 100MB lebih ataupun sampai 500MB! Jika Anda penasaran, bagaimana sih biar sukses Download File Apapun di Blackberry dengan ukuran yang besar, ikuti tips berikut ini.
Pertama, biar Anda tidak kesal saat Download ataupun biar kecepatan downloadnya cukup kencang, pastikan Blackberry yang Anda pakai sudah mendukung koneksi 3G seperti Blackberry Bold 9900 Dakota, Blackberry Bold 9790, ataupun Blackberry yang agak jadul seperti Curve 3G ataupun Bold 9780 Onyx 2!
Tak kalah penting, pastikan juga di daerah Anda sudah ada koneksi 3G, jadi pilihkan operator yang sudah memiliki koneksi 3G di daerah Anda. Ini tentunya biar kecepatan Download di Blackberry lebih maksimal. Berdasarkan pengalaman, dengan koneksi 3G kecepatan Download di Blackberry bisa mencapai 60KB/S dibandingkan dengan koneksi EDGE yang hanya 25KB/S, jadi tentunya dengan koneksi 3G Anda tidak akan terlalu kesal menunggu hasil download!
Cari file yang akan di download di web File Hosting yang sedikit bersahabat dengan Blackberry alias sedikit sekali mengalami error. Rekomendasi terbaik untuk ini adalah MediaFire dan Enterupload, alternatif kedua bisa dicoba dari 4Shared ataupun Ziddu! Jadi carilah file game, filem ataupun lagu dari web tersebut. Untuk melakukan pencarian file di web tersebut Anda bisa memanfaatkan Google, caranya cukup mudah tinggal ketik pada kolom pencarian di Google, dengan kata kunci semisal “ transformer” tanpa tanda kutip jika Anda ingin mencari film Transformer di Mediafire.
Untuk Download File yang berukuran besar semisal 500MB atau 1GB, carilah file-file yang sudah di pecah, semisal menjadi beberapa bagian, misal menjadi part 1, part 2 dan seterusnya. Jangan khawatir banyak kok yang menyediakan file-file besar yang sudah dipecah-pecah, sehingga bisa didownload secara terpisah. Setelah selesai di download, file-file tersebut bisa digabung dengan menggunakan Winrar ataupun HJSplit!
Upgrade SD Card atau Memori Card Anda minimal sebesar 4GB, ini sangat penting biar Anda bisa Download File dengan ukuran besar atau ukuran berapapun yang Anda inginkan. Sebenarnya Anda bisa menggunakan SD Card Standar sebesar 2GB, namun itu artinya Anda harus sering mentransfer hasil download ke Laptop, biar SD Card anda selalu siap untuk menampung hasil Download apapun.
Sebagai referensi, penulis sendiri hampir setiap malam bisa download Game untuk laptop sampai Movie Terbaru dengan ukuran yang bisa mencapai 500MB-1GB lebih! So, kalau Anda berlangganan paket Blackberry Unlimited, kenapa tidak manfaatkan Blackberry Anda sebagai Download Manager untuk Download apapun yang Anda inginkan!
Anda bisa Download Berbagai Macam Game untuk Netbook dari Blackberry Anda, dengan ukuran berapapun baik itu 100MB lebih ataupun sampai 500MB! Jika Anda penasaran, bagaimana sih biar sukses Download File Apapun di Blackberry dengan ukuran yang besar, ikuti tips berikut ini.
Pertama, biar Anda tidak kesal saat Download ataupun biar kecepatan downloadnya cukup kencang, pastikan Blackberry yang Anda pakai sudah mendukung koneksi 3G seperti Blackberry Bold 9900 Dakota, Blackberry Bold 9790, ataupun Blackberry yang agak jadul seperti Curve 3G ataupun Bold 9780 Onyx 2!
Tak kalah penting, pastikan juga di daerah Anda sudah ada koneksi 3G, jadi pilihkan operator yang sudah memiliki koneksi 3G di daerah Anda. Ini tentunya biar kecepatan Download di Blackberry lebih maksimal. Berdasarkan pengalaman, dengan koneksi 3G kecepatan Download di Blackberry bisa mencapai 60KB/S dibandingkan dengan koneksi EDGE yang hanya 25KB/S, jadi tentunya dengan koneksi 3G Anda tidak akan terlalu kesal menunggu hasil download!
Cari file yang akan di download di web File Hosting yang sedikit bersahabat dengan Blackberry alias sedikit sekali mengalami error. Rekomendasi terbaik untuk ini adalah MediaFire dan Enterupload, alternatif kedua bisa dicoba dari 4Shared ataupun Ziddu! Jadi carilah file game, filem ataupun lagu dari web tersebut. Untuk melakukan pencarian file di web tersebut Anda bisa memanfaatkan Google, caranya cukup mudah tinggal ketik pada kolom pencarian di Google, dengan kata kunci semisal “ transformer” tanpa tanda kutip jika Anda ingin mencari film Transformer di Mediafire.
Untuk Download File yang berukuran besar semisal 500MB atau 1GB, carilah file-file yang sudah di pecah, semisal menjadi beberapa bagian, misal menjadi part 1, part 2 dan seterusnya. Jangan khawatir banyak kok yang menyediakan file-file besar yang sudah dipecah-pecah, sehingga bisa didownload secara terpisah. Setelah selesai di download, file-file tersebut bisa digabung dengan menggunakan Winrar ataupun HJSplit!
Upgrade SD Card atau Memori Card Anda minimal sebesar 4GB, ini sangat penting biar Anda bisa Download File dengan ukuran besar atau ukuran berapapun yang Anda inginkan. Sebenarnya Anda bisa menggunakan SD Card Standar sebesar 2GB, namun itu artinya Anda harus sering mentransfer hasil download ke Laptop, biar SD Card anda selalu siap untuk menampung hasil Download apapun.
Sebagai referensi, penulis sendiri hampir setiap malam bisa download Game untuk laptop sampai Movie Terbaru dengan ukuran yang bisa mencapai 500MB-1GB lebih! So, kalau Anda berlangganan paket Blackberry Unlimited, kenapa tidak manfaatkan Blackberry Anda sebagai Download Manager untuk Download apapun yang Anda inginkan!
5 free iphone Games Terbaik
iPhone adalah ponsel gengam bersistem operasi alias Smartphone produksi perusahaan papan atas Apple. Inc. Iphone adalah revolusi dari paradigma ponsel yang sebelumnya dikuasai Nokia, yang membawa nuansa baru telepon yang praktis, serta fungsi yang sangat lengkap. Sejarah IPHONE tak lepas dari sosok Almarhum Steve Jobs yang membawa Apple dan iPhone sebagai penguasa pasaran Smartphone saat ini.
Apple, Inc. (sebelumnya bernama Apple Computer, Inc.) adalah sebuah perusahaan teknologi komputer yang terletak di daerah Silicon Valley, Cupertino, California. Apple adalah perintis revolusi desktop PC pada awal 1970-an. Beberapa software yang dirilis Apple mampu bersaing di pasaran seperti video editor Final Cut Pro, sound editor Logic Pro dan music player iTunes yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai toko lagu online yang menyediakan berbagai lagu barat terbaru. Apple terkenal akan perangkat kerasnya, seperti iMac, Macbook, perangkat pemutar lagu iPod, dan telepon genggam iPhone.
Generasi IPHONE :
Berikut ini adalah 5 iphone Games gratis terbaik yang beredar saat ini
Angry Birds Rio adalah penerus dari games terpopuler berbagai platform : Angry Bird. Seri terbaru game besutan Rovio ini memiliki 60 stage yang sangat menantang. Addictive banget dah game ini. Compatible untuk iPhone, iPod Touch dan iPad.
GT Racing: Motor Academy Free+
Games berkualitas grafik HD gratis dari Gameloft. Hampir sama dengan aspalt 6, game ini bercerita tentang kebut-kebutan. Di games ini ada dapa memodifikasi mobil anda sesuai dengan keinginan. Game ini bisa melakukan balapan secara multiplayer melalui Wi-Fi. Compatible untuk iPhone, iPod Touch dan iPad.
Angry Chickens Lite
Gameplay dari permainan Angry Chickens Lite untuk iPhone, iPod Touch dan iPad ini sangat mirip dengan Angry bird, hanya yang membedakan adalah, pada permainan ini anda adalah seekor : Ayam. Permainan yang sangat cocok untuk waktu senggang anda yang tidak membutuhkan banyak strategi dan mengandalkan keberuntungan.
Permainan kartu yang sudah begitu tenar di banyak platform, tidak usah diceritan lagi bagaimana asyiknya memainkan game ini untuk membuang waktu dan refreshing sejenak. Anda dapat bermain solitaire dengan pemain lain secara real time, permainan ini memiliki kemampuan untuk menangani beberapa pemain pada saat yang sama. Permainan mendukung modus potret dan lansekap. Bisa dimainkan di iPhone, iPod Touch dan iPad.
Ninjump adalah permainan yang sangat adiktif di mana Anda sebagai seorang ninja yang tengah melompat di gedung yang tinggi. Anda harus menghindari berbagai rintangan seperti ninja lain, burung pembunuh dan sebagainya. Asyik dimainkan di di iPhone, iPod Touch dan iPad.
Apple, Inc. (sebelumnya bernama Apple Computer, Inc.) adalah sebuah perusahaan teknologi komputer yang terletak di daerah Silicon Valley, Cupertino, California. Apple adalah perintis revolusi desktop PC pada awal 1970-an. Beberapa software yang dirilis Apple mampu bersaing di pasaran seperti video editor Final Cut Pro, sound editor Logic Pro dan music player iTunes yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai toko lagu online yang menyediakan berbagai lagu barat terbaru. Apple terkenal akan perangkat kerasnya, seperti iMac, Macbook, perangkat pemutar lagu iPod, dan telepon genggam iPhone.
Generasi IPHONE :
- iPhone generasi pertama, mulai dipasarkan pada 29 Juni 2007 di AS.
- iPhone 3G (karena disertai dengan fitur 3G) diluncurkan di berbagai negara pada 11 Juli 2008.
- iPhone 3GS, diluncurkan pada tanggal 17 Juni 2009.
- iPhone 4, diluncurkan pada akhir Oktober 2010. Pada saat awal peluncuran, iPhone 4 dikabarkan memiliki banyak masalah khususnya dalam hal antena. Namun walau begitu, iphone 4 masuk dalam jajaran Smartphone Gaming Terbaik 2011.
- iPhone 4S dirilis pada akhir oktober 2011. Fitur yang dibawa iPhone 4S antara lain fitur suara (SIRI), iMessage dan Smart Reminder. Namun ternyata iPhone 4S memiliki beberapa bug pada bagian baterainya yang mudah habis atau drop.
- iPhone 5. Menurut berita yang beredar, IPHONE 5 akan dirilis pada tahun 2012, di duga akan mengusung design yang lebih menarik, feature yang lebih canggih, user friendly, dan simple. Kita tunggu saja gosip dan info terbaru tentang iPhone 5 ini maupun info seputar iPhone 5 Release Date.
Berikut ini adalah 5 iphone Games gratis terbaik yang beredar saat ini
Free iPhone Games Terbaik 2011
Angry Bird Rio FreeAngry Birds Rio adalah penerus dari games terpopuler berbagai platform : Angry Bird. Seri terbaru game besutan Rovio ini memiliki 60 stage yang sangat menantang. Addictive banget dah game ini. Compatible untuk iPhone, iPod Touch dan iPad.
GT Racing: Motor Academy Free+
Games berkualitas grafik HD gratis dari Gameloft. Hampir sama dengan aspalt 6, game ini bercerita tentang kebut-kebutan. Di games ini ada dapa memodifikasi mobil anda sesuai dengan keinginan. Game ini bisa melakukan balapan secara multiplayer melalui Wi-Fi. Compatible untuk iPhone, iPod Touch dan iPad.
Angry Chickens Lite
Gameplay dari permainan Angry Chickens Lite untuk iPhone, iPod Touch dan iPad ini sangat mirip dengan Angry bird, hanya yang membedakan adalah, pada permainan ini anda adalah seekor : Ayam. Permainan yang sangat cocok untuk waktu senggang anda yang tidak membutuhkan banyak strategi dan mengandalkan keberuntungan.
Permainan kartu yang sudah begitu tenar di banyak platform, tidak usah diceritan lagi bagaimana asyiknya memainkan game ini untuk membuang waktu dan refreshing sejenak. Anda dapat bermain solitaire dengan pemain lain secara real time, permainan ini memiliki kemampuan untuk menangani beberapa pemain pada saat yang sama. Permainan mendukung modus potret dan lansekap. Bisa dimainkan di iPhone, iPod Touch dan iPad.
Ninjump adalah permainan yang sangat adiktif di mana Anda sebagai seorang ninja yang tengah melompat di gedung yang tinggi. Anda harus menghindari berbagai rintangan seperti ninja lain, burung pembunuh dan sebagainya. Asyik dimainkan di di iPhone, iPod Touch dan iPad.
5 Aplikasi Blackberry
Buat Pengguna Blackberry, memang cukup sedikit aplikasi yang dibuat dan di khususkan untuk Blackberry. Cukup sedikit developer yang mengembangkan aplikasi yang bisa berfungsi di lingkungan Sistem Operasi Blackberry.
Namun begitu, Blackberry tetap memiliki beberapa aplikasi unggulan yang bisa mempersonalifikasi fungsi dan manfaat Gadgetnya. Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas 5 Aplikasi Blackberry Terbaik 2011. Aplikasi-aplikasi BB ini diakui sebagai aplikasi yang terbaik untuk blackberry dengan patokan jumlah banyaknya pengunduh dan penggunanya.
Langsung Aja, berikut ini 5 Aplikasi Gratis Blackberry Terbaik 2011 :
Twitter for BlackBerry
Twitter For Blackberry adalah aplikasi gratis yang memungkinkan kamu untuk ber tweet ria via Blackberry. Dengan skema warna yang lebih terang, dukungan untuk tren lokal, icon Profil dengan foto, dan kinerja lebih cepat. Interface aplikasi ini dirancang dengan sangat baik. Feature yang terdapat pada Twitter for BlackBerry : Mencari, Follow, Unfollow, memeriksa tren, font yang indah dan bar utilitas yang multi fungsi.
BOLT 2.52
Bolt adalah browser alternative untuk Gadget Blackberry. Kelebihan Bolt adalah kemampuannya menampilkan bentuk asli dari sebuah situs yang di kunjungi, sehingga seolah seperti tengah browsing mengunakan PC desktop. Namun kelebihan Bolt dibanding Browser bawaan Blackberry adalah, kompresinnya yang lebih baik dan cepat. Bolt Versi 2.5 menambahkan dukungan untuk video Facebook, kompatibilitas terhadap HTML5, mendukung multi tab browsing, support Flash Video, dan Web aplikasi chatting, seperti Facebook dan Meebo.
Flashlight 2 for 1 Free 1.1.1
Aplikasi ini sangat berguna bagi kamu disaat-saat yang penting, misalnya mati lampu, atau tengah berada di lokasi yang gelap, Flashlight 2 for 1 Free mampu menerangi tempat kamu berkat memanfaatkan fungsi flash light kamera pada Blackberry. Nama Flashlight 2 for 1 Free memang memiliki 2 feature senter, yaitu, cahaya terang dari lampu Led di belakang body, dan cahaya dari layar LCD dan Led depan (jika ada). Kelebihan Flashlight 2 for 1 Free adalah kemampuannya mengatur dan mengoptimalkan daya baterai dan penggunaan memori saat aktif.
Facebook For Blackberry 2.0
Situs Jejaring Sosial No 1 di dunia, dengan pengguna terbanyak didunia, maka aplikasi Facebook merupakan keharusan bagi Smartphone, tak terkecuali Blackberry. Facebook for Blackberry memiliki antarmuka berbasis grid baru dengan navigasi yang hampir mirip dengan tampilan Facebook untuk iPhone atau perangkat Android. Facebook For Blackberry bisa melakukan kegiatan Chatting di Facebook, juga ada feature Pemberitahuan dan berita terbaru, fungsi permintaan teman, pesan, chatting, dan pemberitahuan umum. Facebook for BlackBerry tersedia di BlackBerry App World.
Google Maps 4.5.3
Program pemetaan mobile gratis dari Google ini akhirnya tampil untuk Blackberry. Feature Google Maps tampil sempurna di Gadget ini, dengan berbagai fungsi seperti : pencarian lokasi, penentuan jarak, dan sebagainya. Aplikasi Google Maps ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang suka traveling.
Namun begitu, Blackberry tetap memiliki beberapa aplikasi unggulan yang bisa mempersonalifikasi fungsi dan manfaat Gadgetnya. Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas 5 Aplikasi Blackberry Terbaik 2011. Aplikasi-aplikasi BB ini diakui sebagai aplikasi yang terbaik untuk blackberry dengan patokan jumlah banyaknya pengunduh dan penggunanya.
Langsung Aja, berikut ini 5 Aplikasi Gratis Blackberry Terbaik 2011 :
Twitter for BlackBerry
Twitter For Blackberry adalah aplikasi gratis yang memungkinkan kamu untuk ber tweet ria via Blackberry. Dengan skema warna yang lebih terang, dukungan untuk tren lokal, icon Profil dengan foto, dan kinerja lebih cepat. Interface aplikasi ini dirancang dengan sangat baik. Feature yang terdapat pada Twitter for BlackBerry : Mencari, Follow, Unfollow, memeriksa tren, font yang indah dan bar utilitas yang multi fungsi.
BOLT 2.52
Bolt adalah browser alternative untuk Gadget Blackberry. Kelebihan Bolt adalah kemampuannya menampilkan bentuk asli dari sebuah situs yang di kunjungi, sehingga seolah seperti tengah browsing mengunakan PC desktop. Namun kelebihan Bolt dibanding Browser bawaan Blackberry adalah, kompresinnya yang lebih baik dan cepat. Bolt Versi 2.5 menambahkan dukungan untuk video Facebook, kompatibilitas terhadap HTML5, mendukung multi tab browsing, support Flash Video, dan Web aplikasi chatting, seperti Facebook dan Meebo.
Flashlight 2 for 1 Free 1.1.1
Aplikasi ini sangat berguna bagi kamu disaat-saat yang penting, misalnya mati lampu, atau tengah berada di lokasi yang gelap, Flashlight 2 for 1 Free mampu menerangi tempat kamu berkat memanfaatkan fungsi flash light kamera pada Blackberry. Nama Flashlight 2 for 1 Free memang memiliki 2 feature senter, yaitu, cahaya terang dari lampu Led di belakang body, dan cahaya dari layar LCD dan Led depan (jika ada). Kelebihan Flashlight 2 for 1 Free adalah kemampuannya mengatur dan mengoptimalkan daya baterai dan penggunaan memori saat aktif.
Facebook For Blackberry 2.0
Situs Jejaring Sosial No 1 di dunia, dengan pengguna terbanyak didunia, maka aplikasi Facebook merupakan keharusan bagi Smartphone, tak terkecuali Blackberry. Facebook for Blackberry memiliki antarmuka berbasis grid baru dengan navigasi yang hampir mirip dengan tampilan Facebook untuk iPhone atau perangkat Android. Facebook For Blackberry bisa melakukan kegiatan Chatting di Facebook, juga ada feature Pemberitahuan dan berita terbaru, fungsi permintaan teman, pesan, chatting, dan pemberitahuan umum. Facebook for BlackBerry tersedia di BlackBerry App World.
Google Maps 4.5.3
Program pemetaan mobile gratis dari Google ini akhirnya tampil untuk Blackberry. Feature Google Maps tampil sempurna di Gadget ini, dengan berbagai fungsi seperti : pencarian lokasi, penentuan jarak, dan sebagainya. Aplikasi Google Maps ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang suka traveling.
Friday, December 30, 2011
What We Want in Resident Evil 6 Capcom's survival horror series could use a few changes. These are our demands!
Resident Evil 6 doesn't exist - at least not officially. Despite plenty of rumors and wishful thinking by millions of fans worldwide, Capcom has yet to confirm the existence or development of the next major entry in its survival horror series.
Yet Capcom almost doesn't need to say anything. Small leaks about voice talent, alongside the not-insignificant fact that Resident Evil 5 ranks as the best-selling entry in the franchise, effectively guarantees the game will eventually arrive. That begs the question - what kind of Resident Evil game will we see?
Resident Evil 4 kicked off a new direction for Capcom's zombie series. Control and camera angles changed as did one much more significant fact - the game no longer focused on forcing players to survive in horrific situations. The survival horror genre of the franchise evolved to something much more action-oriented.
Resident Evil 5 only underlined this change. Whereas RE4 somewhat straddled a line between old and new, the last entry in the series abandoned its roots in favor of something that almost felt like its movie counterparts. Fans felt the series they had supported for nearly a decade was no longer recognizable, and despite being a very good game, RE 5 didn't exactly feel like Resident Evil. Quality aside, that was a problem.
Capcom appears to be listening to its fans, as Resident Evil Revelations on the Nintendo 3DS finds a creative way of balancing high-action and high-suspense by frequently shifting to locations that suit different temperaments.
Resident Evil 6 needs to fully embrace its roots. There are ways to have strong action moments in the midst of terrifying situations. Horror movies and previous RE titles have demonstrated this ability, so there's no reason to push Resident Evil further down an alien path. Bring back the scares and creepy, slow-moving enemies that freak players out. Bring back the chilling environments that aren't set during the middle of the day. When in doubt - make s**t jump out of windows. That always works.
The notion of scaring the crap out of players goes hand-in-hand with another idea - make it tough to survive. Resident Evil 4 didn't stray too far from this notion. Whenever an abundance of ammo was provided, big trouble was right around the corner - like an El Gigante or two. RE5 didn't seem to pay attention to this design idea, which not only removed tension from gameplay but further eliminated any feeling of fear. No creature, no matter how great a design, is too alarming when a player is fully armed and fully loaded.
Resident Evil 6 needs to almost go to the other end. Deprive us of ammo so much that we're forced to run away. Make us conserve ammo and place our shots carefully. Make us frantically question whether it'd be wiser to run and fight another day. That's what makes the RE franchise so engrossing.
Resident Evil 6 needs bind its sprawling, almost unwieldy narrative together. It needs to remember the heroes and villains that have made the series so popular, while avoiding any troublesome or confusing concepts that most of us try to forget. Obviously this will be no easy task, but with the abundance of other zombie games out there, Resident Evil's legacy will continue to be its 15-year history. Despite the need for fresh mechanics and ideas, it can't act as if its past is something to discard or forget.
Yet Capcom almost doesn't need to say anything. Small leaks about voice talent, alongside the not-insignificant fact that Resident Evil 5 ranks as the best-selling entry in the franchise, effectively guarantees the game will eventually arrive. That begs the question - what kind of Resident Evil game will we see?
Please Scare Us
Resident Evil 4 kicked off a new direction for Capcom's zombie series. Control and camera angles changed as did one much more significant fact - the game no longer focused on forcing players to survive in horrific situations. The survival horror genre of the franchise evolved to something much more action-oriented.
Resident Evil 5 only underlined this change. Whereas RE4 somewhat straddled a line between old and new, the last entry in the series abandoned its roots in favor of something that almost felt like its movie counterparts. Fans felt the series they had supported for nearly a decade was no longer recognizable, and despite being a very good game, RE 5 didn't exactly feel like Resident Evil. Quality aside, that was a problem.
Capcom appears to be listening to its fans, as Resident Evil Revelations on the Nintendo 3DS finds a creative way of balancing high-action and high-suspense by frequently shifting to locations that suit different temperaments.
Resident Evil 6 needs to fully embrace its roots. There are ways to have strong action moments in the midst of terrifying situations. Horror movies and previous RE titles have demonstrated this ability, so there's no reason to push Resident Evil further down an alien path. Bring back the scares and creepy, slow-moving enemies that freak players out. Bring back the chilling environments that aren't set during the middle of the day. When in doubt - make s**t jump out of windows. That always works.
It's About Survival, Stupid
The notion of scaring the crap out of players goes hand-in-hand with another idea - make it tough to survive. Resident Evil 4 didn't stray too far from this notion. Whenever an abundance of ammo was provided, big trouble was right around the corner - like an El Gigante or two. RE5 didn't seem to pay attention to this design idea, which not only removed tension from gameplay but further eliminated any feeling of fear. No creature, no matter how great a design, is too alarming when a player is fully armed and fully loaded.
Resident Evil 6 needs to almost go to the other end. Deprive us of ammo so much that we're forced to run away. Make us conserve ammo and place our shots carefully. Make us frantically question whether it'd be wiser to run and fight another day. That's what makes the RE franchise so engrossing.
Remember the Legacy
Both Resident Evil 4 and 5, perhaps out of necessity, did something strange. In an effort to feel fresh and original, the two titles almost seemed to operate independently of the core ideas outlined in previous titles. Updates on the mighty Umbrella Corporation were still provided, and Albert Wesker certainly made his presence felt, but the games felt a bit removed. And why can't Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy seem to exist within the same story? Fans certainly want to see the two franchise icons work together, yet Capcom continues to keep them apart. Resident Evil 6 needs bind its sprawling, almost unwieldy narrative together. It needs to remember the heroes and villains that have made the series so popular, while avoiding any troublesome or confusing concepts that most of us try to forget. Obviously this will be no easy task, but with the abundance of other zombie games out there, Resident Evil's legacy will continue to be its 15-year history. Despite the need for fresh mechanics and ideas, it can't act as if its past is something to discard or forget.
Ten Great Music Games - Before Guitar Hero
Remember when Guitar Hero invaded our lives, swept all before it and left a scorched earth of devastation? In the aftermath of its dominion, music games are reviled creatures offering little promise or glamor. Only the dancing games remain, prancing and preening in a sparkly little world of their own.
It was not always so. Before Guitar Hero, before the fake guitars and living room histrionics, there existed a vista of innovation and magic. We can only hope those days will return.
Here's a list of ten great music games, prior to the era of plastic axes.
Release Date: 1995
Developer: IBM
Publisher: Virtual Music
Platforms/Current Availability: PC – no digital distribution.
Quest for Fame was an Aerosmith-themed PC rocker that came packaged with a light blue guitar pick peripheral. You know, back when the term "peripheral" didn't simply mean "enormous piece of plastic I'll later toss in my closet."
It's also kind of like Guitar Hero, but better in all the right ways.
Though the game suggested you tap the pick against a hard surface, a smacking of the thigh produced the best results via "rhythm EKG," the meter for measuring your progress on-screen. This also meant you looked like a total moron while playing.
It was quick, raw, and fairly dirty, almost like a BioWare sex scene. But it effectively simulated the feeling of "playing" a real guitar. And that meant something. Unfortunately, through repeated use and abuse, the guitar pick eventually only responded when slammed against a computer desk.
It was, however, a fresh look at a genre we'd never experienced before, and it hardly receives any of the credit it rightfully deserves as one of the first truly interactive guitar games.
Release Date: June 4, 2000
Developer: United Game Artists
Publisher: SEGA
Platforms/Current Availability: Dreamcast (original release), PlayStation 2 (port), Xbox 360 (via compilation)
Atomic pink-haired Ulala, a particularly scintillating tentacle scene, and some embarrassingly catchy electronic pop joined together like undulating Planeteers to create Space Channel 5. By your powers combined, indeed.
With every "chu!" and subsequent "HEY!", the quirky crew liberated groovin' presidents and helpless civilians from the clutches of the terrifying Morolians and those who dared side with them. In classic call-and-response fashion, enemies spewed out a string of nonsensical chants alongside "lyrics" that could only be described as lazy, leaving you as Ulala to repeat them back with the beat. Unless you had the memory of a goldfish, you could save the world.
Release Date: February 18, 2002
Developer: Koei iNiS
Publisher: Koei
Platforms/Current Availability: PlayStation 2, PSP (port – Gitaroo Man Lives!)
U-1 played a magical Gitaroo, or as us normal folk would call it, a guitar. And it was good. Still is. Don't hate.
Gitaroo Man, the classic drag-the-note-via-analog-stick-to-pitch-bend musical adventure had it all, even some particularly horrid English voice acting (why was the demo level in English?).
From cutesy J-Pop to orchestral songs littered with hardcore guitar riffs, to some Day of the Dead-like tunes, it's a cavalcade of songs meant to beat you into submission.
Though genuinely nightmarish in difficulty, it's still flyin' to my heart after all these years. A rare find on the PlayStation 2, saw subsequent release on the PSP for an affordable less-than-$20 steal.
Release Date: October 31, 1997 / August 17, 1999
Developer: NaNa On-Sha
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platforms/Current Availability: PlayStation, PSP, PSN (via digital distribution)
The PSP version of Parappa the Rapper
PaRappa, with all the street cred a talking dog could muster after falling in love with a sunflower and rapping about seafood cake, was pretty darn dope. Lammy adopted the same premise as PaRappa, but you wailed on a guitar rather than relying on your rapping chops to solve every single one of your problems.
Rodney Alan Greenblat lent his magical touch to the games, giving them a "paper-thin" look, as well as some truly bizarre characters that to this day I can't forget. Alas Tupac defines old news, but lines like "In the rain or in the snow / I got the funky flow / But now, I really gotta go" deserve archival for future generations. Spreadin' troof. You know how we do.
PaRappa received a lackluster sequel (minus the bit about the burgers) and Major Minor's Majestic March ranks as one of the worst games ever. So stick to PaRappa or Lammy's first endeavors. And that's the bottom line, 'cause Chop Chop Master Onion said so.
It was not always so. Before Guitar Hero, before the fake guitars and living room histrionics, there existed a vista of innovation and magic. We can only hope those days will return.
Here's a list of ten great music games, prior to the era of plastic axes.
Release Date: 1995
Developer: IBM
Publisher: Virtual Music
Platforms/Current Availability: PC – no digital distribution.
Quest for Fame was an Aerosmith-themed PC rocker that came packaged with a light blue guitar pick peripheral. You know, back when the term "peripheral" didn't simply mean "enormous piece of plastic I'll later toss in my closet."
It's also kind of like Guitar Hero, but better in all the right ways.
Though the game suggested you tap the pick against a hard surface, a smacking of the thigh produced the best results via "rhythm EKG," the meter for measuring your progress on-screen. This also meant you looked like a total moron while playing.
It was quick, raw, and fairly dirty, almost like a BioWare sex scene. But it effectively simulated the feeling of "playing" a real guitar. And that meant something. Unfortunately, through repeated use and abuse, the guitar pick eventually only responded when slammed against a computer desk.
It was, however, a fresh look at a genre we'd never experienced before, and it hardly receives any of the credit it rightfully deserves as one of the first truly interactive guitar games.
Release Date: June 4, 2000
Developer: United Game Artists
Publisher: SEGA
Platforms/Current Availability: Dreamcast (original release), PlayStation 2 (port), Xbox 360 (via compilation)
Atomic pink-haired Ulala, a particularly scintillating tentacle scene, and some embarrassingly catchy
Publish Post
With every "chu!" and subsequent "HEY!", the quirky crew liberated groovin' presidents and helpless civilians from the clutches of the terrifying Morolians and those who dared side with them. In classic call-and-response fashion, enemies spewed out a string of nonsensical chants alongside "lyrics" that could only be described as lazy, leaving you as Ulala to repeat them back with the beat. Unless you had the memory of a goldfish, you could save the world.
Release Date: February 18, 2002
Developer: Koei iNiS
Publisher: Koei
Platforms/Current Availability: PlayStation 2, PSP (port – Gitaroo Man Lives!)
U-1 played a magical Gitaroo, or as us normal folk would call it, a guitar. And it was good. Still is. Don't hate.
Gitaroo Man, the classic drag-the-note-via-analog-stick-to-pitch-bend musical adventure had it all, even some particularly horrid English voice acting (why was the demo level in English?).
From cutesy J-Pop to orchestral songs littered with hardcore guitar riffs, to some Day of the Dead-like tunes, it's a cavalcade of songs meant to beat you into submission.
Though genuinely nightmarish in difficulty, it's still flyin' to my heart after all these years. A rare find on the PlayStation 2, saw subsequent release on the PSP for an affordable less-than-$20 steal.
Release Date: October 31, 1997 / August 17, 1999
Developer: NaNa On-Sha
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platforms/Current Availability: PlayStation, PSP, PSN (via digital distribution)
PaRappa, with all the street cred a talking dog could muster after falling in love with a sunflower and rapping about seafood cake, was pretty darn dope. Lammy adopted the same premise as PaRappa, but you wailed on a guitar rather than relying on your rapping chops to solve every single one of your problems.
Rodney Alan Greenblat lent his magical touch to the games, giving them a "paper-thin" look, as well as some truly bizarre characters that to this day I can't forget. Alas Tupac defines old news, but lines like "In the rain or in the snow / I got the funky flow / But now, I really gotta go" deserve archival for future generations. Spreadin' troof. You know how we do.
PaRappa received a lackluster sequel (minus the bit about the burgers) and Major Minor's Majestic March ranks as one of the worst games ever. So stick to PaRappa or Lammy's first endeavors. And that's the bottom line, 'cause Chop Chop Master Onion said so.
Moshi Monsters Walkthrough
If you are just discovering Moshi Monsters for the first time -- either as the parent of a player or as a player -- you are likely feeling more than just a little confused, having been dropped into a fantasy world that, already three plus years in the making, is busy with so much to do that it can feel overwhelming on a good day. Well no worries mate, we have your back!
This guide will introduce you to Moshi Monsters, get you well-grounded, and give you the basic and advanced knowledge that you need to receive the maximum fun and entertainment that the game can offer! Along the way you will learn some tricks, and become am expert member of the Moshi Community -- because while it is a game, Moshi Monsters is also a community that has been described as the "Facebook for Kids" and, as such, has become the preferred destination for well over 25-million gamers who love their Moshi!
Every journey begins with an understanding of where it is you are going, and in the case of Moshi Monsters, that starts with a definition of what the game -- and its site -- actually is: Moshi Monsters is a social networking online game and virtual pet site targeted at children aged 6 to 12 that has become popular with gamers of all ages.
Its basic structure is very similar to that of games like Webkinz and Club Penguin -- but without the toys that are associated with those two. In place of the toys, Moshi Monsters has a free basic level of membership that allows the player to adopt a monster and play with them, as well as a subscription fee system called the Passport that adds more complex elements to the game, such as special locations and destinations like The Port, The Underground Disco, Gift Island, and more.
G'day G'day! Welcome to Moshi Monsters! |
While Moshi Monsters differs from games like Webkinz in that you do not have to purchase a stuffed animal in order to obtain basic membership, it does have a line of products that are associated with it that are targeted at the 6 to 12 age range, including companion books, stickers, trading cards, stuffed and plush animals, toys, and collectibles, which means that chances are very good that you will find yourself Moshing out in real life as well as in the game!
The game was developed in 2007 by the British media company Mind Candy, and launched in April 2008 to nearly instant popularity. In the brief three years since its population has exploded, with well more than 25-million players regularly logging in to spend time with their Moshi.
At its very basic essence this is a game in which the player adopts and cares for a pet monster who lives in its own house in the game. The process of taking care of your monster often includes playing games and solving puzzles, which often result in the player earning rewards that are called Rox -- a virtual currency that can be used to buy items like food, drinks, clothes, and toys for the adopted monster as well as items with which to decorate their home.
While Moshi Monsters has been called the Facebook for kids in terms of revenue it is not -- in place of the micro-transaction system that is found on Facebook Moshi Monsters uses premium media purchases with noted success.
The service emphasizes its three core elements: Fun, Education and Safety -- the contents are education oriented and while there are social media aspects to the game and site, these are limited in scope in order to limit communication risks. Bearing in mind that not all players are of the age range, these limitations are sensible and functional.
GoldenEye 007: Reloaded PS3 Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes in the "Extras" options. Note: A save icon will appear in the top right corner to confirm correct code entry.
Tag and invisibility in multiplayer mode - fu11ypr3load3ed
Black Moonraker laser rifle skin - las3r3ras3r
Bronze trophies
Agent - Complete all objectives for every mission on Agent difficulty.
Arkhangelsk Dossier - Complete all objectives in Arkhangelsk on 007 difficulty or higher.
Au-ned - Public Match: Achieve 79 kills with the Golden Gun in Golden Gun mode.
Barcelona Dossier - Complete all objectives in Barcelona on 007 difficulty or higher.
Boxing Clever - Public Match: Earn all accolades specific to Black Box.
Boys with Toys - Public Match: Kill 50 enemies with Proximity Mines.
Braced for Impact - Public Match: As Jaws, survive a shot to the head which would otherwise have killed you.
Bullet Dance - Get 40 kills with the Wolfe .44 in 'Nightclub'.
Butter Hook - Public Match: As Tee Hee, get the most kills with a melee strike (min 3 melee kills).
Cheated - Public Match: Get killed the most times by Oddjob's hat (min 3 deaths).
Choppers Down - Shoot down 15 helicopters in 'Tank'.
Clobbering - Public Match: Achieve 64 melee kills with the KL-033 Mk2.
Console Compliancy - Public Match: Capture and defend the most consoles in one match of GoldenEye mode.
Dance Commander - Surrender to the music in 'Nightclub'.
Dressed to Kill - Single Player: Complete any mission without collecting any body armor on 007 Classic difficulty.
Dubai Dossier - Complete all objectives in Dubai on 007 difficulty or higher.
Emblem Hunter - Single Player: Find and destroy a Janus emblem.
Emblem Marksman - Single Player: Find and destroy 20 Janus emblems.
For England, Alec - Public Match: As Bond, kill 006 with an explosive device.
Full Deck - Public Match: Play at least one complete match of Classic Conflict with every character.
Going Dark - Get to master engineering in 'Facility' without reinforcements getting called in.
Had Your Six - Public Match: Kill six enemies with the Wolfe .44 or Gold Plated Revolver without reloading.
Hat Trick - Public Match: In one life, make three kills with Oddjob's hat.
I am INVINCIBLE! - Single Player: Complete any mission without taking any damage.
Invisible Descent - Get to the server room in 'Bunker' without reinforcements getting called in.
Lucky Seven - Public Match: Defuse a planted bomb which has exactly 0:07 seconds remaining on its fuse.
Made you feel it, did he? - Single Player: Silently subdue 30 enemies.
Master at Arms - Single Player: Make a kill with every weapon.
MI6 Ops Recruit - Earn 10 stars in MI6 Ops.
Operative - Complete all objectives for every mission on Operative difficulty.
Orbis Non Sufficit - Public Match: Complete a match on every map.
Phone a Friend - Get 20 kills with hacked drone guns in 'Jungle'.
Rocket Man - Kill an enemy with the RPG in 'Dam'.
Royal Flush - In 'Facility', successfully kill the enemy in the toilet cubicle without any shots being fired.
Secret Servers - Destroy all the servers in 'Archives' within 40 secs of the first being damaged.
The Man Who Cannot Die - Public Match: As Baron Samedi, survive a bullet which would otherwise have killed you.
The Other Cheek - Public Match: As Bond, kill Zukovsky with a melee strike.
Welcome to Russia - Make the initial rendezvous with 006 in 'Dam'.
Silver trophies
007 - Complete all objectives for every mission on 007 difficulty.
Emblem Elite - Single Player: Find and destroy 50 Janus emblems.
Get to the Chopper - Complete 'Carrier' in under 11:00 (007 difficulty or higher).
Haven't Got Nine Minutes - Complete 'Airfield' in under 4:35 (007 Classic difficulty).
MI6 Ops Specialist - Earn 25 stars in MI6 Ops.
Nigeria Dossier - Complete all objectives in Nigeria on 007 difficulty or higher.
Russian Escape - Complete 'Archives' in under 15:10 (Agent difficulty or higher).
Severnaya Dossier - Complete all objectives in Severnaya on 007 difficulty or higher.
Solar Agitated - Complete 'Solar' in under 13:00 (007 Classic difficulty).
St. Petersburg Dossier - Complete all objectives in St. Petersburg on 007 difficulty or higher.
Gold trophies
Classic - Complete all objectives for every mission on 007 Classic difficulty.
MI6 Ops Elite - Earn 44 stars in MI6 Ops.
Platinum trophy
Reloaded - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes in the "Extras" options. Note: A save icon will appear in the top right corner to confirm correct code entry.
Tag and invisibility in multiplayer mode - fu11ypr3load3ed
Black Moonraker laser rifle skin - las3r3ras3r
Bronze trophies
Agent - Complete all objectives for every mission on Agent difficulty.
Arkhangelsk Dossier - Complete all objectives in Arkhangelsk on 007 difficulty or higher.
Au-ned - Public Match: Achieve 79 kills with the Golden Gun in Golden Gun mode.
Barcelona Dossier - Complete all objectives in Barcelona on 007 difficulty or higher.
Boxing Clever - Public Match: Earn all accolades specific to Black Box.
Boys with Toys - Public Match: Kill 50 enemies with Proximity Mines.
Braced for Impact - Public Match: As Jaws, survive a shot to the head which would otherwise have killed you.
Bullet Dance - Get 40 kills with the Wolfe .44 in 'Nightclub'.
Butter Hook - Public Match: As Tee Hee, get the most kills with a melee strike (min 3 melee kills).
Cheated - Public Match: Get killed the most times by Oddjob's hat (min 3 deaths).
Choppers Down - Shoot down 15 helicopters in 'Tank'.
Clobbering - Public Match: Achieve 64 melee kills with the KL-033 Mk2.
Console Compliancy - Public Match: Capture and defend the most consoles in one match of GoldenEye mode.
Dance Commander - Surrender to the music in 'Nightclub'.
Dressed to Kill - Single Player: Complete any mission without collecting any body armor on 007 Classic difficulty.
Dubai Dossier - Complete all objectives in Dubai on 007 difficulty or higher.
Emblem Hunter - Single Player: Find and destroy a Janus emblem.
Emblem Marksman - Single Player: Find and destroy 20 Janus emblems.
For England, Alec - Public Match: As Bond, kill 006 with an explosive device.
Full Deck - Public Match: Play at least one complete match of Classic Conflict with every character.
Going Dark - Get to master engineering in 'Facility' without reinforcements getting called in.
Had Your Six - Public Match: Kill six enemies with the Wolfe .44 or Gold Plated Revolver without reloading.
Hat Trick - Public Match: In one life, make three kills with Oddjob's hat.
I am INVINCIBLE! - Single Player: Complete any mission without taking any damage.
Invisible Descent - Get to the server room in 'Bunker' without reinforcements getting called in.
Lucky Seven - Public Match: Defuse a planted bomb which has exactly 0:07 seconds remaining on its fuse.
Made you feel it, did he? - Single Player: Silently subdue 30 enemies.
Master at Arms - Single Player: Make a kill with every weapon.
MI6 Ops Recruit - Earn 10 stars in MI6 Ops.
Operative - Complete all objectives for every mission on Operative difficulty.
Orbis Non Sufficit - Public Match: Complete a match on every map.
Phone a Friend - Get 20 kills with hacked drone guns in 'Jungle'.
Rocket Man - Kill an enemy with the RPG in 'Dam'.
Royal Flush - In 'Facility', successfully kill the enemy in the toilet cubicle without any shots being fired.
Secret Servers - Destroy all the servers in 'Archives' within 40 secs of the first being damaged.
The Man Who Cannot Die - Public Match: As Baron Samedi, survive a bullet which would otherwise have killed you.
The Other Cheek - Public Match: As Bond, kill Zukovsky with a melee strike.
Welcome to Russia - Make the initial rendezvous with 006 in 'Dam'.
Silver trophies
007 - Complete all objectives for every mission on 007 difficulty.
Emblem Elite - Single Player: Find and destroy 50 Janus emblems.
Get to the Chopper - Complete 'Carrier' in under 11:00 (007 difficulty or higher).
Haven't Got Nine Minutes - Complete 'Airfield' in under 4:35 (007 Classic difficulty).
MI6 Ops Specialist - Earn 25 stars in MI6 Ops.
Nigeria Dossier - Complete all objectives in Nigeria on 007 difficulty or higher.
Russian Escape - Complete 'Archives' in under 15:10 (Agent difficulty or higher).
Severnaya Dossier - Complete all objectives in Severnaya on 007 difficulty or higher.
Solar Agitated - Complete 'Solar' in under 13:00 (007 Classic difficulty).
St. Petersburg Dossier - Complete all objectives in St. Petersburg on 007 difficulty or higher.
Gold trophies
Classic - Complete all objectives for every mission on 007 Classic difficulty.
MI6 Ops Elite - Earn 44 stars in MI6 Ops.
Platinum trophy
Reloaded - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies
GoldenEye 007: Reloaded PS3 Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes in the "Extras" options. Note: A save icon will appear in the top right corner to confirm correct code entry.
Tag and invisibility in multiplayer mode - fu11ypr3load3ed
Black Moonraker laser rifle skin - las3r3ras3r
Bronze trophies
Agent - Complete all objectives for every mission on Agent difficulty.
Arkhangelsk Dossier - Complete all objectives in Arkhangelsk on 007 difficulty or higher.
Au-ned - Public Match: Achieve 79 kills with the Golden Gun in Golden Gun mode.
Barcelona Dossier - Complete all objectives in Barcelona on 007 difficulty or higher.
Boxing Clever - Public Match: Earn all accolades specific to Black Box.
Boys with Toys - Public Match: Kill 50 enemies with Proximity Mines.
Braced for Impact - Public Match: As Jaws, survive a shot to the head which would otherwise have killed you.
Bullet Dance - Get 40 kills with the Wolfe .44 in 'Nightclub'.
Butter Hook - Public Match: As Tee Hee, get the most kills with a melee strike (min 3 melee kills).
Cheated - Public Match: Get killed the most times by Oddjob's hat (min 3 deaths).
Choppers Down - Shoot down 15 helicopters in 'Tank'.
Clobbering - Public Match: Achieve 64 melee kills with the KL-033 Mk2.
Console Compliancy - Public Match: Capture and defend the most consoles in one match of GoldenEye mode.
Dance Commander - Surrender to the music in 'Nightclub'.
Dressed to Kill - Single Player: Complete any mission without collecting any body armor on 007 Classic difficulty.
Dubai Dossier - Complete all objectives in Dubai on 007 difficulty or higher.
Emblem Hunter - Single Player: Find and destroy a Janus emblem.
Emblem Marksman - Single Player: Find and destroy 20 Janus emblems.
For England, Alec - Public Match: As Bond, kill 006 with an explosive device.
Full Deck - Public Match: Play at least one complete match of Classic Conflict with every character.
Going Dark - Get to master engineering in 'Facility' without reinforcements getting called in.
Had Your Six - Public Match: Kill six enemies with the Wolfe .44 or Gold Plated Revolver without reloading.
Hat Trick - Public Match: In one life, make three kills with Oddjob's hat.
I am INVINCIBLE! - Single Player: Complete any mission without taking any damage.
Invisible Descent - Get to the server room in 'Bunker' without reinforcements getting called in.
Lucky Seven - Public Match: Defuse a planted bomb which has exactly 0:07 seconds remaining on its fuse.
Made you feel it, did he? - Single Player: Silently subdue 30 enemies.
Master at Arms - Single Player: Make a kill with every weapon.
MI6 Ops Recruit - Earn 10 stars in MI6 Ops.
Operative - Complete all objectives for every mission on Operative difficulty.
Orbis Non Sufficit - Public Match: Complete a match on every map.
Phone a Friend - Get 20 kills with hacked drone guns in 'Jungle'.
Rocket Man - Kill an enemy with the RPG in 'Dam'.
Royal Flush - In 'Facility', successfully kill the enemy in the toilet cubicle without any shots being fired.
Secret Servers - Destroy all the servers in 'Archives' within 40 secs of the first being damaged.
The Man Who Cannot Die - Public Match: As Baron Samedi, survive a bullet which would otherwise have killed you.
The Other Cheek - Public Match: As Bond, kill Zukovsky with a melee strike.
Welcome to Russia - Make the initial rendezvous with 006 in 'Dam'.
Silver trophies
007 - Complete all objectives for every mission on 007 difficulty.
Emblem Elite - Single Player: Find and destroy 50 Janus emblems.
Get to the Chopper - Complete 'Carrier' in under 11:00 (007 difficulty or higher).
Haven't Got Nine Minutes - Complete 'Airfield' in under 4:35 (007 Classic difficulty).
MI6 Ops Specialist - Earn 25 stars in MI6 Ops.
Nigeria Dossier - Complete all objectives in Nigeria on 007 difficulty or higher.
Russian Escape - Complete 'Archives' in under 15:10 (Agent difficulty or higher).
Severnaya Dossier - Complete all objectives in Severnaya on 007 difficulty or higher.
Solar Agitated - Complete 'Solar' in under 13:00 (007 Classic difficulty).
St. Petersburg Dossier - Complete all objectives in St. Petersburg on 007 difficulty or higher.
Gold trophies
Classic - Complete all objectives for every mission on 007 Classic difficulty.
MI6 Ops Elite - Earn 44 stars in MI6 Ops.
Platinum trophy
Reloaded - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes in the "Extras" options. Note: A save icon will appear in the top right corner to confirm correct code entry.
Tag and invisibility in multiplayer mode - fu11ypr3load3ed
Black Moonraker laser rifle skin - las3r3ras3r
Bronze trophies
Agent - Complete all objectives for every mission on Agent difficulty.
Arkhangelsk Dossier - Complete all objectives in Arkhangelsk on 007 difficulty or higher.
Au-ned - Public Match: Achieve 79 kills with the Golden Gun in Golden Gun mode.
Barcelona Dossier - Complete all objectives in Barcelona on 007 difficulty or higher.
Boxing Clever - Public Match: Earn all accolades specific to Black Box.
Boys with Toys - Public Match: Kill 50 enemies with Proximity Mines.
Braced for Impact - Public Match: As Jaws, survive a shot to the head which would otherwise have killed you.
Bullet Dance - Get 40 kills with the Wolfe .44 in 'Nightclub'.
Butter Hook - Public Match: As Tee Hee, get the most kills with a melee strike (min 3 melee kills).
Cheated - Public Match: Get killed the most times by Oddjob's hat (min 3 deaths).
Choppers Down - Shoot down 15 helicopters in 'Tank'.
Clobbering - Public Match: Achieve 64 melee kills with the KL-033 Mk2.
Console Compliancy - Public Match: Capture and defend the most consoles in one match of GoldenEye mode.
Dance Commander - Surrender to the music in 'Nightclub'.
Dressed to Kill - Single Player: Complete any mission without collecting any body armor on 007 Classic difficulty.
Dubai Dossier - Complete all objectives in Dubai on 007 difficulty or higher.
Emblem Hunter - Single Player: Find and destroy a Janus emblem.
Emblem Marksman - Single Player: Find and destroy 20 Janus emblems.
For England, Alec - Public Match: As Bond, kill 006 with an explosive device.
Full Deck - Public Match: Play at least one complete match of Classic Conflict with every character.
Going Dark - Get to master engineering in 'Facility' without reinforcements getting called in.
Had Your Six - Public Match: Kill six enemies with the Wolfe .44 or Gold Plated Revolver without reloading.
Hat Trick - Public Match: In one life, make three kills with Oddjob's hat.
I am INVINCIBLE! - Single Player: Complete any mission without taking any damage.
Invisible Descent - Get to the server room in 'Bunker' without reinforcements getting called in.
Lucky Seven - Public Match: Defuse a planted bomb which has exactly 0:07 seconds remaining on its fuse.
Made you feel it, did he? - Single Player: Silently subdue 30 enemies.
Master at Arms - Single Player: Make a kill with every weapon.
MI6 Ops Recruit - Earn 10 stars in MI6 Ops.
Operative - Complete all objectives for every mission on Operative difficulty.
Orbis Non Sufficit - Public Match: Complete a match on every map.
Phone a Friend - Get 20 kills with hacked drone guns in 'Jungle'.
Rocket Man - Kill an enemy with the RPG in 'Dam'.
Royal Flush - In 'Facility', successfully kill the enemy in the toilet cubicle without any shots being fired.
Secret Servers - Destroy all the servers in 'Archives' within 40 secs of the first being damaged.
The Man Who Cannot Die - Public Match: As Baron Samedi, survive a bullet which would otherwise have killed you.
The Other Cheek - Public Match: As Bond, kill Zukovsky with a melee strike.
Welcome to Russia - Make the initial rendezvous with 006 in 'Dam'.
Silver trophies
007 - Complete all objectives for every mission on 007 difficulty.
Emblem Elite - Single Player: Find and destroy 50 Janus emblems.
Get to the Chopper - Complete 'Carrier' in under 11:00 (007 difficulty or higher).
Haven't Got Nine Minutes - Complete 'Airfield' in under 4:35 (007 Classic difficulty).
MI6 Ops Specialist - Earn 25 stars in MI6 Ops.
Nigeria Dossier - Complete all objectives in Nigeria on 007 difficulty or higher.
Russian Escape - Complete 'Archives' in under 15:10 (Agent difficulty or higher).
Severnaya Dossier - Complete all objectives in Severnaya on 007 difficulty or higher.
Solar Agitated - Complete 'Solar' in under 13:00 (007 Classic difficulty).
St. Petersburg Dossier - Complete all objectives in St. Petersburg on 007 difficulty or higher.
Gold trophies
Classic - Complete all objectives for every mission on 007 Classic difficulty.
MI6 Ops Elite - Earn 44 stars in MI6 Ops.
Platinum trophy
Reloaded - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies
House Of The Dead: Overkill Extended Cut, The PS3 Cheats
The crossbow is unlocked by completing all stages in Director's Cut. This weapon fires explosive quills. Like the mini-gun, the weapon is already fully upgraded when bought. Unlike other weapons, the shot from the weapon does not count towards the Combo bonus, only the explosion. Also, the explosion only affects bosses and zombies; it will not "hit" items you need to collect (cash, 3D models, concept art, sound tracks, etc.). To collect such items with the crossbow, your quill must strike the object itself.
Dual Wield and Mini-Gun:
Dual Wield is unlocked by completing Directors' Cut and the Mini-Gun by completing Story Mode.
Director's Cut:
Complete Story Mode to unlock the longer Director's Cut stages, which have alternative paths that let you unlock the rest of the collectibles.
Bronze trophies
Papa's Palace of Pain - Complete 'Papa's Palace of Pain' in Story Mode.
Naked Terror - Complete 'Naked Terror' in Story Mode.
Ballistic Trauma - Complete 'Ballistic Trauma' in Story Mode.
Carny - Complete 'Carny' in Story Mode.
Creeping Flesh - Complete 'Creeping Flesh' in Story Mode.
Scream Train - Complete 'Scream Train' in Story Mode.
The Fetid Waters - Complete 'The Fetid Waters' in Story Mode.
Jailhouse Judgment - Complete 'Jailhouse Judgment' in Story Mode.
Overkill - Complete all levels in Story Mode.
Goregasm! - Achieve a Goregasm.
Weak At The Knees - Maintain a Goregasm for 2 minutes.
De-Generation - Collect 10 LPs.
Decom-Poster Child - Collect 15 posters.
Dis-Figurine Collection - Collect 15 figurines.
Graphic Horror - Collect 17 comic book pages.
Boom Headshot! - Decapitate 200 mutants.
Toasty! - Kill 5 or more mutants with one grenade.
Yakuza - Kill 100 mutants 'Gangster Style' (holding gun sideways).
Suffer Like G Did - Complete any level with only one health segment remaining.
Hardcore - Complete any level in Director's Cut without using any continues.
Merchant of Menace - Buy a new weapon.
Fully Loaded - Fully upgrade any weapon.
Power of the Mind - Complete any level with the targeting crosshair off.
I'll Try Anything Once - Play each minigame through to completion once.
Silver trophies
Lights, Camera, Headshot! - Complete all levels in Director's Cut.
Caesar's Salad - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Papa's Palace of Pain'.
Private Dance - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Naked Terror'.
Doctors and Nurses - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Ballistic Trauma'.
Clown Shoes - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Carny'.
Meat Packer - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Creeping Flesh'.
Bad Conductor - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Scream Train'.
Swamp Monster - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'The Fetid Waters'.
Jail Bird - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Jailhouse Judgment'.
Lab Rat - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Overkill'.
Never Runs Dry - Complete a level without triggering an enforced reload (i.e. reaching zero bullets).
Gold trophies
Be My Valentine, Jill - Unlock all unlockables and purchase all weapons.
Perfect Victory - Achieve an S rank for all levels in Story Mode or Director's Cut.
Do You Feel Lucky? - Complete all levels in Classic Mode without using any continues.
Extreme Hardcore - Complete all Director's Cut levels in Hardcore Mode.
Platinum trophy
The House of the Dead: Overlord - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies
The crossbow is unlocked by completing all stages in Director's Cut. This weapon fires explosive quills. Like the mini-gun, the weapon is already fully upgraded when bought. Unlike other weapons, the shot from the weapon does not count towards the Combo bonus, only the explosion. Also, the explosion only affects bosses and zombies; it will not "hit" items you need to collect (cash, 3D models, concept art, sound tracks, etc.). To collect such items with the crossbow, your quill must strike the object itself.
Dual Wield and Mini-Gun:
Dual Wield is unlocked by completing Directors' Cut and the Mini-Gun by completing Story Mode.
Director's Cut:
Complete Story Mode to unlock the longer Director's Cut stages, which have alternative paths that let you unlock the rest of the collectibles.
Bronze trophies
Papa's Palace of Pain - Complete 'Papa's Palace of Pain' in Story Mode.
Naked Terror - Complete 'Naked Terror' in Story Mode.
Ballistic Trauma - Complete 'Ballistic Trauma' in Story Mode.
Carny - Complete 'Carny' in Story Mode.
Creeping Flesh - Complete 'Creeping Flesh' in Story Mode.
Scream Train - Complete 'Scream Train' in Story Mode.
The Fetid Waters - Complete 'The Fetid Waters' in Story Mode.
Jailhouse Judgment - Complete 'Jailhouse Judgment' in Story Mode.
Overkill - Complete all levels in Story Mode.
Goregasm! - Achieve a Goregasm.
Weak At The Knees - Maintain a Goregasm for 2 minutes.
De-Generation - Collect 10 LPs.
Decom-Poster Child - Collect 15 posters.
Dis-Figurine Collection - Collect 15 figurines.
Graphic Horror - Collect 17 comic book pages.
Boom Headshot! - Decapitate 200 mutants.
Toasty! - Kill 5 or more mutants with one grenade.
Yakuza - Kill 100 mutants 'Gangster Style' (holding gun sideways).
Suffer Like G Did - Complete any level with only one health segment remaining.
Hardcore - Complete any level in Director's Cut without using any continues.
Merchant of Menace - Buy a new weapon.
Fully Loaded - Fully upgrade any weapon.
Power of the Mind - Complete any level with the targeting crosshair off.
I'll Try Anything Once - Play each minigame through to completion once.
Silver trophies
Lights, Camera, Headshot! - Complete all levels in Director's Cut.
Caesar's Salad - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Papa's Palace of Pain'.
Private Dance - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Naked Terror'.
Doctors and Nurses - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Ballistic Trauma'.
Clown Shoes - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Carny'.
Meat Packer - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Creeping Flesh'.
Bad Conductor - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Scream Train'.
Swamp Monster - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'The Fetid Waters'.
Jail Bird - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Jailhouse Judgment'.
Lab Rat - Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Overkill'.
Never Runs Dry - Complete a level without triggering an enforced reload (i.e. reaching zero bullets).
Gold trophies
Be My Valentine, Jill - Unlock all unlockables and purchase all weapons.
Perfect Victory - Achieve an S rank for all levels in Story Mode or Director's Cut.
Do You Feel Lucky? - Complete all levels in Classic Mode without using any continues.
Extreme Hardcore - Complete all Director's Cut levels in Hardcore Mode.
Platinum trophy
The House of the Dead: Overlord - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies
NBA JAM: On Fire Edition PS3 Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes at the title screen. Select "Play Now" and the unlocked team will appear:
Beastie Boys team - UP(2), DOWN(2), LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A
Democrats team - LEFT(13), A
Republicans team - RIGHT(13), A
J. Cole and 9th Wonder - UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, A, B
Player codes:
Select Play Now mode. Enter the initials for the indicated player(s). Enter the team selection screen. A Press Plus at the "Enter Initials" screen and the corresponding character(s) will appear.
Colin Cowherd and Michelle Beadle (ESPN Sportsnation) - ESP / NSN
NBA Mascots - MAS / COT
Tim Kitzrow (announcer)and Mark Turmell (developer) - MJT
Team Adidas - ADI / DAS
Team Sprite - SPR / ITE
Team Jordan - JOR / DAN
Mathias Murphy and Kevin Durant (The Neighbors) - MMK / D35
Big Head mode:
To unlock Big Head mode, complete Jam Camp.
Unlockable Players:
Unlock the following players by performing the corresponding tasks:
Allen Iverson (Elusive) - Perform 10 successful shove counters.
Beastie Boys Team (3 The Hard Way) - Defeat the Beastie Boys team in Remix Tour.
Brad Daugherty (Double Up) - Beat the CPU in a 2V2 game by doubling their score or better.
Bill Laimbeer, Isiah Thomas (Central Division Represent) - Beat the Central Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
Bryant Reeves (100 Club) - Win 100 games.
Chris Mullin, Tim Hardaway (Pacific Division Represent) - Beat the Pacific Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
Chuck Person (Fired Up) - Get On Fire 4 times in a single game.
Clyde Drexler (NBA Domination) - Beat Classic Campaign with a team from each division in the NBA.
Dan Majerle (Century Scorer) - Score 100 points in one game.
Danny Manning (Grand Scorer) - Score 1,000 points.
David Robinson (Glass Cleaner) - Grab 10 rebounds in one game.
Dennis Rodman (How Rude) - Perform 10 successful shoves in one game.
Detlef Schrempf (No "I" in Team) - Win a 2P game vs. the CPU.
Dominique Wilkins, Spud Webb (Southeast Division Represent) - Beat the Southeast Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
Drazen Petrovic (The Spirit of Competition) - Complete a game of 21 against a friend.
Dr. J (High Flyer) - Perform 10 successful alley-oops.
George Gervin (Buzzer Beater) - Hit a Buzzer Beater shot to win a 2 V 2 game.
Glen Rice (Triple up) - Beat the CPU in a 2V2 game by tripling their score or better.
Hakeem Olajuwon, Kenny Smith (Southwest Division Represent) - Beat the Southwest Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
James Worthy (You Must be Butter) - Go on a 10 game win streak in Classic Campaign.
John Starks, Patrick Ewing (Atlantic Division Represent) - Beat the Atlantic Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
John Stockton, Karl Malone (Northwest Division Represent) - Beat the Northwest Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
Kenny Anderson (Sticky Fingers) - Steal the ball 10 times in one game.
Kevin Johnson (Ultimate Teammate) - Beat the CPU in a 2V2 game with your drone teammate scoring all of the points.
Kevin McHale (Feelin' It) - Perform 10 successful jump shots.
Larry Bird, Magic Johnson (Bird / Magic Superteam) - Beat the Bird/Magic Superteam in Classic Campaign.
Larry Johnson (Ball Hog) - Win a game without allowing your teammate to score.
Manute Bol (Block Party) - Perform 10 successful blocks.
Mark Price (Gentleman) - Beat the CPU in a 2V2 game without shoving.
Mitch Richmond (10K Scorer) - Score 10,000 points
Nick Anderson (First Game Jitters) - Complete a Play Now Game.
Orlando Magic Shaq (Smash It) - Beat the CPU in Backboard Smash.
Rony Seikaly (Throw It Down, Big Man) - Dunk the ball 10 times in one game.
Scott Skiles (Dominant Distributor) - Get 30 Assists with one player in one game.
Scottie Pippen (Stringin' Em Together) - Go on a 5 game win streak in Classic Campaign.
Stickman Team (Operation Stickman) - Defeat the Stickman Team in Classic Campaign.
Unlockable Boss Battles:
Unlock the following battles by performing the corresponding tasks:
Chris Paul Boss Battle (CP3) - Beat the New Orleans Hornets Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Dr. J Boss Battle (Dr. J) - Beat the Philadelphia 76ers Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Dwayne Wade Boss Battle (Flash) - Beat the Miami Heat Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Karl Malone Boss Battle (Mailman) - Beat the Utah Jazz Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Kobe Bryant Boss Battle (Black Mamba) - Beat the Los Angeles Lakers Silver Challenge in Remix Tour.
Larry Bird Boss Battle (Bird) - Beat the Boston Celtics Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Lebron James Boss Battle (King James) - Beat the Miami Heat Silver Challenge in Remix Tour.
Magic Johnson Boss Battle (Magic) - Beat the Los Angeles Lakers Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Shaquille O'Neal Boss Battle (Diesel) - Beat the Orlando Magic Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Yao Ming Boss Battle (Yao) - Beat the Houston Rockets Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Unlockable Privileges:
Unlock the following privileges by performing the corresponding tasks:
Unlimited Turbo Privilege (Easter Conference Domination) - Win Classic Campaign with a team from each division in the Eastern Conference.
1 Shot Fire Privilege (Western Conference Domination) - Win Classic Campaign with a team from each division in the Western Conference.
Big Head Mode Privilege (Fundamentals) - Complete Jam Camp.
Camera Hog Privilege (Mad Skills) - Perform ten successful crossovers in one game.
Mini Men Privilege (Mini Ming) - Shrink Yao Ming to his smallest size in the Yao Ming Boss Battle.
Power UPS Privilege (Remix Champion) - Complete Remix Tour.
Unlockable Basketballs:
Unlock the following basketballs by performing the corresponding tasks:
Lava Basketball (Firefighter) - Put out your opponent's fire four times in one game.
USA Basketball (Break the seal) - Win a game vs. the CPU.
NBA Jam Basketball (En Fuego!) - Get on fire in a single or two player game.
Happy Face Basketball (Persistent) - Perform ten successful putbacks.
Ground Basketball (Big Brawlin') - Win the CPU in a game of Elimination.
Cobalt Basketball (Wrecking Crew) - Win the CPU in Smash in two minutes or less.
Globe Basketball (Remix Champion) - Complete Remix Tour.
Bronze trophies
Thanks for the Love - Watch the Credits until the end.
Half-Time - Win 60 different Road Trip games.
If You Wanna Be a Baller - Reach Level 5.
Jam Sesh - Participate in 5 JAM Now games.
Razzle Dazzle - As a team, sink 5 Razzle Dazzle shots in Road Trip or Online Arena.
Bronzed Out - Upgrade 5 JAM Challenges to Bronze level.
Arena Noob - Earn 1 Arena Medal.
Silver trophies
Arena Vet - Earn 10 total Arena Medals.
Platinum Plus - Upgrade 3 JAM Challenges to Platinum level.
Shot Caller - Reach Level 25.
Road Trippin' - Complete Road Trip.
Gold trophies
Iced Out - Upgrade 1 JAM Challenge to Diamond level.
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes at the title screen. Select "Play Now" and the unlocked team will appear:
Beastie Boys team - UP(2), DOWN(2), LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A
Democrats team - LEFT(13), A
Republicans team - RIGHT(13), A
J. Cole and 9th Wonder - UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, A, B
Player codes:
Select Play Now mode. Enter the initials for the indicated player(s). Enter the team selection screen. A Press Plus at the "Enter Initials" screen and the corresponding character(s) will appear.
Colin Cowherd and Michelle Beadle (ESPN Sportsnation) - ESP / NSN
NBA Mascots - MAS / COT
Tim Kitzrow (announcer)and Mark Turmell (developer) - MJT
Team Adidas - ADI / DAS
Team Sprite - SPR / ITE
Team Jordan - JOR / DAN
Mathias Murphy and Kevin Durant (The Neighbors) - MMK / D35
Big Head mode:
To unlock Big Head mode, complete Jam Camp.
Unlockable Players:
Unlock the following players by performing the corresponding tasks:
Allen Iverson (Elusive) - Perform 10 successful shove counters.
Beastie Boys Team (3 The Hard Way) - Defeat the Beastie Boys team in Remix Tour.
Brad Daugherty (Double Up) - Beat the CPU in a 2V2 game by doubling their score or better.
Bill Laimbeer, Isiah Thomas (Central Division Represent) - Beat the Central Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
Bryant Reeves (100 Club) - Win 100 games.
Chris Mullin, Tim Hardaway (Pacific Division Represent) - Beat the Pacific Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
Chuck Person (Fired Up) - Get On Fire 4 times in a single game.
Clyde Drexler (NBA Domination) - Beat Classic Campaign with a team from each division in the NBA.
Dan Majerle (Century Scorer) - Score 100 points in one game.
Danny Manning (Grand Scorer) - Score 1,000 points.
David Robinson (Glass Cleaner) - Grab 10 rebounds in one game.
Dennis Rodman (How Rude) - Perform 10 successful shoves in one game.
Detlef Schrempf (No "I" in Team) - Win a 2P game vs. the CPU.
Dominique Wilkins, Spud Webb (Southeast Division Represent) - Beat the Southeast Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
Drazen Petrovic (The Spirit of Competition) - Complete a game of 21 against a friend.
Dr. J (High Flyer) - Perform 10 successful alley-oops.
George Gervin (Buzzer Beater) - Hit a Buzzer Beater shot to win a 2 V 2 game.
Glen Rice (Triple up) - Beat the CPU in a 2V2 game by tripling their score or better.
Hakeem Olajuwon, Kenny Smith (Southwest Division Represent) - Beat the Southwest Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
James Worthy (You Must be Butter) - Go on a 10 game win streak in Classic Campaign.
John Starks, Patrick Ewing (Atlantic Division Represent) - Beat the Atlantic Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
John Stockton, Karl Malone (Northwest Division Represent) - Beat the Northwest Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
Kenny Anderson (Sticky Fingers) - Steal the ball 10 times in one game.
Kevin Johnson (Ultimate Teammate) - Beat the CPU in a 2V2 game with your drone teammate scoring all of the points.
Kevin McHale (Feelin' It) - Perform 10 successful jump shots.
Larry Bird, Magic Johnson (Bird / Magic Superteam) - Beat the Bird/Magic Superteam in Classic Campaign.
Larry Johnson (Ball Hog) - Win a game without allowing your teammate to score.
Manute Bol (Block Party) - Perform 10 successful blocks.
Mark Price (Gentleman) - Beat the CPU in a 2V2 game without shoving.
Mitch Richmond (10K Scorer) - Score 10,000 points
Nick Anderson (First Game Jitters) - Complete a Play Now Game.
Orlando Magic Shaq (Smash It) - Beat the CPU in Backboard Smash.
Rony Seikaly (Throw It Down, Big Man) - Dunk the ball 10 times in one game.
Scott Skiles (Dominant Distributor) - Get 30 Assists with one player in one game.
Scottie Pippen (Stringin' Em Together) - Go on a 5 game win streak in Classic Campaign.
Stickman Team (Operation Stickman) - Defeat the Stickman Team in Classic Campaign.
Unlockable Boss Battles:
Unlock the following battles by performing the corresponding tasks:
Chris Paul Boss Battle (CP3) - Beat the New Orleans Hornets Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Dr. J Boss Battle (Dr. J) - Beat the Philadelphia 76ers Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Dwayne Wade Boss Battle (Flash) - Beat the Miami Heat Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Karl Malone Boss Battle (Mailman) - Beat the Utah Jazz Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Kobe Bryant Boss Battle (Black Mamba) - Beat the Los Angeles Lakers Silver Challenge in Remix Tour.
Larry Bird Boss Battle (Bird) - Beat the Boston Celtics Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Lebron James Boss Battle (King James) - Beat the Miami Heat Silver Challenge in Remix Tour.
Magic Johnson Boss Battle (Magic) - Beat the Los Angeles Lakers Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Shaquille O'Neal Boss Battle (Diesel) - Beat the Orlando Magic Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Yao Ming Boss Battle (Yao) - Beat the Houston Rockets Gold Challenge in Remix Tour.
Unlockable Privileges:
Unlock the following privileges by performing the corresponding tasks:
Unlimited Turbo Privilege (Easter Conference Domination) - Win Classic Campaign with a team from each division in the Eastern Conference.
1 Shot Fire Privilege (Western Conference Domination) - Win Classic Campaign with a team from each division in the Western Conference.
Big Head Mode Privilege (Fundamentals) - Complete Jam Camp.
Camera Hog Privilege (Mad Skills) - Perform ten successful crossovers in one game.
Mini Men Privilege (Mini Ming) - Shrink Yao Ming to his smallest size in the Yao Ming Boss Battle.
Power UPS Privilege (Remix Champion) - Complete Remix Tour.
Unlockable Basketballs:
Unlock the following basketballs by performing the corresponding tasks:
Lava Basketball (Firefighter) - Put out your opponent's fire four times in one game.
USA Basketball (Break the seal) - Win a game vs. the CPU.
NBA Jam Basketball (En Fuego!) - Get on fire in a single or two player game.
Happy Face Basketball (Persistent) - Perform ten successful putbacks.
Ground Basketball (Big Brawlin') - Win the CPU in a game of Elimination.
Cobalt Basketball (Wrecking Crew) - Win the CPU in Smash in two minutes or less.
Globe Basketball (Remix Champion) - Complete Remix Tour.
Bronze trophies
Thanks for the Love - Watch the Credits until the end.
Half-Time - Win 60 different Road Trip games.
If You Wanna Be a Baller - Reach Level 5.
Jam Sesh - Participate in 5 JAM Now games.
Razzle Dazzle - As a team, sink 5 Razzle Dazzle shots in Road Trip or Online Arena.
Bronzed Out - Upgrade 5 JAM Challenges to Bronze level.
Arena Noob - Earn 1 Arena Medal.
Silver trophies
Arena Vet - Earn 10 total Arena Medals.
Platinum Plus - Upgrade 3 JAM Challenges to Platinum level.
Shot Caller - Reach Level 25.
Road Trippin' - Complete Road Trip.
Gold trophies
Iced Out - Upgrade 1 JAM Challenge to Diamond level.
NBA 2K12 PS3 Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes in the Codes section:
ABA ball - payrespect
Retro Air Jordans - 23
2K China team - 2kchina
2K Sports team - 2ksports
NBA 2K development team - nba2k
VC team - vcteam
Bobcats NASCAR Racing uniform - agsntrccai
Cavs Cavfanatic uniform - aifnaatccv
Hardwood Classics uniforms for Cavaliers, Jazz, Magic, Raptors, Timberwolves, Trail Blazers, Warriors - wasshcicsl
Hornets Mardi Gras uniform - asrdirmga
Secondary road uniforms for Grizzlies, Hawks, Mavs and Rockets - eydonscar
St Patrick's Day uniforms for Bulls, Celtics, Knicks and Raptors - riiasgerh
Trail Blazers Rip City uniform - ycprtii
Bronze trophies
Dawn of an Era - Get drafted as a lottery pick in the NBA draft in My Player mode.
Money Bags - Purchase 3,000 skill points in a single transaction in My Player mode.
Check! - Complete all 3 in-game objectives in My Player mode.
Come Fly with Me - Purchase Michael Jordan's dunk package (His Airness) in My Player mode.
NBA Cares - Make a donation to the NBA Cares global community outreach initiative in My Player mode.
My Player of the Game - Be named Player of the Game (in an NBA game) in My Player mode.
My Every Day Player - Become a starter in the NBA in My Player Mode.
My Big Eight-O - Earn an 80 overall rating in My Player mode.
My All-Star - Be named an NBA All-Star in My Player mode.
Buzzer Beater - Make a game winning shot with no time left on the clock, in a non-simulated game.
Trip-Dub - Record a triple double with any player, in a non-simulated game.
Dub-Dub - Record two double doubles with any teammates, in a non-simulated game.
Five by Five - Record 5 or more in 5 different stats with any player in a non-simulated game.
It's Raining - Make 15 or more 3-pointers with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Block Party - Record 10 or more blocks with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Men of Steal - Record 10 or more steals with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Swat and Swipe - Record at least 5 blocks and 5 steals with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Smothering - Hold the opposing team's FG% below 40% with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Giveth and Taketh Away - Record 10 or more rebounds and assists with any player, in a non-simulated game.
Hold the Fat Lady - Start the 4th period losing by 10 or more points and win with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Wire to Wire - Do not allow your opponent to lead the game at any point with any team, in a non-simulated game.
4-Point Line - Pull off a successful 4-point play with any player, in a non-simulated game.
The Closer - Hold the opposing team to 0 points in the final two minutes of regulation, in a non-simulated game.
G Performance - Score at least 48 points with Kevin Durant to set a new career high, in a non-simulated game.
A 2K to Call My Own - Create a My2K Account.
G Recovery - Play an entire game using manual substitutions, in a non-simulated game.
Not Your Father's Association - Join an Online Association.
Another Day, Another Win - Win 5 NBA Today matchups.
Shooting Star - Win the MVP award in NBA: Creating a Legend mode.
Sprite Slam Cam - Get the Sprite Slam Cam replay after a dunk with LeBron James.
Birthday - Create-a-Player.
Hey Mr. DJ - Create a 2K Beats Playlist.
This One Counts - Win one online Versus match.
Back to Back to Back - Win 3 Versus matches in a row.
Lincoln - Win 5 Versus matches total.
Hamilton - Win 10 Versus matches total.
Made My Name - Complete 5 of the NBA's Greatest challenges.
Left My Mark - Complete 10 of the NBA's Greatest challenges.
The Sum of Its Parts - Play a Team Up Game.
It's Better to Give - Share any file type through 2K Share.
Silver trophies
I'm Worth It - Land a contract that pays at least $10M per season in My Player mode.
G Prime - End the 1st period with a 15 point lead or greater on the Hall of Fame difficulty setting.
Streaking - Win 5 games in a row in The Association mode (playing all 5 games).
Home Court - Earn the NBA's best record in The Association mode (at least 30 games played).
You're Officially Hot - Win 5 Versus matches in a row.
Wrote My Legend - Complete all 15 of the NBA's Greatest challenges.
Gold trophies
Immortality - Make the Hall of Fame in My Player mode.
Don't Hate the Player - Win the championship in an Online Association.
Ticker Tape - Win an NBA Championship in The Association mode (playing every playoff game).
Platinum trophy
The Whole Shebang - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
"Legends Showcase" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Old School - Use one of the 1960s 3-on-3 Era Challenge teams and beat the mode.
High Riser - Make a shot from the top of the tall building in H-O-R-S-E.
Trick Shot Master - Win a H-O-R-S-E game against 3 CPU opponents without getting a letter.
Two Balls are Better Than One - Make a 2 ball shot in H-O-R-S-E.
Blackjack - Win a Game of 21 against 3 CPU opponents without letting anyone else score.
G.O.A.T. - Use your My Player and beat Michael Jordan in a 1-on-1 pickup game with default settings.
Pitching a Shutout - Win any 2-on-2 Teammate Challenge game without giving up a point.
Bombs Away - Win any 3-on-3 Era Challenge game while scoring all your points from beyond the arc.
Silver trophies
Ultimate Teammates - Beat the Teammate Challenge without losing a game.
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes in the Codes section:
ABA ball - payrespect
Retro Air Jordans - 23
2K China team - 2kchina
2K Sports team - 2ksports
NBA 2K development team - nba2k
VC team - vcteam
Bobcats NASCAR Racing uniform - agsntrccai
Cavs Cavfanatic uniform - aifnaatccv
Hardwood Classics uniforms for Cavaliers, Jazz, Magic, Raptors, Timberwolves, Trail Blazers, Warriors - wasshcicsl
Hornets Mardi Gras uniform - asrdirmga
Secondary road uniforms for Grizzlies, Hawks, Mavs and Rockets - eydonscar
St Patrick's Day uniforms for Bulls, Celtics, Knicks and Raptors - riiasgerh
Trail Blazers Rip City uniform - ycprtii
Bronze trophies
Dawn of an Era - Get drafted as a lottery pick in the NBA draft in My Player mode.
Money Bags - Purchase 3,000 skill points in a single transaction in My Player mode.
Check! - Complete all 3 in-game objectives in My Player mode.
Come Fly with Me - Purchase Michael Jordan's dunk package (His Airness) in My Player mode.
NBA Cares - Make a donation to the NBA Cares global community outreach initiative in My Player mode.
My Player of the Game - Be named Player of the Game (in an NBA game) in My Player mode.
My Every Day Player - Become a starter in the NBA in My Player Mode.
My Big Eight-O - Earn an 80 overall rating in My Player mode.
My All-Star - Be named an NBA All-Star in My Player mode.
Buzzer Beater - Make a game winning shot with no time left on the clock, in a non-simulated game.
Trip-Dub - Record a triple double with any player, in a non-simulated game.
Dub-Dub - Record two double doubles with any teammates, in a non-simulated game.
Five by Five - Record 5 or more in 5 different stats with any player in a non-simulated game.
It's Raining - Make 15 or more 3-pointers with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Block Party - Record 10 or more blocks with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Men of Steal - Record 10 or more steals with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Swat and Swipe - Record at least 5 blocks and 5 steals with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Smothering - Hold the opposing team's FG% below 40% with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Giveth and Taketh Away - Record 10 or more rebounds and assists with any player, in a non-simulated game.
Hold the Fat Lady - Start the 4th period losing by 10 or more points and win with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Wire to Wire - Do not allow your opponent to lead the game at any point with any team, in a non-simulated game.
4-Point Line - Pull off a successful 4-point play with any player, in a non-simulated game.
The Closer - Hold the opposing team to 0 points in the final two minutes of regulation, in a non-simulated game.
G Performance - Score at least 48 points with Kevin Durant to set a new career high, in a non-simulated game.
A 2K to Call My Own - Create a My2K Account.
G Recovery - Play an entire game using manual substitutions, in a non-simulated game.
Not Your Father's Association - Join an Online Association.
Another Day, Another Win - Win 5 NBA Today matchups.
Shooting Star - Win the MVP award in NBA: Creating a Legend mode.
Sprite Slam Cam - Get the Sprite Slam Cam replay after a dunk with LeBron James.
Birthday - Create-a-Player.
Hey Mr. DJ - Create a 2K Beats Playlist.
This One Counts - Win one online Versus match.
Back to Back to Back - Win 3 Versus matches in a row.
Lincoln - Win 5 Versus matches total.
Hamilton - Win 10 Versus matches total.
Made My Name - Complete 5 of the NBA's Greatest challenges.
Left My Mark - Complete 10 of the NBA's Greatest challenges.
The Sum of Its Parts - Play a Team Up Game.
It's Better to Give - Share any file type through 2K Share.
Silver trophies
I'm Worth It - Land a contract that pays at least $10M per season in My Player mode.
G Prime - End the 1st period with a 15 point lead or greater on the Hall of Fame difficulty setting.
Streaking - Win 5 games in a row in The Association mode (playing all 5 games).
Home Court - Earn the NBA's best record in The Association mode (at least 30 games played).
You're Officially Hot - Win 5 Versus matches in a row.
Wrote My Legend - Complete all 15 of the NBA's Greatest challenges.
Gold trophies
Immortality - Make the Hall of Fame in My Player mode.
Don't Hate the Player - Win the championship in an Online Association.
Ticker Tape - Win an NBA Championship in The Association mode (playing every playoff game).
Platinum trophy
The Whole Shebang - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
"Legends Showcase" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Old School - Use one of the 1960s 3-on-3 Era Challenge teams and beat the mode.
High Riser - Make a shot from the top of the tall building in H-O-R-S-E.
Trick Shot Master - Win a H-O-R-S-E game against 3 CPU opponents without getting a letter.
Two Balls are Better Than One - Make a 2 ball shot in H-O-R-S-E.
Blackjack - Win a Game of 21 against 3 CPU opponents without letting anyone else score.
G.O.A.T. - Use your My Player and beat Michael Jordan in a 1-on-1 pickup game with default settings.
Pitching a Shutout - Win any 2-on-2 Teammate Challenge game without giving up a point.
Bombs Away - Win any 3-on-3 Era Challenge game while scoring all your points from beyond the arc.
Silver trophies
Ultimate Teammates - Beat the Teammate Challenge without losing a game.
Rogue Warrior PS3 Cheats
Bronze trophies
Chop-shop - Destroy 10 vehicles in Single-Player mode.
Come Get Some - Kill 5 enemies with a shotgun without reloading or changing weapons in Single-Player mode.
Curb-Stomper - Perform 5 finishing moves in Single-Player mode.
DOY - Beat DOY.
Decorated Veteran - Play 50 games online in Multiplayer mode.
Frag Out! - Kill 20 enemies using grenades in Single-Player mode.
Fresh off the boat - Play online once in Multiplayer mode.
Friendship is for suckers... - Kill someone on your friends list in Multiplayer mode.
From Beyond the Grave - Kill an enemy with your grenade after dying in Multiplayer mode.
Getting Your Gun Off - Kill at least one enemy with every weapon in the game in Single-Player mode.
Health and Safety - Blow up 20 fire extinguishers in Single-Player mode.
Host-me-up - Host a custom game to completion in Multiplayer mode.
Improv - Kill 20 enemies using explosive objects in Single-Player mode.
Keep your friends close... - Perform a kill move on a friend in Multiplayer mode.
Military Budget - Kill 5 enemies with an assault rifle without reloading or changing weapons in Single-Player mode.
Never Knew What Hit Them - Kill 50 unalerted enemies in Single-Player mode.
Ninja - Perform 3 kill moves in a row in Single-Player mode.
Not the Face - Smash an enemy's face into a wall in Single-Player mode.
Over the Top - Throw an enemy over a ledge in Single-Player mode.
SEAL Team Six - Play a Team Deathmatch to completion with at least 3 friends on your team.
Spec Warrior - Kill 3 people in a row online in Multiplayer mode.
Suppressing Fire - Kill 20 enemies using blindfire in Single-Player mode.
The Geek - Beat the game on Recruits difficulty.
Silver trophies
Are These Guys For Real? - Kill 50 Speztnaz in Single-Player mode.
Dick Would Be Proud - Beat a mission without dying in Single-Player mode.
Double Tap - Beat an entire level using only the pistol in Single-Player mode.
Gang Bang - Kill a group of four enemies with a grenade in Single-Player mode.
Guns Don't Kill People, SEALS o - Kill 30 enemies using sniper rifles in Single-Player mode.
Migraine Breaker - Kill 50 enemies with head shots in Single-Player mode.
Now THIS is a Knife - Kill 30 enemies using kill moves in Single-Player mode.
One Man Army - Kill 200 enemies in Multiplayer mode.
POTUS - Place 1st in a Ranked Team Deathmatch in Multiplayer mode.
Shark Man of the Delta - Beat the game on Regulars difficulty.
Smack The Rogue - Place first in 10 ranked Deathmatch games in Multiplayer mode.
Special Warfare Group One - Be on the winning team for 10 Team Death Match games in Multiplayer mode.
THREATCON - Place 1st in a Ranked Deathmatch game in Multiplayer mode.
Gold trophies
Legion of merit - Finish each map in 1st place in Multiplayer mode.
Demo Dick - Beat the game on Elites difficulty.
Platinum trophy
Platinum - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies
Bronze trophies
Chop-shop - Destroy 10 vehicles in Single-Player mode.
Come Get Some - Kill 5 enemies with a shotgun without reloading or changing weapons in Single-Player mode.
Curb-Stomper - Perform 5 finishing moves in Single-Player mode.
DOY - Beat DOY.
Decorated Veteran - Play 50 games online in Multiplayer mode.
Frag Out! - Kill 20 enemies using grenades in Single-Player mode.
Fresh off the boat - Play online once in Multiplayer mode.
Friendship is for suckers... - Kill someone on your friends list in Multiplayer mode.
From Beyond the Grave - Kill an enemy with your grenade after dying in Multiplayer mode.
Getting Your Gun Off - Kill at least one enemy with every weapon in the game in Single-Player mode.
Health and Safety - Blow up 20 fire extinguishers in Single-Player mode.
Host-me-up - Host a custom game to completion in Multiplayer mode.
Improv - Kill 20 enemies using explosive objects in Single-Player mode.
Keep your friends close... - Perform a kill move on a friend in Multiplayer mode.
Military Budget - Kill 5 enemies with an assault rifle without reloading or changing weapons in Single-Player mode.
Never Knew What Hit Them - Kill 50 unalerted enemies in Single-Player mode.
Ninja - Perform 3 kill moves in a row in Single-Player mode.
Not the Face - Smash an enemy's face into a wall in Single-Player mode.
Over the Top - Throw an enemy over a ledge in Single-Player mode.
SEAL Team Six - Play a Team Deathmatch to completion with at least 3 friends on your team.
Spec Warrior - Kill 3 people in a row online in Multiplayer mode.
Suppressing Fire - Kill 20 enemies using blindfire in Single-Player mode.
The Geek - Beat the game on Recruits difficulty.
Silver trophies
Are These Guys For Real? - Kill 50 Speztnaz in Single-Player mode.
Dick Would Be Proud - Beat a mission without dying in Single-Player mode.
Double Tap - Beat an entire level using only the pistol in Single-Player mode.
Gang Bang - Kill a group of four enemies with a grenade in Single-Player mode.
Guns Don't Kill People, SEALS o - Kill 30 enemies using sniper rifles in Single-Player mode.
Migraine Breaker - Kill 50 enemies with head shots in Single-Player mode.
Now THIS is a Knife - Kill 30 enemies using kill moves in Single-Player mode.
One Man Army - Kill 200 enemies in Multiplayer mode.
POTUS - Place 1st in a Ranked Team Deathmatch in Multiplayer mode.
Shark Man of the Delta - Beat the game on Regulars difficulty.
Smack The Rogue - Place first in 10 ranked Deathmatch games in Multiplayer mode.
Special Warfare Group One - Be on the winning team for 10 Team Death Match games in Multiplayer mode.
THREATCON - Place 1st in a Ranked Deathmatch game in Multiplayer mode.
Gold trophies
Legion of merit - Finish each map in 1st place in Multiplayer mode.
Demo Dick - Beat the game on Elites difficulty.
Platinum trophy
Platinum - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies
Grand Theft Auto 4: The Lost And Damned PS3 Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Press Up to display Niko's cellphone during game play. Press Up again to access the keypad. In addition to the codes available in the parent game, you can enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function in the expansion. Note - Once a code has been entered correctly, a new "Cheats" menu option will be available on your phone, below "Options", where you can access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again. Do not save the game after enabling a code to avoid unforeseen problems. Note - Enabling some cheats may prevent achievements from becoming unlocked.
Armor - 3625550100
Health, armor and ammunition - 4825550100
Weapons tier 1 - 4865550150
Weapons tier 2 - 4865550100
Weapons tier 3 - 4855550100
Lower wanted level - 2675550100
Raise wanted level - 2675550150
Spawn Innovation bike - 2455550100
Spawn Hexer bike - 2455550150
Spawn Double T bike - 2455550125
Spawn Hakuchou bike - 2455550199
Spawn Slamvan - 8265550100
Spawn Burrito - 8265550150
Remove ammunition limit:
To remove your ammunition limit, get a 100% game completion.
Unlockable Weapons:
Unlock the following weapons at the safehouse by performing the corresponding tasks:
Sawed-off shotgun - Complete 10 gang wars.
Automatic pistol - Complete 20 gang wars.
Carbine rifle - Complete 30 gang wars.
Assault shotgun - Complete 40 gang wars and the "Heavy Toll" mission.
Grenade launcher - Complete 50 gang wars.
Unlock the following weapons deliverable by Jim by performing the corresponding tasks:
Automatic pistol - Complete the "Bad Cop Drop" mission.
Micro sub machine gun - Complete the "Clean And Serene" mission.
Pipe bombs - Complete the "Hit The Pipe" mission.
Sawed-off shotgun - Complete the "Clean And Serene" mission.
Unlockable Bikes:
Unlock the following bikes by performing the corresponding tasks:
Bati 801 bike - Complete ten bike thefts for Angus. The bike will now be available for Clay to transport to you or can be found parked near a safehouse.
Hokachu bike - Win twelve races in single player mode. The bike will now be available for Clay to transport to you or can be found parked near a safehouse.
Innovation bike - Shoot all fifty seagulls. The bike will now be available for Clay to transport to you or can be found parked near a safehouse.
Get any vehicle from any mission:
During transport missions, there will be some cars, boats, or planes that can only be used in that mission. Just kill the person that is with you in the vehicle and it will be yours to keep.
Extra parking spaces:
The yellow parking spaces in front of safe houses unlocked during the main storyline can also be used in The Lost And Damned to store and repair vehicles.
Internet sites:
Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe and enter one of the following URLs to visit that site:
Bronze trophies
One Percenter - Help Billy get his bike back.
The Lost Boy - Become the leader of The Lost.
Easy Rider - Finish the story.
Get Good Wood - In the bike races, whack off 69 bikers with a bat.
Full Chat - Build Terry and Clay's toughness to 100%.
Press Up to display Niko's cellphone during game play. Press Up again to access the keypad. In addition to the codes available in the parent game, you can enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function in the expansion. Note - Once a code has been entered correctly, a new "Cheats" menu option will be available on your phone, below "Options", where you can access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again. Do not save the game after enabling a code to avoid unforeseen problems. Note - Enabling some cheats may prevent achievements from becoming unlocked.
Armor - 3625550100
Health, armor and ammunition - 4825550100
Weapons tier 1 - 4865550150
Weapons tier 2 - 4865550100
Weapons tier 3 - 4855550100
Lower wanted level - 2675550100
Raise wanted level - 2675550150
Spawn Innovation bike - 2455550100
Spawn Hexer bike - 2455550150
Spawn Double T bike - 2455550125
Spawn Hakuchou bike - 2455550199
Spawn Slamvan - 8265550100
Spawn Burrito - 8265550150
Remove ammunition limit:
To remove your ammunition limit, get a 100% game completion.
Unlockable Weapons:
Unlock the following weapons at the safehouse by performing the corresponding tasks:
Sawed-off shotgun - Complete 10 gang wars.
Automatic pistol - Complete 20 gang wars.
Carbine rifle - Complete 30 gang wars.
Assault shotgun - Complete 40 gang wars and the "Heavy Toll" mission.
Grenade launcher - Complete 50 gang wars.
Unlock the following weapons deliverable by Jim by performing the corresponding tasks:
Automatic pistol - Complete the "Bad Cop Drop" mission.
Micro sub machine gun - Complete the "Clean And Serene" mission.
Pipe bombs - Complete the "Hit The Pipe" mission.
Sawed-off shotgun - Complete the "Clean And Serene" mission.
Unlockable Bikes:
Unlock the following bikes by performing the corresponding tasks:
Bati 801 bike - Complete ten bike thefts for Angus. The bike will now be available for Clay to transport to you or can be found parked near a safehouse.
Hokachu bike - Win twelve races in single player mode. The bike will now be available for Clay to transport to you or can be found parked near a safehouse.
Innovation bike - Shoot all fifty seagulls. The bike will now be available for Clay to transport to you or can be found parked near a safehouse.
Get any vehicle from any mission:
During transport missions, there will be some cars, boats, or planes that can only be used in that mission. Just kill the person that is with you in the vehicle and it will be yours to keep.
Extra parking spaces:
The yellow parking spaces in front of safe houses unlocked during the main storyline can also be used in The Lost And Damned to store and repair vehicles.
Internet sites:
Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe and enter one of the following URLs to visit that site:
Bronze trophies
One Percenter - Help Billy get his bike back.
The Lost Boy - Become the leader of The Lost.
Easy Rider - Finish the story.
Get Good Wood - In the bike races, whack off 69 bikers with a bat.
Full Chat - Build Terry and Clay's toughness to 100%.
Sonic CD PS3 Cheats
Sound Test Codes:
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes in the Sound Test:
"Batman" Sonic - PCM 04 DA 21
Cute Sonic - PCM 11 DA 09
Dj Mc Sonic - PCM 03 DA 01
Secret Special Stage - PCM 7 DA 7
Tails - See you Next Game - PCM 12 DA 11
That Freaky Sonic One - PCM 12 DA 25
Unlock Tails:
Complete the game as Sonic to unlock Tails.
Bronze trophies
88 Miles per Hour - Travel through time
Dr. Eggman Got Served - Destroy Dr. Eggman's final machine
Heavy Metal - Defeat Metal Sonic without getting hurt
Just one hug is enough - Get a hug from Amy
Paradise Found - Complete a zone in the Good Future
Statue Saviour - Find the angel statue in Wacky Workbench
Take the High Road - Pass the upper Signpost in Collision Chaos Zone 2
Silver trophies
All Stages Clear! - Finish the game
Just in Time! - Complete the Time Attack mode in under 25 minutes
King of the Rings - Collect 200 Rings
Saviour of the Planet - Destroy all the robot teleporters and Metal Sonic holograms in the past
Gold trophies
Treasure Hunter - Collect all the Time Stones
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes in the Sound Test:
"Batman" Sonic - PCM 04 DA 21
Cute Sonic - PCM 11 DA 09
Dj Mc Sonic - PCM 03 DA 01
Secret Special Stage - PCM 7 DA 7
Tails - See you Next Game - PCM 12 DA 11
That Freaky Sonic One - PCM 12 DA 25
Unlock Tails:
Complete the game as Sonic to unlock Tails.
Bronze trophies
88 Miles per Hour - Travel through time
Dr. Eggman Got Served - Destroy Dr. Eggman's final machine
Heavy Metal - Defeat Metal Sonic without getting hurt
Just one hug is enough - Get a hug from Amy
Paradise Found - Complete a zone in the Good Future
Statue Saviour - Find the angel statue in Wacky Workbench
Take the High Road - Pass the upper Signpost in Collision Chaos Zone 2
Silver trophies
All Stages Clear! - Finish the game
Just in Time! - Complete the Time Attack mode in under 25 minutes
King of the Rings - Collect 200 Rings
Saviour of the Planet - Destroy all the robot teleporters and Metal Sonic holograms in the past
Gold trophies
Treasure Hunter - Collect all the Time Stones
Grand Theft Auto 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony PS3 Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Press Up to display the cellphone during game play. Press Up again to access the keypad. In addition to the codes available in the parent game, you can enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function in the expansion. Note: Once a code has been entered correctly, a new "Cheats" menu option will be available on your phone, below "Options", where you can access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again. Do not save the game after enabling a code to avoid unforeseen problems. Note: Enabling some codes may prevent achievements from becoming unlocked.
Super punch - 2765552666
Explosive sniper rifle shots - 4865552526
Spawn Floater boat - 9385550150
Spawn Akuma bike - 6255550200
Spawn Vader bike - 6255553273
Spawn APC - 2725558265
Spawn Buzzard helicopter - 3595552899
Spawn Bullet GT - 2275559666
Spawn parachute - 3595557272
Spawn Annihilator police helicopter - 3595550100 Note: This phone number translates to "FLY-555-0100".
Spawn Jetmax - 9385550100 Note: This phone number translates to "WET-555-0100".
Spawn NRG-900 - 6255550100 Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0100".
Spawn Sanchez - 6255550150 Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0150".
Spawn FIB Buffalo - 2275550100 Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0100".
Spawn Comet - 2275550175 Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0175".
Spawn Turismo - 2275550147 Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0147".
Spawn Cognoscenti - 2275550142 Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0142".
Spawn Super GT - 2275550168 Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0168".
Armor - 3625550100
Health, armor and ammunition - 4825550100
Weapons tier 1 - 4865550150
Weapons tier 2 - 4865550100
Weapons tier 3 - 4855550100
Weapons tier 2 plus - 4865550100 This code will unlock the knife, .44 pistol, explosive shotgun, assault SMG, advanced MG, advanced sniper, grenade launcher, and sticky bombs.
Change weather and brightness - 4685550100 Note: This phone number translates to "HOT-555-0100". Repeat this code to cycle through four different settings.
No ammunition limit:
To remove your ammunition limit, get a 100% game completion.
Safehouse weapons:
Unlock the following weapons at your safehouse by performing the corresponding tasks:
.44 pistol - Complete 10 Drug Wars.
Advanced MG - Complete 20 Drug Wars.
Explosive shotgun - Complete 30 Drug Wars.
Sticky bombs - Complete 40 Drug Wars.
Gold SMG - Complete 50 Drug Wars.
Complete all base jumps to to unlock a parachute at your apartment.
Golden Buzzard:
Complete the game to unlock a Golden Buzzard at Yusef's heliport near the Booth Tunnel.
Golden Super Drop Diamond:
After progressing through Yusuf's missions, you will eventually receive his golden Super Drop Diamond as a reward. It will always be available when you need it, and upon entering and exiting the vehicle you will have the Golden SMG in your inventory.
Noose APC:
Shoot all 50 seagulls to unlock the Noose APC at Henrique's construction site.
Get any vehicle from any mission:
During transport missions, there will be some cars, boats, or planes that can only be used in that mission. Just kill the person that is with you in the vehicle and it will be yours to keep.
Avoid paying tolls:
When approaching a toll booth, if there is a car in front of ready to pay, nudge the back of it to make it smash the barrier. You can then go past the toll booth without paying and attaining a wanted level.
Bronze trophies
Gone Down - Complete all base jumps.
Diamonds Forever - Complete the Trinity.
Four Play - Hit a flag with a golf ball four times.
Bear Fight - Win the L.C. Cage Fighters championship.
Catch the Bus - Dance perfectly in both Tony's nightclubs.
Snow Queen - Complete 25 drug wars.
Adrenaline-Junkie - Freefall for the longest possible time.
Maestro - Finish the Ballad.
Past the Velvet Rope - Score 80% or above in all missions.
Gold Star - Score 100% in all missions.
Press Up to display the cellphone during game play. Press Up again to access the keypad. In addition to the codes available in the parent game, you can enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function in the expansion. Note: Once a code has been entered correctly, a new "Cheats" menu option will be available on your phone, below "Options", where you can access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again. Do not save the game after enabling a code to avoid unforeseen problems. Note: Enabling some codes may prevent achievements from becoming unlocked.
Super punch - 2765552666
Explosive sniper rifle shots - 4865552526
Spawn Floater boat - 9385550150
Spawn Akuma bike - 6255550200
Spawn Vader bike - 6255553273
Spawn APC - 2725558265
Spawn Buzzard helicopter - 3595552899
Spawn Bullet GT - 2275559666
Spawn parachute - 3595557272
Spawn Annihilator police helicopter - 3595550100 Note: This phone number translates to "FLY-555-0100".
Spawn Jetmax - 9385550100 Note: This phone number translates to "WET-555-0100".
Spawn NRG-900 - 6255550100 Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0100".
Spawn Sanchez - 6255550150 Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0150".
Spawn FIB Buffalo - 2275550100 Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0100".
Spawn Comet - 2275550175 Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0175".
Spawn Turismo - 2275550147 Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0147".
Spawn Cognoscenti - 2275550142 Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0142".
Spawn Super GT - 2275550168 Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0168".
Armor - 3625550100
Health, armor and ammunition - 4825550100
Weapons tier 1 - 4865550150
Weapons tier 2 - 4865550100
Weapons tier 3 - 4855550100
Weapons tier 2 plus - 4865550100 This code will unlock the knife, .44 pistol, explosive shotgun, assault SMG, advanced MG, advanced sniper, grenade launcher, and sticky bombs.
Change weather and brightness - 4685550100 Note: This phone number translates to "HOT-555-0100". Repeat this code to cycle through four different settings.
No ammunition limit:
To remove your ammunition limit, get a 100% game completion.
Safehouse weapons:
Unlock the following weapons at your safehouse by performing the corresponding tasks:
.44 pistol - Complete 10 Drug Wars.
Advanced MG - Complete 20 Drug Wars.
Explosive shotgun - Complete 30 Drug Wars.
Sticky bombs - Complete 40 Drug Wars.
Gold SMG - Complete 50 Drug Wars.
Complete all base jumps to to unlock a parachute at your apartment.
Golden Buzzard:
Complete the game to unlock a Golden Buzzard at Yusef's heliport near the Booth Tunnel.
Golden Super Drop Diamond:
After progressing through Yusuf's missions, you will eventually receive his golden Super Drop Diamond as a reward. It will always be available when you need it, and upon entering and exiting the vehicle you will have the Golden SMG in your inventory.
Noose APC:
Shoot all 50 seagulls to unlock the Noose APC at Henrique's construction site.
Get any vehicle from any mission:
During transport missions, there will be some cars, boats, or planes that can only be used in that mission. Just kill the person that is with you in the vehicle and it will be yours to keep.
Avoid paying tolls:
When approaching a toll booth, if there is a car in front of ready to pay, nudge the back of it to make it smash the barrier. You can then go past the toll booth without paying and attaining a wanted level.
Bronze trophies
Gone Down - Complete all base jumps.
Diamonds Forever - Complete the Trinity.
Four Play - Hit a flag with a golf ball four times.
Bear Fight - Win the L.C. Cage Fighters championship.
Catch the Bus - Dance perfectly in both Tony's nightclubs.
Snow Queen - Complete 25 drug wars.
Adrenaline-Junkie - Freefall for the longest possible time.
Maestro - Finish the Ballad.
Past the Velvet Rope - Score 80% or above in all missions.
Gold Star - Score 100% in all missions.
Under Siege PS3 Cheats
Bronze trophies
Crafty - Create a map.
Boot Camp - Complete the tutorial.
Brothers in Arms - Win an online match with a friend.
Silver trophies
Step Aside - Win 5 ranked matches in a row.
Lightning Offense - Win a ranked match in less than 5 minutes.
Gold trophies
Chapter 1 - Complete Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 - Complete Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 - Complete Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 - Complete Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 - Complete Chapter 5.
Survivalist - Complete a chapter without losing a single unit.
Hardcore - Complete the game in the Hard difficulty setting.
Platinum trophy
Master Strategist - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
Additionally there are two secret trophies.
Capitalism - Accumulate 5000 gold.
Field Medic - Heal a total of 20000 hit points.
Bronze trophies
Crafty - Create a map.
Boot Camp - Complete the tutorial.
Brothers in Arms - Win an online match with a friend.
Silver trophies
Step Aside - Win 5 ranked matches in a row.
Lightning Offense - Win a ranked match in less than 5 minutes.
Gold trophies
Chapter 1 - Complete Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 - Complete Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 - Complete Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 - Complete Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 - Complete Chapter 5.
Survivalist - Complete a chapter without losing a single unit.
Hardcore - Complete the game in the Hard difficulty setting.
Platinum trophy
Master Strategist - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
Additionally there are two secret trophies.
Capitalism - Accumulate 5000 gold.
Field Medic - Heal a total of 20000 hit points.
Call of Duty: Black Ops PS3 Cheats
Central Intelligence Agency Data System:
At the title screen, use the Right Analog-stick to look down at your hand when you are locked up. Repeatedly press L1 + R1 to escape from the chair. Move around the lab and find a computer. Type in the following commands to activate the corresponding cheats:
DOA - Zombie killing mini-game similar to Smash TV. Use the Left Analog-stick to move and the Right Analog-stick to shoot.
3ARC INTEL - View all intel.
3ARC UNLOCK - Unlock Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie mode.
ZORK or HELLO SAILOR - Zork - The Great Underground Empire text adventure game.
DIR - List audio files and pictures for use with CAT command.
CAT or PRINT - Open corresponding file.
WHO - List of login names for use with the RLOGIN command (requires passwords).
LOGIN - Attempt a new session with a corresponding username and password
DIR or LS - Display contents of the current directory.
ENCODE - Encode a string using the CIA's cipher.
DECODE - Decode a string using the CIA's cipher.
MAIL - Open the mail folder for the current user.
FOOBAR - Displays "Fee Fie Foe Foo!"
ALICIA - Alicia virtual therapist game.
HELP - List commands.
Dreamland server:
Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System and enter "rlogin dreamland" as a command. You will be prompted to login with an account with MJ12 access. Use the following usernames and passwords to continue.
Login as Robert Oppen
Username: roppen
password: trinity
Login as Vannevar Bush
Username: vbush
password: majestic1
Login as T. Walker
Username: twalker
password: thanksdad
Terminal access:
Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System. Enter "login" as a command. Use the following usernames and passwords to login. You can then access their documents with the "dir" command or email with the "mail" command.
Bruce Harris - bharris(goskins)
D. King - dking(mfk)
Adrienne Smith - asmith(roxy)
Vannevar Bush - vbush(manhattan)
Frank Woods - fwoods(philly)
Grigori "Greg" Weaver - gweaver(gedeon)
J. Turner - Jturner(condor75)
Jason Hudson - jhudson(bryant1950)
John McCone - jmccone(berkley22)
Joseph Bowman - jbowman(uwd)
John F. Kennedy - jfkennedy(lancer)
Lyndon B. Johnson - lbjohnson(ladybird)
Richard Nixon - rnixon(checkers)
Richard Helms - rhelms(lerosey)
Richard Kain - rkain(sunwu)
Ryan Jackson - rjackson(saintbridget)
T. Walker - twalker(radi0)
Terrance Brooks - tbrooks(lauren)
William Raborn - wraborn(bromlow)
Extra Custom Class slots:
Unlock the following Custom Class slots by reaching the corresponding Prestige levels. Note: After unlocking a slot, the pre-set class for that slot will not be available until you reach Prestige again.
Sixth slot - First Prestige
Seventh slot - Third Prestige
Eighth slot - Fifth Prestige
Ninth slot - Seventh Prestige
Tenth slot - Ninth Prestige
Ascension: "Abracadavre" song:
Find the three hidden teddy bears holding a sickle and press [Action] next to them to play the song "Abracadvre" by Elena Siegman. The first bear is located left of the Olympia shotgun in the starting room. The second bear is behind the fence across from where you purchase Claymores. The third bear is by the lunar lander near the Speed Cola machine.
"Five": Zombies mode: On top of the teleporter:
Go downstairs, then stand in front of the large elevator. Go left along the desks next to the teleporter until you see a railing. Stand behind so that you can see it long ways. Dolphin dive on top of it. When on top of the railing, stand up and keep jumping up until you are on the teleporter. Zombies cannot harm you unless you get too close to the stairs. You will gain lots of points because the zombies will gather up, and it is easy to shoot them while they are crowded together.
Gun Game Wager match weapons:
The following are the twenty guns available in the Gun Game wager match:
1. Python with multiple attachments
2. Makarov dual wield
3. Spas
4. Ithica
5. MP5K
6. Skorpion dual wield
7. AK74u
8. M14
9. M16
11. AUG
12. Hk21
13. M60
14. L96A1
15. WA2000
16. Grim Reaper
17. M72 Law
18. China Lake
19. Crossbow explosive tip
20. Ballistic knife
Zombie mode maps:
Unlock the following maps for Zombies mode by performing the corresponding tasks:
Dead Ops Arcade - Play the Dead Ops Arcade game.
Der Riese - Enter unique code from Call Of Duty - Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Five - Complete Campaign mode.
Kino Der Toten - Available by default.
Nacht Der Untoten - Enter unique code from Call Of Duty - Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Shi No Numa - Enter unique code from Call Of Duty - Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Verruckt - Enter unique code from Call Of Duty - Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Zombies mode: Pack-A-Punch upgrades:
Use the Pack-A-Punch machine to make the following upgrades.
Assault rifles
AUG - AUG-50M3
Commando - Predator
Famas - G16-GL35
G11 - G115 Generator
Galil - Lemantation
M14 - Mnesia
M16 - SkullCrusher
CZ75 - Calamity
CZ75 Dual Wield - Calamity & Jane
M1911 - Mustang & Sally
Python - Cobra
China Lake - China Beach
M72 LAW - M72 Anarchy
Light machine guns
HK21 - H115 Oscillator
RPK - R115 Resonator
HS10 - Typhoid & Mary
Olympia - Hades
SPAZ-12 - SPAZ-24
Stakeout - Raid
Sniper rifles
Dragunov - D115 Disassembler
L96A1 - L115 Isolator
Submachine guns
AK47u - AK74fu2
MP40 - The Afterburner
MPK5 - MP115 Kollider
PM63 - Tokyo & Rose
Special weapons
Ballistic Knife - The Krause Refibrillator
Crossbow - Awful Lawton
Ray Gun - Porter's X2 Ray Gun
Thundergun - Zeus Cannon
Winter's Fury - Winter's Fury
Killstreak bonuses:
Unlock the following bonuses by getting the corresponding amount of consecutive kills without dying:
Spy Plane - 3 kills; shows enemies on the mini-map (free).
RC-XD - 3 kills; remote control car with explosives piloted by killstreak user (1,200 points).
Counter-Spy Plane - 4 kills; temporarily disables enemy's mini-map (1,600 points).
SAM Turret - 4 kills; airdrop a turret that destroys aircraft (1,600 points).
Care Package - 5 kills; airdrop a crate that contains a random killstreak, ammo crate, or special weapon (free).
Napalm Strike - 5 kills; airstrike drops fire over an area of the your choice which burns and damages enemies temporarily (2,400 points).
Sentry Gun - 6 kills; airdrops anti-personnel sentry gun (3,200 points).
Mortar Team - 6 kills; user targets three locations to be shelled by mortars (3,200 points).
Attack Helicopter - 7 kills; call in automated attack helicopter to a selected location (free).
Valkyrie Rockets - 7 kills; two remote controlled rockets (4,000 points).
Blackbird - 8 kills; advanced version of the spy plane that indicates enemies on the map and direction they are facing (4,500 points).
Rolling Thunder - 8 kills; B-52 bomber bombs selected location (4,500 points).
Chopper Gunner - 9 kills; control door-mounted mini-gun from a helicopter that circles the map; enemies without the Ghost perk are displayed as red dots (5,000 points).
Attack Dogs - 11 kills; call in a group of attack dogs (6,000 points).
Gunship - 11 kills; pilot a helicopter with rockets and machine guns; helicopter can be destroyed (6,000 points).
Multiplayer bonuses:
Unlock the following bonuses by reaching the corresponding levels:
Create A Class - Level 4
Contracts - Level 5
Clan Tag - Level 6
Game Mode Challenges - Level 8
Killstreaks, Killstreak Challenges, Playercard Emblems - Level 10
Combat Record - Level 13
Medal Challenges - Level 15
Gun Emblems - Level 16
Gun Tag - Level 19
Elite Challenges - Level 20
Camo - Level 22
Custom Reticules - Level 25
Custom Lenses - Level 28
Final Challenges - Level 30
Facepaint - Level 31
Prestige Mode - Level 50
Prestige Leaderboard, Custom Class 6 - Prestige 1
Custom Class 7 - Prestige 3
Custom Class 8 - Prestige 5
Custom Class 9 - Prestige 7
Custom Class 10 - Prestige 9
Face Tattoos - Prestige 11
Clan Tag Colors - Prestige 13
Golden Camo - Prestige 14
Prestige Playlists - Prestige 15
Perks list:
The following is a list of perks that can be unlocked:
Tier 1
Flak Jacket - Reduces explosive damage.
Flak Jacket Pro - Deflect fire damage, and safely toss back grenades.
Ghost - Undetectable by the Spy Plane and Blackbird.
Ghost Pro - Undetectable by aircraft, IR scopes, Sentry Guns, and no red cross hair on your name when targeted.
Hardline - Killstreaks require one less kill.
Harline Pro - Change the contents of a Care Package.
Lightweight - Move faster.
Lightweight Pro - No fall damage.
Scavenger - Get ammo from fallen enemies.
Scavenger Pro - Start with extra magazines, and get grenades from fallen enemies.
Tier 2
Hardened - Bullets penetrate better.
Hardened Pro - Increased bullet damage to killstreaks and less aiming recoil when shot.
Scout - Hold breath longer.
Scout Pro - Switch weapons faster.
Sleight Of Hand - Faster reloads.
Sleight Of Hand Pro - ADS with all weapons, except sniper rifles.
Steady Aim - Increased hip-fire accuracy.
Steady Aim Pro - Faster ADS after sprinting.
Warlord - Equip two attachments to your primary weapon.
Warlord Pro - Start with one extra lethal and tactical grenade (except Willy Pete).
Tier 3
Hacker - Ability to detect enemy equipment and explosives.
Hacker Pro - Booby trap enemy Care Packages and turn enemy killstreaks and equipment friendly.
Marathon - Longer sprint.
Marathon Pro - Unlimited duration.
Ninja - Silent movement.
Ninja Pro - Make no noise, and hear all enemies louder.
Second Chance - Ability to use your pistol before dying.
Second Chance Pro - Survive longer, and get revived by teammates.
Tactical Mask - Protects against Nova Gas.
Numbers: Thundergun weapon:
In the level "Numbers," after interrogating Clarke, several enemy soldiers will appear at the end of the long hallway. Shoot all six Nova 6 canisters and you will be able to collect a cassette tape in the office behind where you started. Throw a flashbang to blind the enemies so you have less interference when taking out the canisters. After picking up the tape, continue until you reach the part where Weaver and Clarke both jump off the roof onto a mattress. After they jump down, Clarke will ask Weaver to help him move a fridge out of the way to his first weapon stash. Once they do, go inside and look to the left. There should be a place to put the cassette. Note: When picking up and placing the cassette tape, the game will not prompt you; you must have seen it being moved yourself. After that, the screen will shake and the Thunder Gun will appear out of the wall. It has twelve bullets, and it is reloaded at checkpoints.
Battle of Khe Sanh Trenches strategy:
At the Battle of Khe Sanh, you will be informed to clear the trenches. There is also a nearly inaudible clue telling you that there are barrels full of napalm but it does not tell you what to do with the barrels. You have to run to two of the large striped barrels near the bottom of the hill and kick them down into the trench. Then, hide behind the sandbags and shoot the VC until it's clear. Make a run for the nearby barrel and use the prompt to stab it and kick it down the hill.
Pack-A-Punch on Five (Zombies):
To reach the Pack-A-Punch on the Zombies mode "Five" map, make a crawler and go into the middle room and adjust the DEFCON level to DEFCON 5. Every teleporter will take you to Presidential Suite. All switches are in that room; 3 are upstairs and 1 is downstairs.
Pentagon Map for Zombie Mode (Five):
Complete the game to unlock Zombie Mode, where you play as Nixon, Castro, Kennedy, McNamara.
"Sympathy For the Devil" song:
Shoot the heads off all the mannequins in record time to hear "Sympathy For the Devil" by the Rolling Stones.
"Five": "Don't Back Down" song:
To play "Don't Back Down" by Eminem, do the following. Locate the three red rotary phones throughout the Pentagon that ring and flash. The first phone can be found after you opening the set of doors in the corner at the start. The second phone is located on the catwalk circling the room after leaving the first elevator. The third phone is located in a room after leaving the second elevator on the floor that the power is on. Listen for a ringing sound to find the phones. Look at the phone, then hold [Action] until you hear a busy signal. After the third phone is accessed, the song "Don't Back Down" by Eminem will play.
"Kino Der Toten": "115" song:
To play "115" by Elena Siegman, do the following. Find the three meteors. The first meteor is located on a pedestal in a corner behind the soda in the main lobby. The second meteor is located on a pedestal in the dressing room near some mannequins. The third meteor is located in the room upstairs near the alleyway, on a "dresser" with black marquee letters. Note: The meteors appear as red veined rocks. Hold [Use] on each meteor until your character says something or the veins in the rock glow red. After all three are found, the song "115" by Elena Siegman will play.
"Frag Master" trophy hints:
The "Frag Master" trophy can be unlocked by performing any of the following three tasks:
Campaign mode
During the battle of Khe Sanh when the NVA are pouring out of the tunnels in the background, throw grenades into the crowd. You are bound to kill some of them.
Get five of your friends to join the other side. Tell them to cram together, then toss a frag grenade.
This requires two players. Blow the legs off five zombies and have the other player to stand in one place while the zombies crawl towards them. When they are all attacking your friend, throw a frag grenade.
"I Hate Monkeys" trophy hint:
In the Rebirth labs, fire the China Lake into the central chamber of the lab. Once the explosion goes off in the chamber, the Nova 6 will not only kill the soldiers, but all of the monkeys as well.
"Rhino" trophy hint:
In Dead Ops mode, wait until you get to a higher round (for example, rounds 8 or 10) and use a meat power-up at the start of the round. When they pour in, wait a moment, then use the speed power-up.
Nuketown: "Sympathy For the Devil":
Shoot off the heads of all the mannequins in record time to hear "Sympathy For the Devil" by the Rolling Stones.
Summit: Getting on the red trolley glitch:
Go to the little ramp, sprint, and press A to jump to it. Then, press A again when against the "trolley" to climb in.
Better guns from Mystery Box in Kino Der Toten:
While playing solo, knife the entire 1st round and open the top door that leads to a possible mystery box. If it is there, throw a grenade under it and walk away. Wait for it to blow, then go to it but have your back facing the box. Buy it and stay looking away! When it says trade weapons,buy with your back facing it! By doing this, you get a Python, Thundergun, Commando, and AUG.
"Sally Likes Blood" trophy hint:
On "The Defector" mission, when you go inside the building with Bowman, Reznov, and Woods, (the one where the man is crying over his dead friend), go upstairs to find two VC in front of you and three more behind the window next to them. Aim precisely so that you can kill all three of them in one shot. This is a checkpoint; if you miss, kill yourself and try again.
Firing range sniper spot:
Across from the garage is a rocky ledge. Go up to it and keep jumping until you get on top; you may need to try different spots. When successful, you now have an awesome sniping spot.
Hell Hounds barrier glitch:
The power must be on to do this glitch. Go up to the teleporter, and go to the left of it near the barrel type things. Simply walk in the corner, scooting back by the curtain, and then justturn around and shoot. Only 1 dog can be in the glitch at a time, otherwise they will start hitting you. Note: this will not work if you have updated the game.
Ray Gun glitch:
After buying the box for 950 points, pull out your m1911 pistol that you start with. Shoot two times in the left and two in the right, then lie down, stand up and do the same. When you automatically empty your clip you should have the Ray Gun.
Zombie Monkeys on "Shangri-La Zombie":
The new Zombie map, Shangri-La from Annihilation DLC, features immortal zombie monkeys. At first they don't appear to do anything, though they respawn when they are killed. However, once a power-up drops nearby, these zombie monkeys will snatch up the power-up and attempt to take it back to the shrine. While running back to the shrine, the power-up in the monkey's possession will switch between the different power-ups. If you kill it, it will drop whatever power-up it held last, but other zombie monkeys will attempt to retrieve it as well. If you manage to grab it before a monkey does, the monkey tries to loot 50 points from you.
Hidden Avenged Sevenfold song:
Note: The Call of the Dead map pack update is required. You also must activate three meteorites. The first meteorite can be found right in the starting area by the canister. For the second one, you must reach 750 points. Open the path to the right (while facing the lake) of the starting area and head upstairs, then pass the blockade and enter the room with the tables. On the far side is a meteorite lying on the seat. You'll need 750 points to open the path to the lighthouse. Underneath the large staircase, leading up to the lighthouse, is a room. Facing the staircase, turn right and make your way to the room below. The meteorite is here. After finding it, "I'm Not Ready to Die" by Avenged Sevenfold will play.
Secret film:
In the Zombie map "Kino Der Toten", there is a teleporter in front of the curtain on stage. When you use this teleporter, you get sent to the room that has the Pack-a-Punch machine and a window. If you wait about a minute you'll be teleported again to one of several secret rooms. Inside the secret room that contains the presidential seal and a projector, there is a desk. On the desk there is an old roll of film which you can pick up (be warned you will not be prompted to pick it up, you just can).
"Escalation": Wunderwaffle:
Find the Golden Rod and save the original characters to unlock the Wunderwaffle.
"Escalation": Power box:
The power switch can be found on the half-sunken ship to your right when you begin. The boat that covers the entrance is 500 points. When you go up the ship's side, proceed straight until you see a stairway to your left leading upstairs, which is worth 750 points to enter. Once inside, go to either the right or left of the cabin and go inside, where you will find a stairway leading up again. Go up and move around the room to find a door worth 750 points. Open this to find the power switch to your right when you walk in.
George the director strategy:
The easiest way to fight George is by not fighting him. Shooting him, blowing him up, and even knifing him will cause him to roar in fury, then charging at full sprint toward you and your allies until everyone is dead. If this occurs, you can lead him to any large body of water to calm him down. Until you acquire the new wonder weapon and upgrade it via pack-a-punch, you will not be able to kill him. Also, the power must be active before you can damage him.
"Escalation": Frozen zombies:
Lead a group of zombies into the water and keep them in there long enough to cause them to freeze for a moment, allowing you to run away or kill them easier.
"Escalation": Springing platforms and ziplines:
Before using either the platforms or zipline, you must first activate the power. After that, you must unlock the area that the platform or zipline ends at, otherwise it will not take you anywhere. The zipline can be used if there is no notice saying "Closed set" (indicating that you must unlock it) or "Power must be on" (power needs to be turned on). Once the zipline is active, jump into it near the edge. The springing platform can be used once the area (lighthouse base) is open and the power is activated. When you stand on it, you will hear a compression sound. Then, after a moment, it will launch you away. Beware as zombies and George can also use them.
"Escalation" Perks:
The following perks are available: Speed Cola, Juggar-naught, Double Tap, Stamin-Up, Dr. Phlopper, Quick Revive, and Deadshot. The Deadshot perk allows you to snap-aim (holding down your ADS while an enemy is near) to the zombie's head instead of its torso.
"Quiet On The Set" trophy hint:
Wait until a zombie drops the "Death Machine" perk while making sure you're near George when you pick it up. Shoot at him as much as possible. Since the Death Machine has unlimited ammo for a short time, this will deal significant damage to Romero. Even if you pull him into the water and he returns to normal, this will still inflict damage. It will require a massive amount of damage to defeat him. You do not necessarily need to turn the power on or kill him near the water; just as long as you keep doing damage to him, any weapon will bring him down. You will notice that his light hammer turns from blue to orange when you are close to defeating him.
Out of Maps hint:
Try the following steps to get out of maps:
1. Grab a friend to help you.
2. Get a class with a tactical.
3. Find a corner.
4. Put your tactical in the corner.
5. Keep putting care packages in the corner (don't let the crate fall on the tactical).
6. After putting the care packages in the corner tell your friend to kill you.
7. You will spawn in the care packages.
8. Now your friend stands in front of you (not too close).
9. Start knifing your friend, but you won't kill him.
10. After knifing him for a while you will get out of the map (some maps kill you if you walk on a roof or something).
Secret music hints:
-On the Zombies map Five, go up to the red telephones and hit the button prompted to change the background music to "Don't Back Down" by Eminem. There are three red telephones total: One by the Quick Revive machine, one on the second floor in the center of the room, and a third one in the room with the Pack-A-Punch machine.
-Shoot the mannequin heads in Nuketown you'll hear "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones.
-On the Zombie map "Kino Der Toten" there are three pieces of a meteorite located throughout the map. The first is near the stairs when you start the level, the second is in the "boiler room", and the third is in the "dressing room." Hit the prompt when next to the piece and your character will say a line about the meteor. When all three pieces are found, "115" by Elena Siegman will play.
Real window in Nuketown:
Go in front of any house in Nuketown and go to your right. Before getting in the backyard, stop at the corner of the house and face what looks like a flower box. It should say Press A to get on top. Afterward, climb up the wooden lattice that looks kinda like a ladder and you should be in front of one of the windows on the top floor. If the window is already broken, you can climb inside.
Rezurrection: "Big Bang Theory" trophy hint:
Before attempting to unlock quite possibly the most elaborate easter egg ever, make sure you satisfy the following:
Have 4 players.
Everyone involved must have the trophies "Ensemble Cast" and "Time Travel Will Tell" from the previous Zombie maps, Call of the Dead and Shangri-La, respectively.
Three Mystery Box weapons
Wave Gun, Quantum Entanglement Device (QED), and Gersch Device.
Excavator “Pi” to reach tunnel 6.
Step 1
First, activate the power. Once you do, locate the four computer terminals that sit in the outside starting area. Each computer terminal lights up a specific color, and you essentially must play “Simon Says.” When you successfully input a round of sequences, all four terminals light up green, signaling the next step.
Step 2
Head into the lab area with all the servers and use a hacker to hack one of four red buttons along the wall. Afterwards, some terminals light up green in the adjacent room. Have one of you hack all four of these green-lit terminals, and at least one other person press the four red buttons within seconds of one another until they all remain lit.
Step 3
The third step involves the Excavator breaching tunnel 6 (where the M16 is). It’s easier if you only open up the doors through tunnel 6 when you begin. Afterwards, get rid of the Excavator by hacking the proper terminal in the Receiving Area.
Step 4
If everything has gone according to plan so far, you’ll notice a round stone floating near the M16. Knife it to make it float around. Keep knifing it to move it along. Note that if it seems to have “hid” itself, simply shoot it in the general area where it disappeared to make it re-appear. This floating stone eventually bumbles its way to the disc at the base of that strange pyramid.
Step 5
A cylindrical tube emerges from the right side of the pyramid’s base. Apparently, zombies’ souls belong in this tube. For the tube to collect these souls, you’ll need to kill several zombies near it, and you’ll watch the tube slowly fill up. When the tube is completely filled with zombie souls, you’ll next need to flip the switch on the wall to the right of the tube. Congratulations on unlocking Cryogenic Slumber Party! From here, you need Richtofen’s Vrill Generator to proceed. This is gotten by completing the previous Easter egg trophies. Whoever is Richtofen will have the Vrill Generator at the bottom of his screen.
Step 6
All players will have the Death Machine power-up for about 90 seconds, so head back to Area 51 (where you first started) to earn some major points on zombies, if any. Look to your right and toss grenades at the plates on the shelf. A friend with the Gersch Device needs to then throw a Gersch Device to where the plates have fallen to suck them up and move them to the teleporter. Quickly get on the teleporter to be transported back to the station.
Step 7
You’ll now find the plates lying on the floor in front of the Quick Revive. Use the QED to shuttle them to the computer in the corner of the same room. Whoever is Richtofen must place the Vrill Generator in-between the plates to activate a cut-scene. Have Richtofen repeatedly press SQUARE at the computer keyboard until the voice-over ends and the color of the computer screen turns and stays green.
Step 8
Take the glowing Vrill Generator and return to the pyramid. The Vrill Generator will insert itself in the engraving and cause more cylindrical tubes to rise from the corners. You’ll need to kill enough zombies to fill up every tube. Once all four tubes have been infused with souls, activate the switch again to drain them.
Step 9
Richtofen must grab the revealed Vrill Generator to earn him perks that stick around permanently. Use the QED to transport the floating stone back outside. It ends up right by the “Simon Says” computer terminals. Suck up the floating stone with the Gersch Device.
Step 10
The stone goes to some out-of-reach rockets, which launch toward Earth, after completing “Simon Says.” Once the rockets smash into the Earth, you earn "Big Bang Theory."
Bronze trophies
Sacrifice - Ensure your squad escapes safely from Cuba.
Death to Dictators - Use a single round to bring down Castro.
Give me liberty, or give me death - Escape Vorkuta.
Slingshot Kid - Destroy all slingshot targets in 3 attempts.
VIP - Receive orders from Lancer.
A safer place - Sabotage the Soviet space program.
Tough Economy - Use no more than 6 TOW guided missiles to destroy the tanks in the defense of Khe Sanh.
Looks don't count - Break the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh.
SOG Rules - Retrieve the dossier and the defector from Hue City.
Raining Pain - Rack up a bodycount of 20 NVA using air support in Hue City.
The Dragon Within - Kill 10 NVA with Dragon's Breath rounds.
Heavy Hand - Use the Grim Reaper to destroy the MG emplacement.
Up close and personal - Silently take out 3 VC.
Double Trouble - Use only dual wield weapons to escape Kowloon.
Broken English - Escape Kowloon.
Never get off the boat - Find the Soviet connection in Laos.
Russian Bar-B-Q - Incinerate 10 enemies with the flamethrower attachment in the POW compound.
Some wounds never heal - Escape the past.
I hate monkeys - Kill 7 monkeys in under 10 seconds in the Rebirth labs.
Clarity - Crack the code.
Double Whammy - Destroy both helicopters with one TOW guided missile from the deck of the ship.
Frag Master - Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade.
Sally Likes Blood - Demonstrate killer economic sensibilities by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet.
Unconventional Warfare - Use the explosive bolts to kill 30 enemies.
Closer Analysis - Find all the hidden intel.
Matinee - Watch a film clip with a friend.
Gamblin' Fool - Finish 5 Wager Matches 'in the money'.
You can do it - Reach rank 10 in Basic Training.
The Collector - In Zombie mode, buy every weapon off the walls in a single game.
Hands Off the Merchandise - Kill the Pentagon thief before it can steal your load-out.
Sacrificial Lamb - Kill 6 zombies after getting shot by a Pack-a-Punched Crossbow bolt.
"Insert Coin" - Access the terminal and battle the forces of the Cosmic Silverback in Dead Ops Arcade.
Easy Rhino - In Dead Ops Arcade, use a Speed Boost to blast through 20 or more enemies at one time.
See Me, Stab Me, Heal Me - Fire a Pack-a-Punched Ballistic Knife at a downed ally to revive them from a distance.
Silver trophies
Vehicular Slaughter - Destroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break.
Lord Nelson - Destroy all targets and structures while making your way up the river.
Pathfinder - Guide the squad through the Soviet outpost without them getting killed.
Mr. Black OP - Enter the Soviet relay station undetected.
With extreme prejudice - Get to the POW compound in the Hind using only rockets.
Light Foot - Escape the ship with 2:15 left on the timer in Veteran.
No Leaks - Make it through the NOVA 6 gas without dying on Rebirth Island.
Stand Down - Complete the campaign on any difficulty.
Down and Dirty - Complete 'SOG' and 'The Defector' on Veteran difficulty.
It's your funeral - Complete 'Numbers', 'Project Nova' and 'Victor Charlie' on Veteran difficulty.
Cold Warrior - Complete 'Operation 40', 'Vorkuta' and 'Executive Order' on Veteran difficulty.
Not Today - Complete 'Crash Site', 'WMD' and 'Payback' on Veteran difficulty.
Burn Notice - Complete 'Rebirth' and 'Redemption' on Veteran difficulty.
Gold trophies
Black Op Master - Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.
Platinum trophy
Platinum Trophy - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
"First Strike" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Chimp on the Barbie - In ascension kill a space monkey with a fire trap.
The Eagle Has Landers - In ascension escape on all 3 lunar landers.
They Are Going THROUGH! - In ascension kill at least 5 zombies with 1 gersh device.
Silver trophies
Space Race - In ascension pack-a-punch a weapon before round 8.
"Annihilation" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Quiet on the Set - In Call of the Dead, cut the lights on the Director.
Shooting on Location - In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away.
Stand-In - In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in solo or co-op.
Stuntman - In Call of the Dead, make a zombie explode using the V-R11.
Silver trophies
Ensemble Cast - In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op.
"Escalation " trophies:
Bronze trophies
Stand-In - In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in solo or co-op.
Stuntman - In Call of the Dead, make a zombie explode using the V-R11.
Shooting on Location - In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away.
Quiet on the Set - In Call of the Dead, cut the lights on the Director.
Silver trophies
Ensemble Cast - In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op.
"Rezurrection" trophies:
Bronze trophies
One Small Hack for a Man... - In Moon, hack something.
One Giant Leap - In Moon, become trapped in the Receiving Area and free yourself through resurrection in co-op.
Perks in Spaaaaace! - In Moon, purchase every perk in one game.
Fully Armed and Operational - In Moon, acquire 3 pack-a-punched weapons at the same time.
Ground Control - In Moon, prevent each excavator from breaching the base in one game.
Silver trophies
Cryogenic Slumber Party - In Moon, complete Richtofen's grand scheme.
At the title screen, use the Right Analog-stick to look down at your hand when you are locked up. Repeatedly press L1 + R1 to escape from the chair. Move around the lab and find a computer. Type in the following commands to activate the corresponding cheats:
DOA - Zombie killing mini-game similar to Smash TV. Use the Left Analog-stick to move and the Right Analog-stick to shoot.
3ARC INTEL - View all intel.
3ARC UNLOCK - Unlock Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie mode.
ZORK or HELLO SAILOR - Zork - The Great Underground Empire text adventure game.
DIR - List audio files and pictures for use with CAT command.
CAT or PRINT - Open corresponding file.
WHO - List of login names for use with the RLOGIN command (requires passwords).
LOGIN - Attempt a new session with a corresponding username and password
DIR or LS - Display contents of the current directory.
ENCODE - Encode a string using the CIA's cipher.
DECODE - Decode a string using the CIA's cipher.
MAIL - Open the mail folder for the current user.
FOOBAR - Displays "Fee Fie Foe Foo!"
ALICIA - Alicia virtual therapist game.
HELP - List commands.
Dreamland server:
Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System and enter "rlogin dreamland" as a command. You will be prompted to login with an account with MJ12 access. Use the following usernames and passwords to continue.
Login as Robert Oppen
Username: roppen
password: trinity
Login as Vannevar Bush
Username: vbush
password: majestic1
Login as T. Walker
Username: twalker
password: thanksdad
Terminal access:
Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System. Enter "login" as a command. Use the following usernames and passwords to login. You can then access their documents with the "dir" command or email with the "mail" command.
Bruce Harris - bharris(goskins)
D. King - dking(mfk)
Adrienne Smith - asmith(roxy)
Vannevar Bush - vbush(manhattan)
Frank Woods - fwoods(philly)
Grigori "Greg" Weaver - gweaver(gedeon)
J. Turner - Jturner(condor75)
Jason Hudson - jhudson(bryant1950)
John McCone - jmccone(berkley22)
Joseph Bowman - jbowman(uwd)
John F. Kennedy - jfkennedy(lancer)
Lyndon B. Johnson - lbjohnson(ladybird)
Richard Nixon - rnixon(checkers)
Richard Helms - rhelms(lerosey)
Richard Kain - rkain(sunwu)
Ryan Jackson - rjackson(saintbridget)
T. Walker - twalker(radi0)
Terrance Brooks - tbrooks(lauren)
William Raborn - wraborn(bromlow)
Extra Custom Class slots:
Unlock the following Custom Class slots by reaching the corresponding Prestige levels. Note: After unlocking a slot, the pre-set class for that slot will not be available until you reach Prestige again.
Sixth slot - First Prestige
Seventh slot - Third Prestige
Eighth slot - Fifth Prestige
Ninth slot - Seventh Prestige
Tenth slot - Ninth Prestige
Ascension: "Abracadavre" song:
Find the three hidden teddy bears holding a sickle and press [Action] next to them to play the song "Abracadvre" by Elena Siegman. The first bear is located left of the Olympia shotgun in the starting room. The second bear is behind the fence across from where you purchase Claymores. The third bear is by the lunar lander near the Speed Cola machine.
"Five": Zombies mode: On top of the teleporter:
Go downstairs, then stand in front of the large elevator. Go left along the desks next to the teleporter until you see a railing. Stand behind so that you can see it long ways. Dolphin dive on top of it. When on top of the railing, stand up and keep jumping up until you are on the teleporter. Zombies cannot harm you unless you get too close to the stairs. You will gain lots of points because the zombies will gather up, and it is easy to shoot them while they are crowded together.
Gun Game Wager match weapons:
The following are the twenty guns available in the Gun Game wager match:
1. Python with multiple attachments
2. Makarov dual wield
3. Spas
4. Ithica
5. MP5K
6. Skorpion dual wield
7. AK74u
8. M14
9. M16
11. AUG
12. Hk21
13. M60
14. L96A1
15. WA2000
16. Grim Reaper
17. M72 Law
18. China Lake
19. Crossbow explosive tip
20. Ballistic knife
Zombie mode maps:
Unlock the following maps for Zombies mode by performing the corresponding tasks:
Dead Ops Arcade - Play the Dead Ops Arcade game.
Der Riese - Enter unique code from Call Of Duty - Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Five - Complete Campaign mode.
Kino Der Toten - Available by default.
Nacht Der Untoten - Enter unique code from Call Of Duty - Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Shi No Numa - Enter unique code from Call Of Duty - Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Verruckt - Enter unique code from Call Of Duty - Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Zombies mode: Pack-A-Punch upgrades:
Use the Pack-A-Punch machine to make the following upgrades.
Assault rifles
AUG - AUG-50M3
Commando - Predator
Famas - G16-GL35
G11 - G115 Generator
Galil - Lemantation
M14 - Mnesia
M16 - SkullCrusher
CZ75 - Calamity
CZ75 Dual Wield - Calamity & Jane
M1911 - Mustang & Sally
Python - Cobra
China Lake - China Beach
M72 LAW - M72 Anarchy
Light machine guns
HK21 - H115 Oscillator
RPK - R115 Resonator
HS10 - Typhoid & Mary
Olympia - Hades
SPAZ-12 - SPAZ-24
Stakeout - Raid
Sniper rifles
Dragunov - D115 Disassembler
L96A1 - L115 Isolator
Submachine guns
AK47u - AK74fu2
MP40 - The Afterburner
MPK5 - MP115 Kollider
PM63 - Tokyo & Rose
Special weapons
Ballistic Knife - The Krause Refibrillator
Crossbow - Awful Lawton
Ray Gun - Porter's X2 Ray Gun
Thundergun - Zeus Cannon
Winter's Fury - Winter's Fury
Killstreak bonuses:
Unlock the following bonuses by getting the corresponding amount of consecutive kills without dying:
Spy Plane - 3 kills; shows enemies on the mini-map (free).
RC-XD - 3 kills; remote control car with explosives piloted by killstreak user (1,200 points).
Counter-Spy Plane - 4 kills; temporarily disables enemy's mini-map (1,600 points).
SAM Turret - 4 kills; airdrop a turret that destroys aircraft (1,600 points).
Care Package - 5 kills; airdrop a crate that contains a random killstreak, ammo crate, or special weapon (free).
Napalm Strike - 5 kills; airstrike drops fire over an area of the your choice which burns and damages enemies temporarily (2,400 points).
Sentry Gun - 6 kills; airdrops anti-personnel sentry gun (3,200 points).
Mortar Team - 6 kills; user targets three locations to be shelled by mortars (3,200 points).
Attack Helicopter - 7 kills; call in automated attack helicopter to a selected location (free).
Valkyrie Rockets - 7 kills; two remote controlled rockets (4,000 points).
Blackbird - 8 kills; advanced version of the spy plane that indicates enemies on the map and direction they are facing (4,500 points).
Rolling Thunder - 8 kills; B-52 bomber bombs selected location (4,500 points).
Chopper Gunner - 9 kills; control door-mounted mini-gun from a helicopter that circles the map; enemies without the Ghost perk are displayed as red dots (5,000 points).
Attack Dogs - 11 kills; call in a group of attack dogs (6,000 points).
Gunship - 11 kills; pilot a helicopter with rockets and machine guns; helicopter can be destroyed (6,000 points).
Multiplayer bonuses:
Unlock the following bonuses by reaching the corresponding levels:
Create A Class - Level 4
Contracts - Level 5
Clan Tag - Level 6
Game Mode Challenges - Level 8
Killstreaks, Killstreak Challenges, Playercard Emblems - Level 10
Combat Record - Level 13
Medal Challenges - Level 15
Gun Emblems - Level 16
Gun Tag - Level 19
Elite Challenges - Level 20
Camo - Level 22
Custom Reticules - Level 25
Custom Lenses - Level 28
Final Challenges - Level 30
Facepaint - Level 31
Prestige Mode - Level 50
Prestige Leaderboard, Custom Class 6 - Prestige 1
Custom Class 7 - Prestige 3
Custom Class 8 - Prestige 5
Custom Class 9 - Prestige 7
Custom Class 10 - Prestige 9
Face Tattoos - Prestige 11
Clan Tag Colors - Prestige 13
Golden Camo - Prestige 14
Prestige Playlists - Prestige 15
Perks list:
The following is a list of perks that can be unlocked:
Tier 1
Flak Jacket - Reduces explosive damage.
Flak Jacket Pro - Deflect fire damage, and safely toss back grenades.
Ghost - Undetectable by the Spy Plane and Blackbird.
Ghost Pro - Undetectable by aircraft, IR scopes, Sentry Guns, and no red cross hair on your name when targeted.
Hardline - Killstreaks require one less kill.
Harline Pro - Change the contents of a Care Package.
Lightweight - Move faster.
Lightweight Pro - No fall damage.
Scavenger - Get ammo from fallen enemies.
Scavenger Pro - Start with extra magazines, and get grenades from fallen enemies.
Tier 2
Hardened - Bullets penetrate better.
Hardened Pro - Increased bullet damage to killstreaks and less aiming recoil when shot.
Scout - Hold breath longer.
Scout Pro - Switch weapons faster.
Sleight Of Hand - Faster reloads.
Sleight Of Hand Pro - ADS with all weapons, except sniper rifles.
Steady Aim - Increased hip-fire accuracy.
Steady Aim Pro - Faster ADS after sprinting.
Warlord - Equip two attachments to your primary weapon.
Warlord Pro - Start with one extra lethal and tactical grenade (except Willy Pete).
Tier 3
Hacker - Ability to detect enemy equipment and explosives.
Hacker Pro - Booby trap enemy Care Packages and turn enemy killstreaks and equipment friendly.
Marathon - Longer sprint.
Marathon Pro - Unlimited duration.
Ninja - Silent movement.
Ninja Pro - Make no noise, and hear all enemies louder.
Second Chance - Ability to use your pistol before dying.
Second Chance Pro - Survive longer, and get revived by teammates.
Tactical Mask - Protects against Nova Gas.
Numbers: Thundergun weapon:
In the level "Numbers," after interrogating Clarke, several enemy soldiers will appear at the end of the long hallway. Shoot all six Nova 6 canisters and you will be able to collect a cassette tape in the office behind where you started. Throw a flashbang to blind the enemies so you have less interference when taking out the canisters. After picking up the tape, continue until you reach the part where Weaver and Clarke both jump off the roof onto a mattress. After they jump down, Clarke will ask Weaver to help him move a fridge out of the way to his first weapon stash. Once they do, go inside and look to the left. There should be a place to put the cassette. Note: When picking up and placing the cassette tape, the game will not prompt you; you must have seen it being moved yourself. After that, the screen will shake and the Thunder Gun will appear out of the wall. It has twelve bullets, and it is reloaded at checkpoints.
Battle of Khe Sanh Trenches strategy:
At the Battle of Khe Sanh, you will be informed to clear the trenches. There is also a nearly inaudible clue telling you that there are barrels full of napalm but it does not tell you what to do with the barrels. You have to run to two of the large striped barrels near the bottom of the hill and kick them down into the trench. Then, hide behind the sandbags and shoot the VC until it's clear. Make a run for the nearby barrel and use the prompt to stab it and kick it down the hill.
Pack-A-Punch on Five (Zombies):
To reach the Pack-A-Punch on the Zombies mode "Five" map, make a crawler and go into the middle room and adjust the DEFCON level to DEFCON 5. Every teleporter will take you to Presidential Suite. All switches are in that room; 3 are upstairs and 1 is downstairs.
Pentagon Map for Zombie Mode (Five):
Complete the game to unlock Zombie Mode, where you play as Nixon, Castro, Kennedy, McNamara.
"Sympathy For the Devil" song:
Shoot the heads off all the mannequins in record time to hear "Sympathy For the Devil" by the Rolling Stones.
"Five": "Don't Back Down" song:
To play "Don't Back Down" by Eminem, do the following. Locate the three red rotary phones throughout the Pentagon that ring and flash. The first phone can be found after you opening the set of doors in the corner at the start. The second phone is located on the catwalk circling the room after leaving the first elevator. The third phone is located in a room after leaving the second elevator on the floor that the power is on. Listen for a ringing sound to find the phones. Look at the phone, then hold [Action] until you hear a busy signal. After the third phone is accessed, the song "Don't Back Down" by Eminem will play.
"Kino Der Toten": "115" song:
To play "115" by Elena Siegman, do the following. Find the three meteors. The first meteor is located on a pedestal in a corner behind the soda in the main lobby. The second meteor is located on a pedestal in the dressing room near some mannequins. The third meteor is located in the room upstairs near the alleyway, on a "dresser" with black marquee letters. Note: The meteors appear as red veined rocks. Hold [Use] on each meteor until your character says something or the veins in the rock glow red. After all three are found, the song "115" by Elena Siegman will play.
"Frag Master" trophy hints:
The "Frag Master" trophy can be unlocked by performing any of the following three tasks:
Campaign mode
During the battle of Khe Sanh when the NVA are pouring out of the tunnels in the background, throw grenades into the crowd. You are bound to kill some of them.
Get five of your friends to join the other side. Tell them to cram together, then toss a frag grenade.
This requires two players. Blow the legs off five zombies and have the other player to stand in one place while the zombies crawl towards them. When they are all attacking your friend, throw a frag grenade.
"I Hate Monkeys" trophy hint:
In the Rebirth labs, fire the China Lake into the central chamber of the lab. Once the explosion goes off in the chamber, the Nova 6 will not only kill the soldiers, but all of the monkeys as well.
"Rhino" trophy hint:
In Dead Ops mode, wait until you get to a higher round (for example, rounds 8 or 10) and use a meat power-up at the start of the round. When they pour in, wait a moment, then use the speed power-up.
Nuketown: "Sympathy For the Devil":
Shoot off the heads of all the mannequins in record time to hear "Sympathy For the Devil" by the Rolling Stones.
Summit: Getting on the red trolley glitch:
Go to the little ramp, sprint, and press A to jump to it. Then, press A again when against the "trolley" to climb in.
Better guns from Mystery Box in Kino Der Toten:
While playing solo, knife the entire 1st round and open the top door that leads to a possible mystery box. If it is there, throw a grenade under it and walk away. Wait for it to blow, then go to it but have your back facing the box. Buy it and stay looking away! When it says trade weapons,buy with your back facing it! By doing this, you get a Python, Thundergun, Commando, and AUG.
"Sally Likes Blood" trophy hint:
On "The Defector" mission, when you go inside the building with Bowman, Reznov, and Woods, (the one where the man is crying over his dead friend), go upstairs to find two VC in front of you and three more behind the window next to them. Aim precisely so that you can kill all three of them in one shot. This is a checkpoint; if you miss, kill yourself and try again.
Firing range sniper spot:
Across from the garage is a rocky ledge. Go up to it and keep jumping until you get on top; you may need to try different spots. When successful, you now have an awesome sniping spot.
Hell Hounds barrier glitch:
The power must be on to do this glitch. Go up to the teleporter, and go to the left of it near the barrel type things. Simply walk in the corner, scooting back by the curtain, and then justturn around and shoot. Only 1 dog can be in the glitch at a time, otherwise they will start hitting you. Note: this will not work if you have updated the game.
Ray Gun glitch:
After buying the box for 950 points, pull out your m1911 pistol that you start with. Shoot two times in the left and two in the right, then lie down, stand up and do the same. When you automatically empty your clip you should have the Ray Gun.
Zombie Monkeys on "Shangri-La Zombie":
The new Zombie map, Shangri-La from Annihilation DLC, features immortal zombie monkeys. At first they don't appear to do anything, though they respawn when they are killed. However, once a power-up drops nearby, these zombie monkeys will snatch up the power-up and attempt to take it back to the shrine. While running back to the shrine, the power-up in the monkey's possession will switch between the different power-ups. If you kill it, it will drop whatever power-up it held last, but other zombie monkeys will attempt to retrieve it as well. If you manage to grab it before a monkey does, the monkey tries to loot 50 points from you.
Hidden Avenged Sevenfold song:
Note: The Call of the Dead map pack update is required. You also must activate three meteorites. The first meteorite can be found right in the starting area by the canister. For the second one, you must reach 750 points. Open the path to the right (while facing the lake) of the starting area and head upstairs, then pass the blockade and enter the room with the tables. On the far side is a meteorite lying on the seat. You'll need 750 points to open the path to the lighthouse. Underneath the large staircase, leading up to the lighthouse, is a room. Facing the staircase, turn right and make your way to the room below. The meteorite is here. After finding it, "I'm Not Ready to Die" by Avenged Sevenfold will play.
Secret film:
In the Zombie map "Kino Der Toten", there is a teleporter in front of the curtain on stage. When you use this teleporter, you get sent to the room that has the Pack-a-Punch machine and a window. If you wait about a minute you'll be teleported again to one of several secret rooms. Inside the secret room that contains the presidential seal and a projector, there is a desk. On the desk there is an old roll of film which you can pick up (be warned you will not be prompted to pick it up, you just can).
"Escalation": Wunderwaffle:
Find the Golden Rod and save the original characters to unlock the Wunderwaffle.
"Escalation": Power box:
The power switch can be found on the half-sunken ship to your right when you begin. The boat that covers the entrance is 500 points. When you go up the ship's side, proceed straight until you see a stairway to your left leading upstairs, which is worth 750 points to enter. Once inside, go to either the right or left of the cabin and go inside, where you will find a stairway leading up again. Go up and move around the room to find a door worth 750 points. Open this to find the power switch to your right when you walk in.
George the director strategy:
The easiest way to fight George is by not fighting him. Shooting him, blowing him up, and even knifing him will cause him to roar in fury, then charging at full sprint toward you and your allies until everyone is dead. If this occurs, you can lead him to any large body of water to calm him down. Until you acquire the new wonder weapon and upgrade it via pack-a-punch, you will not be able to kill him. Also, the power must be active before you can damage him.
"Escalation": Frozen zombies:
Lead a group of zombies into the water and keep them in there long enough to cause them to freeze for a moment, allowing you to run away or kill them easier.
"Escalation": Springing platforms and ziplines:
Before using either the platforms or zipline, you must first activate the power. After that, you must unlock the area that the platform or zipline ends at, otherwise it will not take you anywhere. The zipline can be used if there is no notice saying "Closed set" (indicating that you must unlock it) or "Power must be on" (power needs to be turned on). Once the zipline is active, jump into it near the edge. The springing platform can be used once the area (lighthouse base) is open and the power is activated. When you stand on it, you will hear a compression sound. Then, after a moment, it will launch you away. Beware as zombies and George can also use them.
"Escalation" Perks:
The following perks are available: Speed Cola, Juggar-naught, Double Tap, Stamin-Up, Dr. Phlopper, Quick Revive, and Deadshot. The Deadshot perk allows you to snap-aim (holding down your ADS while an enemy is near) to the zombie's head instead of its torso.
"Quiet On The Set" trophy hint:
Wait until a zombie drops the "Death Machine" perk while making sure you're near George when you pick it up. Shoot at him as much as possible. Since the Death Machine has unlimited ammo for a short time, this will deal significant damage to Romero. Even if you pull him into the water and he returns to normal, this will still inflict damage. It will require a massive amount of damage to defeat him. You do not necessarily need to turn the power on or kill him near the water; just as long as you keep doing damage to him, any weapon will bring him down. You will notice that his light hammer turns from blue to orange when you are close to defeating him.
Out of Maps hint:
Try the following steps to get out of maps:
1. Grab a friend to help you.
2. Get a class with a tactical.
3. Find a corner.
4. Put your tactical in the corner.
5. Keep putting care packages in the corner (don't let the crate fall on the tactical).
6. After putting the care packages in the corner tell your friend to kill you.
7. You will spawn in the care packages.
8. Now your friend stands in front of you (not too close).
9. Start knifing your friend, but you won't kill him.
10. After knifing him for a while you will get out of the map (some maps kill you if you walk on a roof or something).
Secret music hints:
-On the Zombies map Five, go up to the red telephones and hit the button prompted to change the background music to "Don't Back Down" by Eminem. There are three red telephones total: One by the Quick Revive machine, one on the second floor in the center of the room, and a third one in the room with the Pack-A-Punch machine.
-Shoot the mannequin heads in Nuketown you'll hear "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones.
-On the Zombie map "Kino Der Toten" there are three pieces of a meteorite located throughout the map. The first is near the stairs when you start the level, the second is in the "boiler room", and the third is in the "dressing room." Hit the prompt when next to the piece and your character will say a line about the meteor. When all three pieces are found, "115" by Elena Siegman will play.
Real window in Nuketown:
Go in front of any house in Nuketown and go to your right. Before getting in the backyard, stop at the corner of the house and face what looks like a flower box. It should say Press A to get on top. Afterward, climb up the wooden lattice that looks kinda like a ladder and you should be in front of one of the windows on the top floor. If the window is already broken, you can climb inside.
Rezurrection: "Big Bang Theory" trophy hint:
Before attempting to unlock quite possibly the most elaborate easter egg ever, make sure you satisfy the following:
Have 4 players.
Everyone involved must have the trophies "Ensemble Cast" and "Time Travel Will Tell" from the previous Zombie maps, Call of the Dead and Shangri-La, respectively.
Three Mystery Box weapons
Wave Gun, Quantum Entanglement Device (QED), and Gersch Device.
Excavator “Pi” to reach tunnel 6.
Step 1
First, activate the power. Once you do, locate the four computer terminals that sit in the outside starting area. Each computer terminal lights up a specific color, and you essentially must play “Simon Says.” When you successfully input a round of sequences, all four terminals light up green, signaling the next step.
Step 2
Head into the lab area with all the servers and use a hacker to hack one of four red buttons along the wall. Afterwards, some terminals light up green in the adjacent room. Have one of you hack all four of these green-lit terminals, and at least one other person press the four red buttons within seconds of one another until they all remain lit.
Step 3
The third step involves the Excavator breaching tunnel 6 (where the M16 is). It’s easier if you only open up the doors through tunnel 6 when you begin. Afterwards, get rid of the Excavator by hacking the proper terminal in the Receiving Area.
Step 4
If everything has gone according to plan so far, you’ll notice a round stone floating near the M16. Knife it to make it float around. Keep knifing it to move it along. Note that if it seems to have “hid” itself, simply shoot it in the general area where it disappeared to make it re-appear. This floating stone eventually bumbles its way to the disc at the base of that strange pyramid.
Step 5
A cylindrical tube emerges from the right side of the pyramid’s base. Apparently, zombies’ souls belong in this tube. For the tube to collect these souls, you’ll need to kill several zombies near it, and you’ll watch the tube slowly fill up. When the tube is completely filled with zombie souls, you’ll next need to flip the switch on the wall to the right of the tube. Congratulations on unlocking Cryogenic Slumber Party! From here, you need Richtofen’s Vrill Generator to proceed. This is gotten by completing the previous Easter egg trophies. Whoever is Richtofen will have the Vrill Generator at the bottom of his screen.
Step 6
All players will have the Death Machine power-up for about 90 seconds, so head back to Area 51 (where you first started) to earn some major points on zombies, if any. Look to your right and toss grenades at the plates on the shelf. A friend with the Gersch Device needs to then throw a Gersch Device to where the plates have fallen to suck them up and move them to the teleporter. Quickly get on the teleporter to be transported back to the station.
Step 7
You’ll now find the plates lying on the floor in front of the Quick Revive. Use the QED to shuttle them to the computer in the corner of the same room. Whoever is Richtofen must place the Vrill Generator in-between the plates to activate a cut-scene. Have Richtofen repeatedly press SQUARE at the computer keyboard until the voice-over ends and the color of the computer screen turns and stays green.
Step 8
Take the glowing Vrill Generator and return to the pyramid. The Vrill Generator will insert itself in the engraving and cause more cylindrical tubes to rise from the corners. You’ll need to kill enough zombies to fill up every tube. Once all four tubes have been infused with souls, activate the switch again to drain them.
Step 9
Richtofen must grab the revealed Vrill Generator to earn him perks that stick around permanently. Use the QED to transport the floating stone back outside. It ends up right by the “Simon Says” computer terminals. Suck up the floating stone with the Gersch Device.
Step 10
The stone goes to some out-of-reach rockets, which launch toward Earth, after completing “Simon Says.” Once the rockets smash into the Earth, you earn "Big Bang Theory."
Bronze trophies
Sacrifice - Ensure your squad escapes safely from Cuba.
Death to Dictators - Use a single round to bring down Castro.
Give me liberty, or give me death - Escape Vorkuta.
Slingshot Kid - Destroy all slingshot targets in 3 attempts.
VIP - Receive orders from Lancer.
A safer place - Sabotage the Soviet space program.
Tough Economy - Use no more than 6 TOW guided missiles to destroy the tanks in the defense of Khe Sanh.
Looks don't count - Break the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh.
SOG Rules - Retrieve the dossier and the defector from Hue City.
Raining Pain - Rack up a bodycount of 20 NVA using air support in Hue City.
The Dragon Within - Kill 10 NVA with Dragon's Breath rounds.
Heavy Hand - Use the Grim Reaper to destroy the MG emplacement.
Up close and personal - Silently take out 3 VC.
Double Trouble - Use only dual wield weapons to escape Kowloon.
Broken English - Escape Kowloon.
Never get off the boat - Find the Soviet connection in Laos.
Russian Bar-B-Q - Incinerate 10 enemies with the flamethrower attachment in the POW compound.
Some wounds never heal - Escape the past.
I hate monkeys - Kill 7 monkeys in under 10 seconds in the Rebirth labs.
Clarity - Crack the code.
Double Whammy - Destroy both helicopters with one TOW guided missile from the deck of the ship.
Frag Master - Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade.
Sally Likes Blood - Demonstrate killer economic sensibilities by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet.
Unconventional Warfare - Use the explosive bolts to kill 30 enemies.
Closer Analysis - Find all the hidden intel.
Matinee - Watch a film clip with a friend.
Gamblin' Fool - Finish 5 Wager Matches 'in the money'.
You can do it - Reach rank 10 in Basic Training.
The Collector - In Zombie mode, buy every weapon off the walls in a single game.
Hands Off the Merchandise - Kill the Pentagon thief before it can steal your load-out.
Sacrificial Lamb - Kill 6 zombies after getting shot by a Pack-a-Punched Crossbow bolt.
"Insert Coin" - Access the terminal and battle the forces of the Cosmic Silverback in Dead Ops Arcade.
Easy Rhino - In Dead Ops Arcade, use a Speed Boost to blast through 20 or more enemies at one time.
See Me, Stab Me, Heal Me - Fire a Pack-a-Punched Ballistic Knife at a downed ally to revive them from a distance.
Silver trophies
Vehicular Slaughter - Destroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break.
Lord Nelson - Destroy all targets and structures while making your way up the river.
Pathfinder - Guide the squad through the Soviet outpost without them getting killed.
Mr. Black OP - Enter the Soviet relay station undetected.
With extreme prejudice - Get to the POW compound in the Hind using only rockets.
Light Foot - Escape the ship with 2:15 left on the timer in Veteran.
No Leaks - Make it through the NOVA 6 gas without dying on Rebirth Island.
Stand Down - Complete the campaign on any difficulty.
Down and Dirty - Complete 'SOG' and 'The Defector' on Veteran difficulty.
It's your funeral - Complete 'Numbers', 'Project Nova' and 'Victor Charlie' on Veteran difficulty.
Cold Warrior - Complete 'Operation 40', 'Vorkuta' and 'Executive Order' on Veteran difficulty.
Not Today - Complete 'Crash Site', 'WMD' and 'Payback' on Veteran difficulty.
Burn Notice - Complete 'Rebirth' and 'Redemption' on Veteran difficulty.
Gold trophies
Black Op Master - Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.
Platinum trophy
Platinum Trophy - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
"First Strike" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Chimp on the Barbie - In ascension kill a space monkey with a fire trap.
The Eagle Has Landers - In ascension escape on all 3 lunar landers.
They Are Going THROUGH! - In ascension kill at least 5 zombies with 1 gersh device.
Silver trophies
Space Race - In ascension pack-a-punch a weapon before round 8.
"Annihilation" trophies:
Bronze trophies
Quiet on the Set - In Call of the Dead, cut the lights on the Director.
Shooting on Location - In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away.
Stand-In - In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in solo or co-op.
Stuntman - In Call of the Dead, make a zombie explode using the V-R11.
Silver trophies
Ensemble Cast - In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op.
"Escalation " trophies:
Bronze trophies
Stand-In - In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in solo or co-op.
Stuntman - In Call of the Dead, make a zombie explode using the V-R11.
Shooting on Location - In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away.
Quiet on the Set - In Call of the Dead, cut the lights on the Director.
Silver trophies
Ensemble Cast - In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op.
"Rezurrection" trophies:
Bronze trophies
One Small Hack for a Man... - In Moon, hack something.
One Giant Leap - In Moon, become trapped in the Receiving Area and free yourself through resurrection in co-op.
Perks in Spaaaaace! - In Moon, purchase every perk in one game.
Fully Armed and Operational - In Moon, acquire 3 pack-a-punched weapons at the same time.
Ground Control - In Moon, prevent each excavator from breaching the base in one game.
Silver trophies
Cryogenic Slumber Party - In Moon, complete Richtofen's grand scheme.
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